Planning for wedded bliss (Jump in.)

Started by Dark Hooves, 2013 Mar 13, 08:47:46

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Dark Hooves

2013 Mar 13, 08:47:46 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 24, 20:58:35 by Dark Hooves
Angel's Breath wakes up early and carefully gets out of bed to cook breakfast for Dark Hooves.

Angel's Breath: (Thinking.) He does so much for me I can at least do this for him. So I'll make some scrambled eggs, french toast, and mini pancakes. After cooking the food Angel's Breath returns to the bedroom and sees that Dark Hooves is sleeping on his belly so she carefully sits on Dark Hooves back end and starts massaging his back.

Dark Hooves wakes up to Angel's Breath massaging his back.

Angel's Breath: Good morning Darky sorry for waking you. By the way we should consider planning for our wedding.

Dark Hooves: Good morning sweetie that's alright I don't mind. That feels good by the way. Oh and yeah we should start planning our wedding.

Angel's Breath: You work so hard being a weather pony as well as pursuing your dream of being a master swordspony I thought to do something for you instead of you doing something for me. Of course I'm always thinking about you Dark Hooves.

Dark Hooves: I know you've been thinking about me Angel I've been sensing it all of this time.

Angel's Breath: (Surprised.) Wait you can read my thoughts?

Dark Hooves: Well I can't read a pony's thoughts per say, but I do get images in my head telling me what a pony's intentions are. Even if I could I wouldn't read your thoughts anyways.

Angel's Breath: (Relieved.) That would be rather embarrassing for me if you knew my every thought before I even say them.

Dark Hooves: Yes I know, but if I could read a pony's thoughts I would only use that gift for the good of everypony and not selfishly.

Angel's Breath: I think you're saying that you probably wouldn't use that gift unless absolutely necessary.

Dark Hooves: That's right sweetie. (Hugs Angel's Breath.) You're learning to understand what others say when the meaning isn't clear.

Angel's Breath: (Happily.) Thanks Darky. Oh I almost forgot I fixed us breakfast.

Dark Hooves: You made breakfast sweetie that's great.

Angel's Breath: (Blushes.) Well you have been teaching me how to cook.

Dark Hooves: (Sniffing.) Smells good I can't wait to try it.

Angel's Breath: Well I'll bring it to the living room so we can eat in comfort. (Walks down the stairs and into the kitchen.)
Dark Hooves gets out of the bed and walks down the stairs then takes a seat on the couch and then he sees Angel's Breath carefully pushing the food cart into the living room.

Angel's Breath: Here you go Darky enjoy.

Dark Hooves: Well done sweetie you cooked the food perfectly, a lot better than last time.

Angel's Breath: Thanks, although I didn't mean to burn the food the last time.

Dark Hooves: That's alright Angel it takes practice to cook food properly. I burnt food on my first try too so don't worry about it. Besides it was just slightly charred I burnt the food to a crisp on my first try. (Laughing.)

Angel's Breath: (Laughing lightly.) Yeah you've told me a few times.

Dark Hooves: (Grabs the plates of food with his magic and gently sets them on the table.) Alright let's eat.

Angel's Breath: You're getting good with your levitation spell.

Dark Hooves: Thanks sweetie.

Angel's Breath and Dark Hooves start eating their breakfast.

Angel's Breath: Do you like it Darky?

Dark Hooves: It's delicious sweetie excellent job.

Angel's Breath: (Blushes.) Thanks.

After 20 minutes Angel's Breath and Dark Hooves finish their breakfast and Dark Hooves goes to get the dishes washed.

Angel's Breath: If I may Darky I'm going to wash the dishes.

Dark Hooves: You sure sweetie?

Angel's Breath: Mmmhmm.

Dark Hooves: Alright go ahead Angel. It makes me happy to see that you're becoming more assertive sweetie.

Angel's Breath: I want to be self-sufficient, but I'm still a little shy.

Dark Hooves: (Hugs Angel's Breath.) I know Angel; it takes time and a helping hoof to get over shyness, but you're doing really well.

Angel's Breath: (Blushes.) Thanks Darky. Well you can go relax in the living room if you want.

Dark Hooves: Alright sweetie. Just remember you don't need to rush just take your time and wash them one at a time. (Walks into the living room and sits on the couch.)

Angel's Breath: Alright Dark Hooves.

While Angel's Breath is washing the dishes Dark Hooves uses his magic to turn on the record player and places the record with upbeat music on it and hits play.

Angel's Breath: (Thinking.) I see he is enjoying himself.

After 20 minutes Angel's Breath puts away the last dish she has dried off and heads into the living room and takes a seat next to Dark Hooves.

Dark Hooves: So how was washing the dishes?

Angel's Breath: I think I did ok although I'm not used to washing dishes just yet.

Dark Hooves: Well you don't have to wash them again if you don't want to.

Angel's Breath: It's not that Darky it's just my hooves are pruny and that makes it harder for me to hold on to the dishes.

Dark Hooves: (Hugs Angel's Breath.) Well once you get more practice you won't have to worry about that sweetie.

Angel's Breath: Thanks.

Dark Hooves: You're welcome. (Lays Angel's Breath down on the couch and starts tickling her belly.)

Angel's Breath: (Laughing and flailing her hooves.) (Jokingly.) You're terrible Darky. (Accidently smacks him across the face with her hoof.)

Dark Hooves: (Rubbing the side of his face.) Ok that hurt.

Angel's Breath: (Kisses the side of his face.) I'm so sorry Dark Hooves I didn't mean to.

Dark Hooves: That was my fault sweetie I forgot that you flail your hooves when you are tickled.

Angel's Breath: (Sits up and hugs Dark Hooves.) Are you ok Darky?

Dark Hooves: I'll be fine sweetie it's just a bruise.

Angel's Breath: Oh ok, but I still feel kind of bad that I hurt you.

Dark Hooves: I know Angel; it just shows how much you love me and that we feel each other's pain.

Angel's Breath: Darky can we go flying around for a while?

Dark Hooves: Sure sweetie. Speaking of flying, do you remember our little flying routine we came up with?

Angel's Breath: (Excitedly.) Of course I do. We called it Sky Dancing right?

Dark Hooves: Yeah we used to go Sky Dancing quite often when we were teenagers. Of course that was after I regained my memory and returned to Ponyville.

Angel's Breath: Yes you made me so happy when you visited my parent's house after returning that I hugged you and I was pounding on your chest while crying and saying don't leave me again.

Dark Hooves: I know sweetie you were really upset that I had gone missing.

Angel's Breath: I think that our past is what makes our love for each other so strong don't you think so Darky.

Dark Hooves: Yes that is why our love is so strong and that is why we are still together today sweetie.

Angel's Breath: Well I still want to go Sky Dancing with you.

Dark Hooves: (Excitedly.) Let's go then. (Angel's Breath and Dark Hooves leave their house locking the door behind them and start walking to the center of Ponyville.

Angel's Breath: (Modestly.) I'm quite a bit faster than what I was when we were teenagers.

Dark Hooves: (Modestly.) I've gotten faster too, but you're still faster than I am.

Angel's Breath: Don't worry Darky I'll let you keep up.

Dark Hooves: Thanks sweetie.

((Sorry I forgot to label it a jump in, but that's done now.)
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

((I thought Flame made this for a moment, considering two of our OCs are getting married lol))

Dark Hooves

((Sorry for the mix up. You're still welcome to take part in this RP though ^-^ .))
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

Dark Hooves

<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

*A red pegasus could be seen bounding over the rooftops*

Dark Hooves

Angel's Breath and Dark Hooves see a red pegasus bounding across the rooftops.

Angel's Breath: (Flying up to him.) Hello there my name is Angel's Breath, but you may just call me Angel.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Pale Flare is walking around and sees Dark. "Hello there, Dark!" He shouts to him. "What are you looking at?"
Nightmare pony is here!
(.gif made by KoalaLover99)
My OCs
Here I am... Alone as always...

Rad Thunder

*he turns to to see the pegasus, but trips annd falls off the roof* Ack! *hits the ground*

Dark Hooves

Angel's Breath flies over to the red pegasus to check on him.

Angel's Breath: Are you ok?

While Angel's Breath is talking to the red pegasus Dark Hooves is talking with Pale Flare.

Dark Hooves: Good morning. I was looking at the red pegasus which I guess Angel surprised him and he fell off the roof.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Pale Flare walks to Dark. "Oh, I hope that pegasus is allright." He says to him looking around to see Angel's and the red pegasus.
Nightmare pony is here!
(.gif made by KoalaLover99)
My OCs
Here I am... Alone as always...

Rad Thunder

*he gets up* I'm fine. I've felt worse. Anyway, what we're you saying?

Dark Hooves

Angel's Breath: I said hello there my name is Angel's Breath, but you may just call me Angel.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

Well hey. I'm Rad Thunder. Parkour Extraordinaire. B)

Dark Hooves

Angel's Breath: Sorry about surprising you and making you falls off the roof. (Rubs her hoof nervously on the ground.)
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

It's fine. I'll let it pass this time since it was a cute distraction. :]

Dark Hooves

Dark Hooves: (Walks over to where Angel and Rad Thunder.) Hello there I don't believe we've met before. My name is Dark Hooves it's an honor to meet you.

Angel's Breath: Thanks Rad, but please don't flirt with me I'm engaged with Darky. He wouldn't like it very much.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Pale Flare follows Dark. "You okay?" He asks from Rad.
Nightmare pony is here!
(.gif made by KoalaLover99)
My OCs
Here I am... Alone as always...

Rad Thunder

It's a compliment. I'm taken myself anyway.
I'm fine. I've felt worse.

Dark Hooves

Angel's Breath: Oh who's your very special somepony?

Dark Hooves: Well we're just about to start planning for our wedding which we haven't even decided on a date yet.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

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