The Sequel: Slendermane RP..... "Who can trust him?" (DONE)

Started by rileyrun99, 2013 Jun 10, 18:04:57

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Yea I tried and it is harsh on me. well I gtg and P.s I actually am not new to this since I've Rpged for 2 years I'm just 12!
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


((What I'm saying is, It may be a little annoying to other people to keep doing what you're doing. It makes it easier on others.))


Slendermane made loud static noises, and teleported behing Laserbolt again. "Notes!" He screeched, and he teleported away, deep into the forest.
The changeling blinked. "That wasn't as good as I expected." She coughed, and she slowly lifted into the sky and buzzed away.

((It's a little annoying to me, I must say. Going back and forth trying to find the right place where she said it is driving me to a more tiring situation. I say that simply because I just got up. ._.))
teh animoos


Laserbolt blinked, and looked confusedly around, then looked at the changeling flying away. WAIT! Come back down here, dang it! I still have questions! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! He teleported onto a cloud next to the changeling, and grabbed her wing.


The changeling screeched. "That's sensitive!" She growled at him.

((Brb, getting some food.))

Post Merge

teh animoos


Sorry. Listen, I need to know about what's going on. How come one of the most mysterious beings in Equestria seems to have gone senile? What was he talking about? I'm not leaving 'til you tell me.


"It's top secret." She snorted. She fluttered her wings, trying to get away again.
teh animoos


Laserbolt did not let go. Listen, it's obvious something is wrong with him. It's very possible it's an imposter, even. After all, Slendermane isn't supposed to talk. Let's compromise. I'll help with whatever's going on with your god monster, and you tell me what you know.

Asterian Starfall

Asterian awakes in the middle of the night to an eerie noise.
"What is that?"
He peers out his window, but sees nothing.
"Maybe I'm just hearing things..."
At that moment, he hears the noise again, and can tell it's some sort of static.
"Something's not right here... Better go check."
He departs from his tent and begins to search the area.

Asterian's Hope/Dread: 1
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Slendermane reappeared. Loud static split through the forest, and he tried to grab the changeling.
teh animoos

Asterian Starfall

Asterian hears the static as it reverberates through the forest. He looks around in a fruitless attempt to find out where it was coming from.
"... Something's not right here..."

Asterian's Hope/Dread: 0
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


OH SWEET LORD! Laserbolt let go of the changeling's wing, and nearly fell off of the cloud. He stepped back as Slendermane grabbed the changeling, and pulled her away. WHAT IN LUNA'S NAME IS GOING ON HERE!? I NEED AN EXPLANATION, STAT! WHAT'S WITH THE FLUX!? WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING CRAZY!? WHAT'S WITH THE NOTES?!

Asterian Starfall

Having searched the area, Asterian can find absolutely nothing. He proceeded back to his tent, but as he went inside, he caught a fleeting glimpse of a figure flying towards him. It slowly drew nearer until he recognized it as...
He held out his hoof for her to land on, and she seemed to smile at him. A fire began to blaze in his heart.

Asterian's Hope/Dread: 6
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Slendermane growled, made more static noises, and tried to pull her away from Laserbolt. "I don't care if I tear off one of her wings!" He screeched, finally pulling her away, but a small bit of her wings broke off. He teleported himself and her away.
teh animoos


Laserbolt stood on the cloud, staring at the empty space in front of him. For a moment, he wondered if the fate of the forest was worth all the stupid, irrational things that were going on. The answer proved too complex, and he fell over. Unfortunately, at this point, the spell allowing him to stand on the cloud wore off, and he fell to the forest below, landing - where else- right next to Asterian. He scrambled to his hooves, and looked around, not yet noticing the camp.

Asterian Starfall

Merriweather jumped off Asterian's hoof.
"Are you okay there?"
Asterian held out his hoof to help Laserbolt up.

Asterian's Hope/Dread: 6
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Oh! Hey, Asterian! Sorry to drop in, no pun intended. Laserbolt took Asterian's hoof, and pulled himself up. Then, he looked around, as if checking the forest for spies. Tell me, anything weird happen around here? Any strange holes or anything?


((By the way, after this RP is done, I'll make a Sequel to my old Portal 2 RP I did back in the day. So stay tuned for that, if you want to.  ^-^))

A line of ponies walk past them. The ponies seemed to have soulless eyes and faded fur and hair.  Their mouths were all stuck open, almost in a screaming pose. They seemed to be chanting.
Exile... Exile... Exile...
They were only repeating Exile. Something was disturbing about them, almost if someone did this to them.
The ponies in the line were carrying baskets full of wood, leaves, and metal.
The pegasi in the line had mangled wings that were posed as if they were halfway through flying, but gave up.
The unicorns in the line had cracked, fractured, and broken horns.
Something was horribly wrong.

((EDIT: Drew an example of one of the ponies in the line.
teh animoos

Asterian Starfall

Asterian sees the line, and already feels threatened.
"Come on, we've got to get out of here..."

Asterian's Hope/Dread: 3
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


One of the ponies drop their basket and crawl over to Asterian and Laserbolt. "Help.. Meee..." She whispered before collapsing. She was still alive.
teh animoos

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