Corrupt a wish

Started by Tranquil Soul Edge, 2013 Feb 15, 12:08:46

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Granted but your pictures come out bad. Meaning this wish didn't give me this picture.

I wish I was in Equestria.
I'm back


Granted,but you are trapped under that red dragon that appears in that one episode!  :o
I wish I could hug the pony in my picture.


granted but it's his dead body

I wish ponies would see my new rp queen chrysalis' rule
ay i'm no longer using this site

Coffee Rush

Granted, but no one signs up.
I wish I could be more diligent about reading.
My OC can be found here!

Rarity Rose

granted and i dont feel like corrupting  >.<
i wish this cat thats my avatar would eat everyone i hate (AND NOT EAT ME!! YOU ARE PREDICTABLE!! :/)


Quote from: Coffee Rush on 2013 Sep 17, 17:51:14
Granted, but no one signs up. are a psychic
ay i'm no longer using this site

Dark Hooves

Quote from: Rarity Rose on 2013 Oct 02, 16:42:30
granted and i dont feel like corrupting  >.<
i wish this cat thats my avatar would eat everyone i hate (AND NOT EAT ME!! YOU ARE PREDICTABLE!! :/)

granted, but the cat eats itself first therefore is useless

I wish for a can of black olives
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rarity Rose

Granted, but as soon as you are about to eat one, THEY ALL TURN RED!!  O:
i wish for 500 cheese in transformice


granted but the game gets shut down after you get it

i wish i was allowed to nap more
ay i'm no longer using this site


granted but then you go into a comma some how... and you miss school or something
I don't know

I wish I was a pony :D


Quote from: antherax on 2013 Oct 02, 22:24:36
granted but then you go into a comma some how... and you miss school or something
I don't know
ay i'm no longer using this site


Quote from: antherax on 2013 Oct 02, 22:24:36
granted but then you go into a comma some how... and you miss school or something
I don't know

I wish I was a pony :D

Granted, but instead your a donkey.

I wish for a cupcake!


Granted, but it's Rainbow Dash (lol so generic)

I wish I was a sister of Mario...


Granted, but Mario gets lazy and makes you do all his hard work.

I wish I could hug Rainstorm.
I'm back


Granted but you get an electric shock in the process.
I wish it would rain fresh black olives from the sky. ovO
Said no to being given a Lucario Pokemon X.
My oc board is in my Signature


*long and boring scientific explanation why I couldn't get shocked*...Fine.
And I know who can grant that. I'll make a call. *dials*
Hello, Discord? Can you go see this guy? Turn your chocolate rain into olive rain and give it to him. Oh, you busy? Okay, catch ya later. Sorry, corrupted. Can't do it.

I wish for magic.
I'm back

Rarity Rose

granted, but the only thing you can do is make your eyes fall out  :P
i wish there was a good warrior cats mmo


Granted, but the server crashes because of too many users

I wish I could fly


Granted but some idiotic scientists discover you and start trying to capture you and try to do stupid experiments on you to figure out why you can fly.

I wish I could go into Equestria.
I'm back


granted but you are a parasprite! Is that how they're called?
I wish for a huge block of chocolate

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