Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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Fluffy Cloud

Tenebris found Teal's suite as well and walked into it before Ice arrived.


Ice sees Tenebris and you are
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Teal Turken

Teal is still sleeping, looking very saddened. :c

Fluffy Cloud

"I just came to see Teal. I was wondering how he was doing." Tenebris walks up to Teal and hops onto the bed. She shakes him. "Wake up!"


Don't do that! He's um been through a lot :c
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Teal Turken

Maple is it's not.. Teal says blinking his eyes looking at Tenebris. His eyes are darkened with a light red to them.

Fluffy Cloud

"Look, I've been thinking...Maybe we could rebuild Allura's sword, but reverse its effects? But it probably wouldn't work..."

Teal Turken

......what do you mean reverse it? What would that do?


I also have an idea Teal but if you want to go with hers okay
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Fluffy Cloud

"When Nox sliced Maple, it removed her soul from the body. Maybe, if we reversed it, it could reattach her soul to the body. I need to get Allura's help though. I'll go start right now!" Tenebris hops off the bed, and walks out of the room.

Teal Turken

Teal watches Tenebris leave, then looks at Ice.
So....she wants to get Maple's soul back? What is your idea?


I can get her soul back and recreate her body but she would be immortal
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Teal Turken wanna do the same thing but also create her a new body AND she'll be immortal?


she will still have all memories and personality but yes
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Teal Turken

um...I don't think we should force immortality on her, I mean we could always do the same thing another time, right?


hm okay but wait she said she needed her soul right I could go get it and give it to them
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Teal Turken

I'd love if you went and did that Ice. :')


could you um fly me to rp the roof of the castle the highest point
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Teal Turken

um...sure, let me just get up.
Teal gets out of bed, she stands up and stretches.
Lets go outside.


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