Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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I'm fine in fact I'm out there looking for somepony
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


the captain continued through the city

Fluffy Cloud

Tenebris turned to Teal.

(Playing CoD, slow.)

the dark gods

Who you looking for? Physics asks Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


Twiright Irina says
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Oh him... Physics says. Since we're in Canterlot, we could try finding him, I think you said something about him being here...
thank you Sky Sketch


((how did the castle get destroyed ?))

the dark gods

((Fight with magic death snake.))
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

Tenebris pokes Teal's face with her paw.

Teal Turken

Quote from: Fluffy Cloud on 2013 Feb 03, 21:28:27
Tenebris turned to Teal.

(Playing CoD, slow.)

(Playing TF2, slow lol )
Quote from: Fluffy Cloud on 2013 Feb 03, 21:45:57
Tenebris pokes Teal's face with her paw.

Teal giggles from the poke and touches his face.
He yawns and stretches his hooves out. He turns over and looks at Tenebris.
um...still Tenebris from you look of you. :\


Probably not a good Idea I mean I am already in enough trouble with the princesses
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((really ? how did that happen))

the dark gods

Well then I guess we could relax in the castle for awhile. Physics says, a lazy smile on his face.
((It was taking the form of a pony, it then teleported into the castle with a group, and transformed into a snake, 4 or 5 fillies used something like the elements of harmony to beat it.))
thank you Sky Sketch


((something like the elements of harmony?))

the dark gods

((just read the pages back until you find it, it's hard to explain.))
thank you Sky Sketch


((...What? Did they use the Elements of Almost Harmony?))
*Specx is sitting in a restaurant eating hay fries*

the dark gods

((I assumed it was the components of unity.))
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

"I'm hungry!"Tenebris whined.

Teal Turken

Okay okay lets go get some food.
Teal sits up and fixes up his mane and gets out of bed.


((i guess i would have to been there myself))

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