The Princess Conspiracy - Relative Consequences - You must sign-up

Started by GalvinRoe, 2012 Nov 11, 15:34:19

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Shard sighed. "There is a sick mare in there and Kai is getting her help." It wasn't a lie. There were just missing pieces to the puzzle like "how did she get there" or "why is she in Kai's office", but Shard couldn't answer those so he didn't even try. (Would those medics hurry up!?)
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"Why would there be a mare in there.. it doesn't make sense,  unless do you two know the mare?"


"Well, yes. We do." Shard said. (Yea, we know the mare is a crazed, mad pony who needs help. Yep, we know her. Not.)
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Quote from: Chirp on 2013 Feb 01, 12:02:08
"Great.." Majem thought to himself and sighed. He never liked mysteries and this pony really wasn't helping him at all. Perhaps the Capitol Building could bring more information, but that was the worst guess Majem could make at the time. The pony kept staring at it as if it was important, so might as well give it a go.

The capitol building looked the same as when he went there with Silver. Ponies pushed in and out as quickly as they could . . . lots of ponies, and tired ponies with piles of scrolls sidled through the crowd worriedly, somehow managing to keep all their great stacks of parchment and paper upon their backs, unscathed. Doors everywhere, nothing of direct interest in this room . . .


"come on it cant be comfortable down there, let me help you"
Kai attempts to very very carefully get the mare out and onto one of the schools beds

"Well that fine then Kai should be able to look after her until the medical team arrive, there should be no probems with the pony you bearly know"


My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"What is even going on here? Ugh." Majem walked around the building nonchalantly for a while. Perhaps somepony who didn't seem busy could bring some answers.

The Wandering Magus

Bloodblade sighed as he watched his Master pace back and forth, muttering to himself as servants came in and out with news of their successes and failures.


"Not now, Bloodblade."

The butler fell silent.  It was the same thing over and over again.  Setbacks come, and suddenly a rational, hyperintelligent mastermind goes into a fit of obsession.

"Master, weariness is only going to complicate matters."

Fancy slammed his hoof on the priceless ebony table.  "For the love of banished Tartarus, Bloodblade, I know what I'm doing!"

Days, years of pent-up passion for the stallion's well-being sprang out, and before the butler quite knew what he was saying, he found himself speaking completely out of turn, almost passionately. "Begging Master's pardon, but he does not.  You haven't eaten in days, you've barely slept.  And much as Master's servant takes pride in the effectiveness of the Maids, Master's best informants are gone now."

The stallion whipped around, eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, frustrated and almost despairing.  "And what would you have me do?  Throw myself at the Princesses, begging forgiveness?  Allow the world to fall to endless night?"

"Nay, Master."

"Then what WOULD you have me do?  SPEAK PLAINLY!"

The pegasus fell silent for a moment, then, with strength he never knew he had, looked the aristocrat in the eye.  "....I would have you endure, Fancy.  Ever since you were a colt, I looked after you.  I fed you, taught you.  I stood by your side.  You were like a son to me, more than a son, closer than blood.  Fight the good fight, but don't destroy yourself unnecessarily either.  This is a battle that will not be won in a single day, Master, and one must conserve strength for the end."

Sanity returned to those crazed eyes, and suddenly Fancy no longer looked so bold or furious, but simply weary, weary beyond belief.

"I... I suppose you're right... a little rest might..."

The butler was already there when the pony fell forward, unconscious from the unbelievable pressure that had weighed so heavily on him.  A quiet, sad smile played on the servant's lips.

"Sleep, Master Fancy," he whispered, as he had done to comfort the pony after a nightmare so many years ago.  "Master's servant will guard him through the night."

Gazing up through the roof of the windowless room, as if he could feel Luna's ruthless gaze high above, the pegasus sighed.  "And may some force of good stronger than even the Sun and the Moon guard US through the night."


"Feather?"  The familiar green face peeked through the door, her usual smile replaced with a look of worry.  Her husband  was sitting at his desk, flicking a pencil up and down with a hoof.  Concerned, Juniper walked uncertainly over, standing by his side.  They stayed like that for a bit.

"Juni... what are the traits of the Princesses?"

The mare was surprised by the question, but answered without hesitation.  "Eternal Love, Eternal Wisdom, Eternal Patience."

The room fell silent again.  Juniper shifted a bit, her unease growing.  "Why are you asking me this?"

The blue pony sighed, and as if for the first time, seemed conflicted and uncertain, even though he had been very confident just that morning.  "Juni... I... something's been bothering me recently.  Actually, for a long time."

The mare nodded, and let the researcher collect himself without interrupting.  Whatever was bothering him, he'd only admit in his own time, she knew this much at least.  Pa was like that too, back on the farm.  Colts didn't like having to turn to others for help, and she was tomcoltish enough to understand the feeling.  Soon enough, the stallion chuckled a bit.

"I guess that's not saying much, eh."  His eyes looked up, searching hers for a bit.  "Can we sit down for a bit?"

Juniper nodded wordlessly, and the couple walked over to a sofa.  Feather took a while to compose himself.

"Juni... there's something wrong with all... this.  No, no, not the house.  Not you either.  It's with... I don't know how to say it, with everything.  Something's up, I don't know what it is, but something's just wrong, and I can't put my hoof on it.  I think... I think..."

He grew agitated, and struggled to calm himself.  "...recently, there's been... things, going on.  In Canterlot.  Not just in the city, in my laboratory as well.  These requests... Something's terribly wrong, Juni.  I can feel it.  And somehow, I feel as though something i made, something I helped make, is responsible for at least some of it."

Juniper just nodded, letting him speak.  She knew just saying "you did nothing wrong" wouldn't help here, the pony needed to come to it himself.

"Juni... what does the Book say about sacrifice?"

The mare grew worried.  "Greater love hath no pony than this, that a pony lay down her life for her friends."

A distant look came to Feather's eyes.  "Juni... something... something has the Princesses worried.  Something's wrong with all this."

He looked down in shame.  "But... I'm not sure I want to know what it is."

Juniper leaned over and hugged her husband close.  "Feather.  Whatever you choose, I'll always stand by your side.  Don't worry."

Feather shook his head almost imperceptibly.  "Juni... I can only hope and pray that you're right."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2013 Jan 29, 10:01:00
"Its fine I dont mind being addressed as a wonderer . . ." . . .

Ser Titanium's ears fell limp and the transformation was complete! From his confident attitude, just hours before . . . to this complete despair. A whisper escaped his lips, "Surely . . . that was one of the only ways I could communicate, safe ways . . . I couldn't think of any other way . . . And only one responds."

His glazed eyes floated off into the encroaching darkness. "The darkness in Equestria is finally overflowing . . . The darkness that only licked the corners before, it has already begun it's consumption. Perhaps this darkness was necessary once, but no longer, no, now it will come to suppress us, regress us . . ."

Ser Titanium's head shook ever so slightly, a silhouette within the growing darkness; eyes without emotion. "One will not help, one is not enough . . . the end is coming and there is nothing I can do." A small smile creeped into those eyes reflecting darkness, it was barely an upturned line and only the very tips of his lips curled up. Ser Titanium's eyes glazed and trickled and his back legs seemed to lose their strength. "I . . . suppose there is nothing to do but accept it, huh? What else can we do . . . what else can we do against this endless shadow? It is . . ." His words were breathless, forced beyond his capacity. " . . .the way of the world."

* * *

Quote from: Chirp on 2013 Feb 04, 11:25:31
"What is even going on here? Ugh. . . "

Attendants and secretaries continued to bustle around the Capitol building. Then a familiar pony wandered into the area. . . one of Lord Silver's secretaries. She spotted Chirp and blinked at him curiously, a steady hoof rose to her head then a beckoning, halting and self-conscious. 

* * *

[Scene: Kai and Glacier]

  The paramedics were slow to respond, no-pony expected any emergencies at the University and a single operator was the only one there to receive messages for the University and she was playing 'cards in the hat'. But she had found the 'important' message and sent out a call for the emergency ponies.

  "This is Doctor Kai's office?" A well-built, if exhausted, stallion in wrinkled purple scrubs stared down at  Sara and Glacier. Then a pristine mare came cantering up; a medical duffel swinging in her muzzle. "Where's the patient?!"


Ryo just looks, his expression doesn't change still an odd smile on his face as if he was expecting this he opens his mouth while still giving a oddly serious smile
"Darkness is nothing to fear, I have yet to meet a darkness that outweighs my own, now how about we discuss this endless shadow, and what on equestria it has to do with the poetry nut"


Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2013 Feb 23, 21:38:16
Ryo just looks, his expression doesn't change still an odd smile on his face as if he was expecting this he opens his mouth while still giving a oddly serious smile
"Darkness is nothing to fear, I have yet to meet a darkness that outweighs my own, now how about we discuss this endless shadow, and what on equestria it has to do with the poetry nut"

"Yes, the darkness is part of you . . . just like any pony, this world was build on it and now the foundation is sucking us back in.  At least there wasn't death . . . I suppose, but is the loss of our freedom worth it? Our freedom is all hollow, we thought ourselves more free than the birds, but the instant we step over the line our leash is retracted."

  The pony looked up, his eyes might have been staring directly into Ryo's but no-pony would be able to tell. His eyes were all tears and blinks. "The Princess hold their strings over all of us, next time you do so much as THINK, know that you should be careful, if they find you have thoughts they don't approve of . . . you might not be able to think again!"


Shard nodded and looked at the door. [Color=cornflowerblue]"Yes, the patient is in there."[/color]
But before  he let the pair in, he opened the door and looked at Kai while saying, [Color=cornflowerblue] "I'm taking Sara out of here. I think it's for the better. The paramedics are here. I'll be waiting outside of the Academy. Side entrance B."[/color] ((That's what  I'm calling the entrance that Sara and Shard came in.)) Shard looked quite serious. He waited a moment for approval, and then he pulled his head out of the room and said to Sara, [Color=cornflowerblue] "I think we should let the paramedics work in peace. Follow me please." [/color]He started walking out the way that they came. He looked over his shoulder to see if she was following.
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Majem walked up to the secretary, desperately seeking assistance. "Hi, I, uhh, how are you?" He said nervously.


("Honestly does every pony we meet have to be mad or speak in riddles")
("it's part of the fun is it not besides now I'm curious")

"Im already aware of the power of this empire, to make a long story short let's just say I'm already not on their best books and I'll say it again Darkness is nothing to fear, although it is fairly worrying how much control they do have but, that's not exactly a huge worry for myself"

"alright Ill explain the situation in here"

"Fine then no sense in getting in the way I suppose"
Sara follows along


Shard sighed inwardly and was relieved. He led her to the same door that they entered through.  [Color=cornflowerblue]"We are just going to wait here, okay? "[/color]
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Quote from: Chirp on 2013 Feb 24, 09:33:16
Majem walked up to the secretary, desperately seeking assistance. "Hi, I, uhh, how are you?" He said nervously.

"What . . . what are you doing here, sir? Could you be looking for Madame Glory? I-I really don't think we can help you, sir. I mean, I . . " The secretary died off, as she caught hold of Majem's eyes. "Wh-what is it? Why are you here? You-you don't have news about Ms. Glory do you?"

* * *

Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2013 Feb 24, 10:23:09
("Honestly does every pony we meet have to be mad or speak in riddles")
("it's part of the fun is it not besides now I'm curious")

"Im already aware of the power of this empire, to make a long story short let's just say I'm already not on their best books and I'll say it again Darkness is nothing to fear, although it is fairly worrying how much control they do have but, that's not exactly a huge worry for myself"

Ser Titanium fidgeted and gazed at the pony before him; then, finally he made his decision. "I think I'm going to trust you and I hope it isn't the worst mistake of my life. Sir, we are a resistance, the beginning of a rebellion, here in Canterlot. Don't ask me who 'we' are, I wont' tell you our names, but we have taken the name 'The Viridian Alley'. If that sounds familiar, that might would be because we started out as an open bar for radicals and any with strong opinions."

"Then Green Strokes found something, something BIG and we were only able to obtain the slightest piece of information, it was some kind of conspiracy related to the Princess." Titanium fell silent for a long time, staring directly into Ryo's face.

"Do you know what such information indicates!? It tears down the very structure of our theology and government! The princess are NOT infallible and if this this true, they can even be corrupt."


"So if thats the case where is this information, Because Im aware there must be truth behind those words, expecialy if the guards are already acting up, so that brings me to a simple point, What was the point that lead to your awnser, and where is this key player in this plot"

Ryo looks staring and pondering the outcome "And what do you want of me here to push your truth further"

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