Corrupt a wish

Started by Tranquil Soul Edge, 2013 Feb 15, 12:08:46

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Granted, but it's so scratched, that you can't play it

I wish I knew how to draw ponies in more than one angle  DD:


Granted but now you can draw them in 1.5 angles
I wish I knew the lyrics to my favourite songs.


granted but your tongue gets cut off

i wish i didnt have school today
ay i'm no longer using this site


Granted but you're grounded.
I wish I could remember what I dreamed.


Granted, but you forget all other dreams.(which is a good thing for nightmares)

I wish I could go someplace outside the time zone. Never been outside this time zone.
I'm back



But then if you try to contact your friends they are all asleep

I wish I had purple hair... yeah

Dark Hooves

granted, but the color never comes out no matter how many times you wash it

I wish armored cores were real
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Granted, I lack the knowledge to give a good corrupt.

I wish for... flight!
I'm back


Granted you now have a one ticket to the place where you live. ovO
I wish to know how to out smart wish corruption.
Said no to being given a Lucario Pokemon X.
My oc board is in my Signature



And you didn't grant the wish I wished. My wish had nothing to do with tickets. Try again.
I'm back


But it was an airplane ticket thus allowing you to fly.
Said no to being given a Lucario Pokemon X.
My oc board is in my Signature


A very different kind of flight.
So, how about a rephrase? To better convey what I meant.

I wish for the ability to fly without help from machinery.
I'm back


Granted! But you can never land, and can only keep flying

I wish I was the doctor!  :D


Granted, but you never get any feee time, having to help heal any and all patients.(unless you meant a different doctor, like doctor of philosophy or something. Still, the corruption is no free time.)

I wish for a portal to Equestria.
I'm back


Granted, but it gets demolished during a accident, and you become stuck their for all eternity.

I wish I didn't get a huge maple doughnut stick. :D


Granted but but you get a huge maple donut stick MADE OF STONE!
I wish for dramatic applause.


granted but it's so dramatic it makes everyone cry and there's a flood from all the tears  :I
I wish for kelpies to be good  :') I like them but they're evil.... this is a kelpie


Granted but EVERYONE ELSE IS EVIL!  :\
I wish for a truffle


Granted, but inside is a large amount of baby spiders.

I wish for a talking kitten  :3
Beware the writer. She will feed off everything you say and store it into her memory, so don't be surprised if a few years from now you open up a book and see something you said years ago there. I'm always watching ovO


Granted but it has an attitude.

I wish for a box.
I'm back

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