The Sequel: Slendermane RP..... "Who can trust him?" (DONE)

Started by rileyrun99, 2013 Jun 10, 18:04:57

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(( Thanks for the tip ))

NightlyMoon was tripping over her own hooves by the time she'd gotten back to the cave. Great Celestia this hurts. she said painfully. Ooooh I knew it was a bad Idea to insult that pony but I was too mad to care and now I'm alone and scared and now I'm pretty sure that I'm going to die pretty soon....... [glow=red,2,300] Right you may be dearest Nightly Moon.[/glow] Nightly opened her eyes to see a dark navy pony with blue hair with red tips and dark red tips under is nose. eyes and hooves, His eyes were red and his wings were bat wings. [glow=red,2,300]Oh Nightly, How could you have forgotten about me?[/glow] Nightly was stunned. H....HELP! Nightly Moon cried. [glow=red,2,300]Wait a cotton picking bit[/glow] He said sniffing the air. [glow=red,2,300]SLENDERMANE!![/glow] He screamed flying as fast as he possibly could into the sky.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


Um. I think we should help. Laserbolt rushes to help up the young mare.


Nightly twitched a bit then saw LaserBolt and cringed since she thought he wanted to beat her up for the insult.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


Laserbolt failed to notice Nightly, because he was too busy with the mare collapsed on the ground.


She was happy it wasn't her that Laser was helping. Nightly limped slowly and breathed in something and when she coughed it up she noticed that it was a not that said.... [glow=red,2,300]SlenderMane is here.[/glow] That's just sick. She said as she held the note in her teeth to stick in her ripped up backpack. there,She said. I can throw this out later.Then she limped on.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


The mare that collapsed kicked her legs back and forth. "Heeeelp..." She cried. "Ex...I--" She collapsed again. This time, dead.
teh animoos


Laserbolt looked at the dead mare, lying on the ground lifelessly. He turned to Asterian, and said:

Well. Buck.

Asterian Starfall

"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall



((What? I knew this RP wasn't gonna be successful... Should I close it again?  DD:))
teh animoos



teh animoos


((Yeah, Slendermane has always been my favorite subfanbase.))

Asterian Starfall

(It's just that I've got two other RPs going on, that and other things which for legal reasons, I can't say.)
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


((Mine too. Plus the Pony equivalent of Portal. My Little Portal, I think.  :D
Also, this RP is Illegal? o.o
EDIT: I'd guess no.))
teh animoos


((wat. Legal stuff? when has THAT stopped bronies?

A moment of silence for Fighting is Magic...))


((I miss Fighting is Magic. If only we could write enough letters...))
teh animoos


((Maybe we need to start a new thread for that! I think if we got enough people, we could convince them to start up, and Hasbrocorp wouldn't be able to stop them! Maybe they just need to go underground for a bit.))


((Just so you guys know, I won't be able to get on the internet until next monday.))

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