Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 15, 22:54:31
well that's good Irina looks over to his parents eheh so how did the night go?

Pretty good until the whole "demon" ting. Scroll tells Irina.
You have lovely children. Red Dawn compliments Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


y-yeah I know... and thank you she says smiling a bit at Dawn
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Are you alright? You don't seem to be alright? Red Dawn asks Irina, going closer to here to check if her daughet-in-law was fine.
thank you Sky Sketch


After walking a while the two came to a small manor the captain opened the gate and lead sharp in to the door "here we are " the captain showed him in


yeah I'm just... Not all here yet still mentally recovering
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback



"it belonged to my family I bought it from them mostly to prove a point " he walked in the place not looking very lived in in spite of the furnishings


*Sharp raises an eyebrow* By chance... How old is it?


"fairly why do you ask"the captain raised a brow

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 16, 00:02:09
yeah I'm just... Not all here yet still mentally recovering

//GTG in 22 minutes BTW, gotta sleep for a test tomorrow.
Alright, you should get back onto the bed until you're....all here... Red Dawn suggests to Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


don't worry I'm good.... You know just throwing this out there I don't think we have ever been through what should I call you two I mean you are my husbands parents
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 16, 00:45:15
don't worry I'm good.... You know just throwing this out there I don't think we have ever been through what should I call you two I mean you are my husbands parents

Well I'm Red Dawn, and you can call your husbands dad Scroll, that's what he goes by all the time. Red Dawn tells Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


alright I just didn't want to offend you two by calling you by your names
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 16, 01:29:52
alright I just didn't want to offend you two by calling you by your names

Your our sons wife, if you where going to disappoint us, you would have already... Red Dawn says, a cheery smile and tone despite the lack of cheeriness in her words.
thank you Sky Sketch


yeah I guess I'm still only use to Evillious culture X3
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Scroll walks close to Irina. It's alright, it's always hard to get out of cultural habits. He says, trying to comfort Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


yeah so I guess we are all staying here for the night correct?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 16, 19:17:15
yeah so I guess we are all staying here for the night correct?

The two nod.
Yea, best to let Elluka do her thing and wait it out in here... Physics says to everypony.
thank you Sky Sketch


okay that sounds good

//hey if you are up to it maybe Jet and Moon's foals could have a little playdate ;)
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 16, 20:50:59
okay that sounds good

//hey if you are up to it maybe Jet and Moon's foals could have a little playdate ;)

//Moonlight Gamers?
Physics nod as he begin to stand guard near the entrance to the hotel room.
thank you Sky Sketch

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