The WhoPonies! [SIGN-UP ONLY]

Started by Alassë, 2013 Jul 13, 20:04:03

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She took a moment still holding the young colt in her hooves continuing to sing for him so he could relax. It was actually hard for her not to want to hold on to the colt being he reminded her so of her sister. After another song she would look to Pumpkin and nod for a moment. "It's not hard to talk about, just more the fact that I miss them. My family was incredible, my father was the captain of the guards in our home town. My mother was very inclined in the art of music, both of them were very loving. I couldn't have asked for better parents. My sister, though she was taken in by my family was like my best fried. She's a Pegasus and one of the fastest I have ever known if I do say so myself. I miss them every day but I hope one day to find them all again.." She sighed and would begin to sing another song. One that was more uplifting and happy to lighten her mood.


[glow=maroon,2,300]As the night became one with me... The vision of the night became more apparent... eventually becoming one with my mind... If the dark is not pleasant, then rest would be in your best interest. As far as the night, I can see beyond the veil of the dark, yet as far as light, it has been converted to the veil of night... where there is no moon shining down upon the area. If darkness fades away...[/glow]
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Pumpkin Seeds

*She pats Dream on her back.* "With the determination I've seen from you, I'm certain you will find them." *She smiles at the colt but decides not to interfere right then and turns her attention to the fire. She watches the fire slowly burn while listening to Dream's song.*


[glow=red,2,300]As the dark comes, most need a light to find the way. Some may not receive this light. Others may find the light pleasant. When one knows how to make a fire, they can control the creation of a fire, yet if the control is too flimsy, then disaster may ensue. When making something, one must consider the danger beyond the initial making of it. Will it burn the surroundings, or will it peacefully dance with it? Will one find joy in its presence, or will one try to eliminate it? The common question is... What are the effects of the creation of something?[/glow]

((I am getting pretty good at typing... before it would take me thirty to fifty minutes to just type something like this without making a mistake, and correcting the mistakes on the spot. Now it's like mere minutes one to five. :P))
Poke! Five times. Tell meh if ye read this.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Blob yelled again, and the sound of a 3DS's case could be heard coming off. it was just a thing you put on it, so it didn't hurt the actual system, but throwing them is not a good idea. he walked outside his tent, and sat down next to the colt. Hey there, how are you. I'm Blobking. you can call me Blob.


((when I join can I use two ponies?))
ay i'm no longer using this site


Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Sep 09, 17:06:25((when I join can I use two ponies?))
((Thanks for asking! Honestly, I'd really rather you not. Temporary "NPCs" are fine, such as the shadow creatures that have showed up for the tests (and only if they fit the context - I may nix them if they're out of place), but one of the basic ideas for this RP is that it needs to be as easy to continue in-game as possible, and as far as I know you can't play two ponies at the same time in the actual LoE game. :nod: If you have any other questions, please shoot me a PM instead of posting here. ^-^))

Oh... hm. Sorry about that. Well, thank you, for offering to keep watch. *smiles at Harmony* I think I'm going to get to sleep now. Well, start with my- *yawns* -bedtime routine at least. *tosses the book off of her head ((yes, she's been wearing it this whole time ovO)), it lands open in front of her, pulls a clicky ink pen out of her saddlebags (which she's still wearing) and starts writing a journal entry ((which I will post if I feel like it/you all really want me to. :P))*


((Go for it. I write Thunder's thoughts all the time. Speaking of which...))


That was all the Pegasus could notice back at home. During the brisk of war, the Bydo had come all the way from their galaxy, to the stallion's doorstep.

He could see his own defense against him. A satellite proven to protect their planet with the abilities to destroy one, pointed at its planet.

The cool water of the Equestrian Ocean reflected most of the fireworks going on near the shore of Japony and South Porea. Odd, he could've thought that their own fleet could've lasted longer against the parasitic threat...

This didn't matter to him. What did matter is that he would strike back. Along with his brethren, and his very own father.

He opened his eyes, the computer screen flashed off his current battlefield. Explosions and more so echoed throughout his body.

Surprising, he would be the first to take off. He could've sworn that he would be off last...

He relaxed in the pilot seat of his ship. This was his first assignment, and it wasn't easy.

Of course, when was it?

((Should I post a video or something describing the next part. I'll tell ya, it's crazy, frantic...))


Smiled again enjoying the words of encouragement :) "Thank you Pumpkin, I appreciate that and I do believe that if I can keep myself level headed through the rest of these challenges that maybe everypony here could be of help in assisting me in finding my parents again." she looked down at the colt not wanting him to get woken up at the moment and then looked to blob as he sat down. "Good to see your alright Blob, I was a little worried when I saw you unconscious with that dream point above your head." She looked around and smiled seeing everypony getting a chance to settle in for the night, and noticed Harmony walking around. "Harmony would it help you at all if I sang a couple of lullabies for you?? Maybe you would be able to get some sleep then."


*Shade casts a shadowy figure on the outside of the tent circle* (I think no pony will notice :0) *the figure stares down the path where they came from* (Not like anything is important in that direction :o) *occasionally looking back into the campsite* ( :P) *Standing tall like a guard on duty* (At least should be :P) *Shade voice comes from the campfire again* [glow=maroon,2,300]When the darkness chooses to stay close... some may become calm. Others may question why they are here, and worry... yet there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Nothing say when the is nothing to do. No time better than the preset, yet wondering what may happen may become hazardous... As the darkness guards the light. where there is nothing that seems to have any presence in the world, there is nothing better than being protected by the ones you know the least about, a random pony that just decided to protect you, for they had the urge to safe-guard the wary. When the darkness is here, the shade becomes one with it to safe-guard the night...[/glow] (What are you talking about Shade?)

((I had no clue after I got near the end where I was going with this... :P))

((Character Achievement Unlocked: One with the shadows...
Shadechaser uses the shadows to safe-guard the night of the tour group))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Falling asleep isn't a problem, it's just the nightmares...those dreaded nightmares
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


*The shadowy figure conjured up by the shadows of Shade looks directly at Harmony and stares for a few moments then returns to guarding* [glow=maroon,2,300]When the past becomes haunting, rest can be hard... yet when the good masks over the haunting dreams... it may never happen... As the light goes away, one still searches for sanctuary in the blessed light of the day...[/glow]

((Curse-ed nightmares...))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Pumpkin Seeds

*Smiling as she nods.* "I sure some of us will help, Dream." *After a few minutes have passed, she slowly starts to nod off to sleep where she was sitting.*


*would look at Harmony and think for a moment. "I can help with that I think.....If you would allow me to try of course." She knew that the spell would have its own side effects on her, but if it was to help somepony she would do it in a heartbeat especially if it was to help a friend.*


Im sorry, but I really dont want to take any chances...there just so horrible sometimes
((I had a dream I was getting eaten by a mannequin  last night...)))
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


((... o_O umm... Okay, then...))

[glow=maroon,2,300]As the dark find more ways to corrupt... the light needs more energy to cleanse thee. If one with true power of the greater good knows the way to vanquish the evil... why doubt them... Sometimes the evil comes from inside and from the past. When evil lurks in the head, one may eventually go mad. Yet, this one does not seem to have anything that can be considered being mad. When the light cleanses the dark before in has a chance to grow, less power is needed... If dreams haunt your mind... some will act kind... If the night makes you fear, then keep the light near... As darkness turns to light, some may find might... As darkness fades away, some consider the stay...
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


((I'M NOT DEAD I SWEAR. :I :I :I Just... started work. ovO Very demanding. Trying to get to bed early (failing D:). And I've decided to not write Alassë's journal entry, so... have a dream instead! :D :P))

*finishes her journal entry, puts the pen away and flips the book back onto her head, remembers that Thunder took her pillow, sees him asleep outside and smiles, quietly walks over to him, pulls another blanket out of her saddlebag and drapes it over him, returns to her tent, closes the tent flaps, pulls out a spare pillow and goes to sleep*

Flowing rivers of golden sand.

The exhilarating rush of speed as the mare's body is swept down golden rapids, the sun reflecting off each particle and making them glisten like gems. Her white robe rippling behind her as she stands, steering this way and that, launching off or swerving around every obstacle in her path.

A sand-fall up ahead.

She is ready.

Over the edge of the falls she flies, falling and falling until she finally decides - at the last possible instant - to grow wings. Using tricks her winged brother taught her, she catches the air and endures the increased gravitational force as she curves sharply upwards, aiming for the sky.

That's when she sees them.

She glances down, and there they are: her friends. Every single pony she's met on this most strange of all tours. They smile and wave up at her.

She waves back just as a shadow sweeps over them.

She turns to see a giant creature, its single red eye fixed on her. A horn instantly sprouts from her forehead as she begins taunting the serpentine flier, luring it away from the rest of the group. Its metallic, segmented body twists and turns with incredible power to match her every move. Higher into the clouds she soars. Then, once her horn has enough energy built up, she faces the creature head-on. A humongous blaze of white magic shoots from her horn like a beam, blasting directly into the creature's eye, causing it to shatter into a million pieces.

She lands. Looks around for her group.

And she sees them - like tiny specks on the valley far, far below her.

She stands there, right on the edge, shaken. They can't see her. They have no idea where she is.

Her wings and horn disappear.

A soft breeze blows toward her, gently lifting her white robe and oh so slightly changing the path of the fresh tears that fall from her eyes. She is alone. Even though she has friends. Even though several of them already risked their lives to save her.

She is still alone.

A soft white light shines behind her. She turns. Glistening golden sand has now shifted into sparkling white snow. The light is shining out of a narrow passage not more than twenty yards ahead of her.

One more tear falls. And into the light she solemnly walks.

((Goodnight! :D Brownie points to whoever gets the reference. ^-^))


2013 Sep 11, 05:39:56 #1857 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 11, 09:32:02 by Shadechaser
((...o~kay then... I will just throw this out there...))

[glow=maroon,2,300]When the dark consumes a visual que, and the light shows a different way...[/glow] *the shadow guard lowers their head* [glow=maroon,2,300]...If one is to see truth beyond fiction, one must find it buried deep within the land, hidden only by one's own mind... forgotten by all. When all seems lost... where all can find... If one sees the way... why choose the stay...[/glow] *the shadow guard returns attentive* [glow=maroon,2,300]If the lost are never found... If dreams consume the mind... when all seems lost... A true friend will help guide thee through the dark abyss.[/glow]

((Is it possibru to get a night jump? we jump to the next day?))

Post Merge

*seeming to dissolve back into [glow=green,2,300]reality[/glow] Shade reappears next to the fire* (The shadow guard still guarding :]) *Shade pulls out her instrument from the shadows* If nothing seems to be helping the mood... the mood will never find a way out of its position... The music from my past... may never have been longed for the real world... *Shade starts to play music that doesn't conflict with the current mood... or the singing* (And the shadow guard doesn't hear it at all... :P)

((Random edit :P x3))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


((After/during Fairy's next post, we'll probably do the night jump. Just so you all know. :) ))


(( :P meh is wounded :P and this is how I feel bout typing with teh hand that is...))

*Shadechaser still playing a tune ponders on life* When one is uncertain about where to go, what must they look for... What must they find? If one is to truly find themselves, they must look for what they know most... not what the desire in one afternoon... If one is truly good at something, the don't just hop from that to another talent just for the [randoms :P]... As we find the next day, we may ponder on the past. We may look for the good within the bad, the smart within the silly, the courage within the fear... If the party never stops, when will one sleep? Why would somepony just party all day and night for days on end... Must be a true party pony... ( :/ If ya know what I mean...)

((I will kinda wait feh that...))
((And meh is not phased by teh hurt...:P lol))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

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