Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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Fluffy Cloud

Teal Turken

((Yeah I guess...I'm a bit lazy and need to get out of it. >.<))

Teal flies in quickly and catches Maple before she hits the ground.
I got you!

the dark gods

Any clue on how to get through that gem on the snake? Physics asks.
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

"No, not really. But maybe...we could push her off the mountain." Stella looked at the giant snake.
"Thanks Daddy. That snake...I just..."

the dark gods

That seems smart. Physics says, putting his daughter down onto the ground gently, as his horn tenses up, as he tries to use his telekinesis to push the snake back, it wouldn't be enough, but it would help.
thank you Sky Sketch

Teal Turken

I know...but I can't....I can't protect you now, you have to defeat it....or it'll come back for you and those other fillies. :(
Teal sets Maple down.
I know you can do it, and they can too.

Fluffy Cloud

Nox doesn't get pushed off, but she seems to be moving back slowly.
Maple nods and walks next to Stella. "We're gonna try to push her off the mountain," says Stella.

the dark gods

Physics continues trying to push back Nox, shooting a few fireballs infront of it to try to scare it back.
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

Nox gets hit by the fireballs, but doesn't burst into flames. She looks at the edge of the mountain. [glow=purple,2,300]"I think I should escape."[/glow] She begins to slither towards the edge of the mountain.
"Oh no you don't!" Maple bites Nox's tail and holds on.

the dark gods

Physics teleports in Nox's way. You ain't escaping if it's the last thing I do!
thank you Sky Sketch

Fluffy Cloud

[glow=purple,2,300]"Get out of my way!"[/glow] North Star pushes Physics aside with her head.

Teal Turken

Teal watches and looks around. He spots some clouds and flies up to them. He pushes a few over the snake's head and packs them together, then starts jumping on them to make it rain on the snake's head hard.

the dark gods

Physics teleports away from North Stars head, and shoots a stream of fire at it.
thank you Sky Sketch

Lusterless Nova

((I feel like doing something random. Can i?))

the dark gods

((We cant really stop you now can we?))
thank you Sky Sketch

Lusterless Nova

((You can. I don't want to ruin anything))

Fluffy Cloud

North Star gets hit by the fireball and rain and falls over the edge, with Maplr hanging onto her tail.
"Maple!" Crystal, Stella, and Lapiz scream.
The gem on the end of Nox's tail begins to glow. "Oh no, you're not using MAGIC TO GET OUT OF HERE!" She bites Nox's tail harder.

(Go ahead.)

Teal Turken

Teal gasps.

Fluffy Cloud

Maple crawls up to Nox's head. "I WANT YOU TO LEAVE EVERYPONY I KNOW ALONE!!!" She begins to scratch Nox's head, which does little damage.

Lusterless Nova

A shooting star comes from the west. it is fast and surrounded by intense flames. Sky blaze is incoming.

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