What Kind Of Brony Are You?

Started by GoldenTerrabyte, 2013 Jul 26, 10:56:40

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Quote from: White Shimmer on 2013 Dec 30, 19:24:30
I think, i am mostly a "online brony". Except one
little picture of fluttershy i have all my accounts, pictures and
texts online or at least on my computer and i am always online,
if i can. But that means too, that i am the fastest pony ever if
somepony needs a picture, a video or anything else  B)

Online bronies, gamer broneis, animators, musicians, fanfic writers, voice actors, artists.  Just to many to name, they all serve an a big important part in the fandom.  So it's no competition, so no one should feel bad about what kind they are.  And this guy up here is an example of a great brony, can you guys show you are?
I used to hate MLP, now I don't.  Who cares what others think, they are just weak minded.  Bronies have conventions, what do haters have?


Quote from: Syphor on 2013 Dec 31, 01:23:15
Quote from: White Shimmer on 2013 Dec 30, 19:24:30
I think, i am mostly a "online brony". Except one
little picture of fluttershy i have all my accounts, pictures and
texts online or at least on my computer and i am always online,
if i can. But that means too, that i am the fastest pony ever if
somepony needs a picture, a video or anything else  B)

Online bronies, gamer broneis, animators, musicians, fanfic writers, voice actors, artists.  Just to many to name, they all serve an a big important part in the fandom.  So it's no competition, so no one should feel bad about what kind they are.  And this guy up here is an example of a great brony, can you guys show you are?

Of course, well, I don't have tangible proof, but I like to think of myself as a brony who tries to lift up other brony's spirits and make them understand that it is not as terrible as they think, I'm kind of like a brony version of Pinkie Pie, but possibly more random, not to lower the great Pinkie's randomness though of course.
I'm probably not here, but If I am, call me moon rabbits.
This is for you, guys: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=10581.msg878328#msg878328
:ajshifty::-3 (bloomberg)


What kind of brony? Well, if you asked, I would probably say that I am one of the online bronys. I watch a video every now and again, and read some blogs, and buy a figure or two( cough, cough Twist, cough) But what I do most is read. According to FimFiction, I average around 60-70 thousand words daily, but that's nothing. One day, I dedicated to reading, and reached 267 thousand. I love dozens of short stories, and am a prereader for several more. I love my (online) books!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


I simply listen to music, watch videos, look at art, and read fanfiction. I've considered writing fanfiction or trying to make music, but I both lack creativity and don't respond well to criticism. I don't buy merchandise, nor do I intend to buy any (though I may buy comics and maybe a t-shirt or two).


Why do people think that everyone that likes MLP FiM is a brony or a pegasister?
I just love My Little Pony so much I'm sparkly like a vampire

Night Pony

Quote from: SPRINKLESPARKLE on 2014 Jan 20, 12:41:59
Why do people think that everyone that likes MLP FiM is a brony or a pegasister?

The definition of brony varies from person to person. For me it's a person that enjoys watching My little pony. Usually if a person likes watching it, s/he also enjoys watching it.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


I'm the all around kind of brony. I've seen almost every episode (2 from S4), watch vids time to time, listen to music, and I appreciate much of the artwork throughout the fandom. I also add my own art to that portion. I have only recently started to RP but only with a few people (and that's pretty much all I've done).


I mostly watch YT channels, more specifically, Brony Analysts channels.  My favs are Antony C and AnY, but recently I've become a fan of Silver Quil, Mage, and Tex.

In the past few months I've started creating MLP fan art.  Well, it's fan art of Brony Analysts and my own OCs.  Right now I am making fan art of Brony artists in manga form.  I love MLP fan art.


I'm a Average Brony Community Member, With Some RP On The Side.  I Need To Catch Up On The Show Tho ^-^


I'm off topic, but I like your signature Prankster Pinkie Pie!   ^-^ they seem fitting together

Verdant Tome

What kind of brony am I, eh? I think I would lean more toward the "unenthusiastic" side of things. Yes, I watch the show, and yes, I enjoy it, but I don't have much to show beyond that. I'm a closet brony; nobody but a select few outside the internet know of my involvement in the fandom, though my presence on the internet is slightly larger. I (occasionally) RP with a group of friends, but normally content myself to lurking in the group's chat. I watch the new episodes when I can. I listen to some "brony music" from time to time, too. No merch, though, but what would you expect from a closet brony?
And that's me in a nutshell.


I'm a closet brony, and that's about it. I don't have much involvement with the community, although I'd like to play a bigger part in it, even if I have no useful talents or skills to bring to the table  ^-^ I don't own any merch or anything like that. No brony friends other than the ones I've met playing LoE over the weekend. Just some guy that likes a show with colourful small horses being freinds. Man I sound pretty boring when it's written out like that :l


Closet brony too, although I've got some friends IRL who knows about my love for the show.
Then, I'm not really a creative guy, more of a lurker if I had to qualify myself. I like to watch videos, read fanfics and listen to the music, but never really participating in the creative part. Guess I'm more that guy on the back, who watches what's happening but never takes a part...


I'd call myself a 'casual' brony.

I'll take the time to watch each new episode as and when it's released, and I have a very small, selective few bits of Pony merch in my room. I'll attend meetups whenever they're in town, but nothing really beyond that. It's not a big passion or anything, but I do enjoy what the show and the fandom give us.


I read a few fanfics, I roleplay, and I watch the show. That's it. :|
Derp race!
[move] :P[/move]
[move]    :P[/move]
[move]       :P[/move]
[move]          :P[/move]


I find this one hard to tell xD...

I'm more the one that does about everything lol
I should use this for something smart...too bad...


Hmmm, what tipe am i. Well i watched every episode once (with the exeption of the pilot). I don't actively seek pony videos on YT but when someone sends it to me ill watch it. I don't read that many fanfics, but then one catches my interest, or someone recomends me it i'll give it a shot. I draw some ponies here and there. And i roleplay, alot.
So that's me and MLP in a nutshell.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Lauren Rarity

I'm the useless kind. The kind that just hangs around but rarely contributes.

*nails herself to a cross*
Is this where i put my resume? Do i need medical records too? I'm not sure i'm fine with that.
This is so awkward, i hope nobody sees it.


My type of Brony? Well, let's see. . .
I'm actively watching the latest videos on the Youtube channels of MLP Analyst's BronyCurious, Digibrony, ILoveKimPossibleALot (or just KP), and AntonyC. However, I'm always looking for new channels to watch.
I've watched all the episodes up to season 4, college tends to keep me busy  >.<
I don't role play or own any MLP merch, but I hope to obtain some MLP Plushies when I get my own place. I did create a Pony OC, but that was for the LoE game  :3
I listen to MLP music, mostly TheLivingTombstone and BronyDanceParty.
I love looking at MLP fanart either on Youtube vids or devianart links. I'm hoping to make some art myself to post on these forums when I finally get a drawing tablet, or maybe a scanner.
And I sometimes read MLP FiMfiction when I have the time.
As for MLP games, I am most excited for LoE and have been known to dabble with the "Pony Creators" once in a while. Once I get my tablet though, I will be recreating my OC/profile pic and posting my artwork.  ^-^
Please note that all of this takes place on my laptop and I have few friends that know about my love of MLP and absolutely none that share it (besides the people I chat with on the MLP forums).  ono

So I guess I'm a "Closet Internet Brony"  X3


Im the kind who'll try to keel up with the episodes as best as I can. Outside of that, I'm more of an "artsy" type. I can't draw, and don't go poring through the fan art, but I do appreciate the artists. I stick more to the music and writing side of things. I've been a musician/performer for most of mg life, and somusic, especially the "real instrument" stuff in the ffandom attracts me greatly. I also enjoy covering/playing along with the songs. There's a sort of zen for me when playing. Though, I won't say the electronic stuff isn't cool, as well. From the writing side of things, I am an avid reader of fan fiction, and am trying to develop my own writing skills/voice, as I currently am pursuing a degree in the liberal arts.
My music channels. Stop by if you'd like.
"I suppose it's just interest... devoid of substance or purpose; a hypothetical pattern... for the satisfaction of bringing it to completion."

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