The Princess Conspiracy - Relative Consequences - You must sign-up

Started by GalvinRoe, 2012 Nov 11, 15:34:19

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Kai recomposed himself and got back up
"Its probably for the best if I contact the medical ward on this matter , this pony doesn't appear to be all there, we will have our discussion later on after this matter"[/color


 That rattling, from before, was prominent again. And the mare's eyes were loosing their focus. "No, not when it's not possible. It'll drive you mad, mad, crazy!" She crawled out from under the desk, suddenly. Looking, about the study for something, throwing up papers. Papers she didn't even seem to be looking at.

"Not here, no-no. Not here." She chanted to herself with each hoof-full of papers that fluttered through the air.


(Mad like you?) he thought to himself, worried, not for himself, but for the mare. "Okay, miss..." He stepped back and spoke into Kai's ear softly, as not to be heard. "I agree. This poor mare needs to be in a mental hospital in my opinion."
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Kai takes a piece of parchment from the desk as well as a pen and takes it over to the beds to lean on and starts writing a message to the medical ward
"Ill use the school mail system to get it there, ill mark it as urgent using my name they should read it preaty swiftly"

((Using the Spike mail type system if thats alright with you))


"Good idea." Shard glanced warily at the mare. (I wonder what she's talking about...But she's not in the state to be asked, so I guess I may never know.)
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Dr Kai places the letter on the  schools instant mail box system to be send off, The letter contains information informing the hosipital about this using his name and signing it urgent

"that should get there soon, It might be best to keep an eye on her until then, though I do wonder how she got in here, even I had to get a key"


"Mm. I wonder that as well as why she looks so poorly." Shard looked down on the mare with soft eyes, wondering about her. Other thoughts crept into his mind, thoughts about the day. (What an odd day.) He continued reviewing the day, til he came to meeting Sara. "Oh, Sara is probably worried about us, but I doubt that she would want to see... this mare."
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"Yes, She probably heard me shouting as well, *sigh* It might be better to call her in but first, your probably aware of why I was here aren't you, its why you wanted to speak to me alone am I right Shard"
Kai starts talking as if reading a poem
"The hoof that wrote a page of words to reach the minds of others now gone to leave a legacy of woe to those who search"


"I believe we are speaking of the same thing. We break the law by saying his name..." he replied. This was risky business, but they were in an almost empty school. Still, caution prevailed, and Shard asked a question instead of mentioning the forbidden name. "But I still don't know what you were searching for..."
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"Information, I wanted to use the libraries references but I didn't get anything, so I decided to get some previsions because, I feel this could be quite deep and It may mean that I cant return here for a while after"


"Mmn. I never thought about that. I never thought how breaking the law could mean the loss of my job..." Shard said. He was starting to regret his decision.(I guess it is too late now.)
"So, Ryo is in this too? This mess of a mystery?"
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"somehow he stumbled in on it, got himself caught up in some business on his return trip from the crystal empire, though I don't think he really cares about how deep he's in, though by saying this mess of a mystery I can presume you hold some interest in the events"


Shard closed his eyes and held his breath for a moment, then let out an exhale. Opening his eyes, he replied,"Yes. You can presume that." He looked to the floor while saying this, not making eye contact. He closed his eyes once more, but more tightly this time. When he opened them, they held no expression. They were blank.
"I'm going out to see Sara. Are you coming? I'm not going to be the one to show her the mare in here."
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


"It may be best I stay here keep an eye on her till the medical team get here, save any accidental harm to her self"Kai looks worried for a second
"but please do keep an eye on Sara she ... she's an important friend of mine" 


Shard nodded. "Okay." He figured that he's ask Kai later how they knew each other. Sara didn't seem to be one for conversation. Shard opened the door just enough to slip out, left the room, and then closed it with a soft thud.
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


  At this very moment the mare let out a wailing sob, that echoed through the empty corridors and pounded in the ponies' heads. Sheer melancholy, utmost despair and the sound made one think of the end of sanity and destruction of one's reality.

The mare went on for several minutes before falling to the ground, gasping for breath, the horrid rattling more prominent than ever.


Shard was about to reply "Yes, everything is okay", but the mare's deranged sob interrupted him. He shut his eyes for a third time as the mare wailed. A few moments of silence passed once the mare stopped. Shard opened his eyes and spoke after he had cleared his head from the sound that came from Kai's office."Y-yes. Kai just has a patient in his office..."
My time here has measured much change, and I fear one of those changes might soon be my departure.


Sara doesn't seem terribly impressed with Shards answer
"A patient.... in a closed school.... Mr Shard I may not have the most confidence but I'm no foal, what's going on in there?"

Kai tries his best to comfort the mad mare
"come on calm down everything's ok, threes no need to cry, everything will be ok shortly"


 The mare seemed near unconsciousness, her troubled breathing sounded ever worse before and she lay on the cold stone floor, the only movment her chest, struggling to raise and fall. Kai's words may have reached her, but whatever the case was, she didn't respond.

As a slow bulb of trickle gathered to her lips and spilled over onto the floor, she began coughing aggressively. Flem spattered across the floor and her coughing fit died down. Her eyes were closed, tightly, her brow knit in a crease so tight . . . it might never come loose. But she wailed and spoke no more, she layed their on the ground making no more attemptes to trounce about the room and upset the papers there.

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