Oh my Celestia! D:

Started by Daring Flash, 2013 Mar 09, 17:04:17

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Daring Flash

I almost passed out from suffocation in my sleep! I had this dream of being underwater and I was trying to swim to the surface as fast as I could, I was few feet away from the surface and that was when I ran out of air. I wasn't sure if I was awake but that was when my chest was hurting bad from lack of oxygen. I didn't know what caused this and it was my second time I was suffocated. My first time was 7 years ago and my face was on my pillow.

It was scary D:

Hello every pony! :D


o dear. I know how u feel. I've had that kind of dream about 3 times before. It is really scary. And what's creepy is that nothing is keeping me from breathing when it happens.

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Bravo 658

I'm so glad you didn't suffocate... I wish I had advice for that, but I fear that I can be of no help.  Are you all right now?

Lord of Madness

I had a dreams like that when I was a toddler. they went away though when I was around 11 years old. oddly I stopped dreaming in my sleep around 11 years old so now I dont have nightmares anymore  :D

ANYWAY its great to hear you ok

Daring Flash

@shadowheart Yea, I have fading dreams whenever I start to lose air. Some people say its sleep paralysis or apnea, but none of the signs match. I am glad I didn't die from suffocation. :c

@Bravo yes, I'm alright now. Its was the first time that I lost of complete oxygen that my chest would hurt and breathe very heavily in my sleep. Lets hope that it won't happen again. v.v

@Lordofmadness I rarely get nightmares even though I am short tempered and get stressed a lot. I'm glad I don't get nightmares frequently. Sometimes I don't get dreams at all too just nothing and darkness lol

Hello every pony! :D


it's horrible to dream that like that......I've dreamed like that..dying when i woke up i didn't know if i was dead or not.......but it's good new's that you are okay  ^-^
Serve your Emperor well today, tomorrow you will maybe not....

Daring Flash

Quote from: Mr.Fox on 2013 Mar 10, 11:50:53
it's horrible to dream that like that......I've dreamed like that..dying when i woke up i didn't know if i was dead or not.......but it's good new's that you are okay  ^-^

Ikr its horrible, I'm glad I'm okay too  ^-^

Hello every pony! :D


I had a dream I was running from a witch in l4d and I woke up with chest pains and was breathing hard that was 4 years ago

Daring Flash

Nightmares could be very realistic and scary  >A<

Hello every pony! :D

Lord of Madness

Quote from: Daring Flash on 2013 Mar 10, 21:38:06
Nightmares could be very realistic and scary  >A<

everytime o3o


I recently had a dream that ppl who actually may not like me in real life were attacking my country and were all out to get me. Everyone told me they would protect me but I knew I was a goner. When I woke up, I was so revlieved. I srsly thought it was real!

Join the changeling herd, or she'll devour your love!

Daring Flash

Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2013 Mar 11, 21:09:14
I recently had a dream that ppl who actually may not like me in real life were attacking my country and were all out to get me. Everyone told me they would protect me but I knew I was a goner. When I woke up, I was so revlieved. I srsly thought it was real!

Ikr but sometimes I could realize my dreams are not real because I'm a gamer lol believe it or not

Hello every pony! :D


Like a dream that becomes a video game? Yeah, I have those too but I still think their real sometimes. Only on rare occasions do I realize they're fake and I can turn into a dragon and be awesome XD

Join the changeling herd, or she'll devour your love!

Daring Flash

Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2013 Mar 12, 20:00:00
Like a dream that becomes a video game? Yeah, I have those too but I still think their real sometimes. Only on rare occasions do I realize they're fake and I can turn into a dragon and be awesome XD

Yea I lucid dream about 8-10 times already. I was like oh this is a dream that means I could anything I want so I flew around xD I also remember that I realized it was a dream so I pinched myself in the dream and I felt no pain except for my fingers thats how real it was. And finally, when I was being chased I told myself to wake up wake up wake up and I did xD

Hello every pony! :D

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