World of Discord (RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Sep 12, 13:00:56

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[glow=black,2,300]Um, listen, I know this is gonna sound super inconsiderate and disrespectful and all, but Clockwork's dead. We don't exactly have to protect him from anything, do we? I could see why we'd do that in a normal situation, but this place is nothing but normal. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to be practical.[/glow]


"[glow=orange,2,300]Ah know what ya mean but think about it. There is still power in his main core. Ah sensed it when ah cast ma' element spell on 'im.[/glow]" Amor Wing says to bolt.
((Going to stick with Amor Wing from here on out.))


Shadechaser began to feel like she was apart of a race during the Running of the Leaves. She recalled some ponies, and could feel some comfort as she ran. She could see some faces she once saw before, and others that kept their eyes forward. Nothing could interrupt her train of thought, for she was disconnected from the outside world, and yet she was still visible to the outside.

[glow=purple,2,300]If this land shows what could have been, then I can only see those times.[/glow]

She thought as she ran past her first resting spot within this world.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Derpy didn't seem very interested in eating at the moment, perhaps she didn't have to, considering how she has to walk seven quadrillion laps and survived to live to run one. Koalemos on the other hand had to eat, and decided to just gobble up the entire thing and wash it down with the rest of his chocolate milk. He ended his meal with a satisfied and involuntary burp, as a cloud of smoke escape his mouth.

"Excuse me." He said and coughed a little. "A mail mare, you say? That's very nice. I suppose it wasn't quite as dangerous back then as it is nowadays." He chuckled for a moment before continuing. "I bet she was a wonderful little filly. Dinky, right? That's a beautiful name. I can't say I've heard of Time Turner before, though. Your name's pretty well-known. Isn't your husband here to walk with you?"


Main core? Oh... that sounds interesting. Laserbolt thought.

[glow=black,2,300]Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'll stay behind, then.[/glow]

The Clockwork King

Queb's eyes flashed at the new pony before them, hardly a welcoming gesture, but it would do. He remembered when this pony...this Bane...made his home within his forest, yet the details were mistier than the will 'o' wisp that settled over his bogs. The pony had built a shack on the edge of the land from the trees around him, had this Bane given back what he had stolen from the Lord of Life? The trees felled and earth cleared had pained the life-giver, but whether retribution was called for was a matter unsure. Queb straightens as he turns to Bleyd, addressing the tree-kin directly.
Though your nature opposite to what I am about to ask of you, tree-kin Bleyd, I wish for it to be carried out with the same care and kindness as you tend to my children of green. I need you to find Clockwork and bring him to this 'Sweet Rock Acres', so I may begin the long process of tending to his mind.
Queb blinks as he turns to Bane, slowly tilting his head as he converses anew.
Have you perchance seen a mech...mehc...macha...robot of the same height as I? Carries a cane about his person? It is very important he be found and transf...truns...brought under my care, if he is to be healed...
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!

Bane Emural

Bane looks at Queb. "I have not seen this Clockwork, nor have I met him. Now then, Lord of Life, are you perchance either a God of the First or the God of Old?"
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural

The Wandering Magus

2013 Nov 09, 22:56:11 #1227 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 10, 00:39:31 by The Wandering Magus
Cream Pie lowered her grenade launcher.  "Oh," she smiled sheepishly at Bane.  "Er... sorry about th' whole thing with the launcher an' all.  O'course yer welcome ta come along!  Who d'ya wanna talk ta again?  Mah family?"

She stops talking and puts a hoof in her mouth when Queb talks, and contents herself with just listening quietly to the two adults conversing.


Derpy's smile faded, and she hugged her daughter tighter with her wings as she trotted along.

"Tea massed allay.  Lee's the Mail Lard cow."

Tears came to her eyes as she spoke, and she didn't seem to realize she'd slipped back a bit with her speech.  Regardless of her speaking problems, however, the name was quite familiar with Koalemos.  Everypony knew him.  The Lord of Time.  The Fallen Doctor.

The Valeyard.


Speedy Dove found herself in a strange, unfamiliar part of the Everfree, near the edge.  The world...

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bane Emural

Bane looks at Cream Pie. "I was hoping to speak with an old friend of mine but I guess I talk to your family if you want me too." He looks at the grenade launcher. "Oh how I remember the times when fillies weren't so afraid back then. They didn't use weapons but toys for entertainment, not defense. Such a peaceful time it was, until Chaos reigned."
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Shade began to feel the sound of the cheering audience at the end of the finish line from days before. She seemed to look around to see something that was pleasant. There was a glow in her eyes that was never seen from her before. She was feeling hope... joy... no, comfort from the memories. Times that she once knew, events she once watched, shadowing some ponies actions, yet seeming like she did it alone.

Times she remembered were following some kind of pattern. The next memory seemed to be watching a group going up a mountain that seemed to have smoke coming out. She only watched from a distance as she followed the group. Her path led to the mountain close to the Everfree. She kept holding on to these memories for so long, yet never letting them effect her. Now, however, she seems open to these experiences, letting the emotions she felt so long ago sink in.

[glow=purple,2,300]These... feelings... The longing for something more... A meaning that we once knew... yet shunned for so long... Fragments... separated from the source... scattered from the true meaning... Do I feel hope, or do I feel comfort? This world is something to observe... not in the eyes of Harmony... not in the eyes of Chaos... nor in the eyes if hate... It can be shown as a wonder how one keeps it in such a balance. Places that are corrupt beyond recognition, and other places remaining untouched. Some have changed for the better, and yet others have changed for the worse.[/glow]
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Speedy Dove woke up into a stange world. She was weak and helpless. Everything looked different. What happened? Last she remembers is running away from a giant thing called discord. Not even the Elements of Harmony could help.
Rub some bacon on it.


of course queb i fink clockwork, dont worry,

bleyd move to the last side where he see clockwork sleep


It seemed he struck a nerve by asking about her husband, he dropped his head, ashamed that he didn't realize one shouldn't ask about such things. She just got released from the blackbirds, and now Koalemos is reminding her of her husband who probably died, along with all of her friends and acquaintances. It was only her and her child now, who was still currently a muffin.

"The Doctor Mail Lard? Mail Lard... Doctor... Discord.. Discorded Doctor... Mail Lard, Valeyard?" Koalemos wondered, trying to understand what the mare had just said. Of course, the Valeyard! He knew that name. There was a pony Koalemos did not dare approach. "I.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Uh, uhm, uhh." Koalemos stammered, trying to think of something to say. "So, what are you going to do when you've done your laps?"


Amor Wing moved onto the farm ignoring the rock monsters. She was heading straight for the farm house like she did in the past. She calls out to the farm's family, "[glow=orange,2,300]'ello anypony home? It's me Amor Wing. Came ta see if y'all needed any help t'is season.[/glow]"


Laserbolt waited quietly for everyone else to leave.


Speedy Dove got up. She looked at the sight around her. Is this Everfree? What happened? Where am I?! She listened to the new, different world around her. She knew nothing, the look of this odd place, sounds where so different. Was this even Equestria? Speedy Dove, for the first time scence she was a filly, was scared.
Rub some bacon on it.

The Wandering Magus

Cream Pie tilted her head.  "Until Chaos reigned?  That's funny, Ah talked with a pony who said almost the same thing not too long ago, called 'Shadechaser' or somethin'.  Ah wonder why all these old, er, Ah mean, long-ago characters are showin' up now at th' farm.  Y'all related or somethin'?"

They reached the farmhouse, and Cream Pie was about to call the all-clear when she heard the familiar voice of the family friend, Armor Wing.  A big smile came on her face as she turned and yelled at the farmhouse.

"Friends here, y'all!  Friends an' guests!  Come on, Apple Pie, come on out!  We've got guests here, an' ain't no clouds 'round yet.  Bring an umbrella if ya want!"

What looked like a statue standing in front of the homestead suddenly moved and smiled at the motley group of strangers, friends and family, taking off his stone hat and nodding.

"[glow=brown,200]Well, Ah'll be.  If it ain't Amor Wing, an' a whole bunch o' new fellas![/glow]" he drawled in a gravelly voice, somehow getting his stone lungs to work.

Other fillies and stallions and mares came out of the stone building, from Pa Apple Computer and Auntie Cherry Pie to Apple Pie and Minty Pie.  There were a few other chicks and pups that looked like they were adopted too.

"Howdy, Auntie Amor!" smiled Apple Pie, who burst into fits of laughter for no reason.  "Friends showing up like magic, even though everyone knows magic is tragedy.  So is magic friendship or tragedy?  Ah guess it's both!  It's a paradox!" she laughed, prompting eye-rolls from the rest of the family.

"Now, Apple Pie, be polite.  Where's Half-Light?" scolded Cream Pie.

"Oh, uh, Ah'll go get her!" said the filly as she dashed back inside.  Amor noticed that the filly had a little red glowing symbol on the back of her neck just under her mane, an apple pie with balloons...


Derpy trotted along, thinking about it silently.

"I... think... after... seven... quadrillion... laps... Dinky... and... I... will... keep... walking... to... free... her... sister... Sparkler," she said slowly with a soft smile on her face.  "It... will... be... worth... it... with... all... of... us... together."

Nopony had ever seen the purple statue, though legends said that the grey mare's other daughter was somewhere deep within the Castle, in the same place it was said that the Ancient Sisters from the time before time were still standing, frozen in gold and silver and waiting for the day when the Destined Ones would come.


Speedy heard a whisper in the wind, and it seemed that the forest itself parted slightly for her.

Fear not, Speedy Dove.  Much may have changed, but you are not alone.  Look!

Peering between the branches and leaves, she could see that she was near what looked like the Apple Farm, or a version of the Apple Farm if it had been a rock farm instead of an apple farm.  There were strange-looking, but friendly, ponies gathered around the entrance.  The skies looked clear for now.  Maybe they were friendly?
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Amor wing smiled to the filly apple pie, "[glow=orange,2,300]So the laughing one ah saw in a dream was ya, Apple Pie. How's ta family doing y'all? Well been a while Bane. Good ta see ya in one piece.[/glow]" Bane gets a strong feeling of love coming from Amor Wing. Apple Pie can sense that Amor Wing has a new power from the last time she was on the farm. It seems only Apple Pie can sense it.

Bane Emural

Bane ignores the feeling and looks at Amor. Nice disguise. "Likewise." He then looks at Cream Pie. "So Shade has been here? Not surprising. As for your question, we are only friends and allies working for the same goal."
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Speedy Dove rubed her eyes.This can't be real! She thought. She walked twards the rock coverd apple farm. He-hello? Is anypony here? AppleJack? Big Mac? Speedy Dove had her wings slightly out, as if she had her wing blades on.
Rub some bacon on it.

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