Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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Teal Turken

Teal gets out some parchment and a quill and writes a letter to Nala.

the dark gods

Physics decides to go onto the bed too, making sure he wasn't bumping into the fillies as he layed down.
He also falls asleep fairly quickly.
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

2013 Feb 03, 00:10:51 #1662 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 03, 00:33:39 by Fluffy Cloud
Tenebris changed her position on the bed so she was splayed out all over it. She sighed happily.

Teal Turken

((sorry site wouldn't let me on till now))

Teal finishes his letter and sends it off, then looks to the bed.


after a train ride the captain arrived in canterlot as he began walking through the city

Shadow Mare

*As the captain was walking, Torch riding on a skateboard was heading straight for him*

Torch: Whoa... LOOK OUT!!!


the captain levitated torch and her skate board "torch you should be careful"

Shadow Mare

Torch: Ah what you talking about? I had it under control!


"really so that's why you were screaming watch out ?" the captain raised a brow to the dragon

Shadow Mare

Torch: Simple: All you snub-nosed rich ponies can't process the fact a dragon on skateboard is on a collision course with you! What are you doing here? Trying to ruin my day already egg head?


"actually i dont mind you skate boarding just watch where you are going " the captain set her down

Shadow Mare

Torch: Yeah sure, so what you up too?


"nothing really coming to canterlot to maybe visit luna and celestia" he raised a brow to the dragon "and you?"

Shadow Mare

Torch: Thats easy, I'm about to visit Luner and Celestea! *Torch said misspelling their names*


"you know you cant just pop in on them i can get an audience with them fairly easy because of my rank , why would you even want to visit them ?" he looked at the dragon confused

Shadow Mare

Torch: Ummm.... I wanted to know... ummm? What does it even matter why I want to go? That something you ask dragons or something? What we ever do to you?


"not dragons just you i just didnt think you of anypony would want to meet them"

Shadow Mare

Torch: Well you know, so let's go!


"but they might be busy right now we cant just ... ok fine" the captain said as he began to walk

Shadow Mare

Torch: So.... why you work for them? Do you work for the sun alicorn or the moon alicorn? Why didn't Celestia just roast Luna when she wouldn't move the moon?

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