Most annoying things in video games

Started by Lord of Madness, 2012 Oct 11, 03:03:12

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Gmod physics,

Sometimes walking over a prop (object) hurts you, or it can kill you instantly, even if its just a paint can.

Still its pretty funny when it happens to others on the server
br /><br />Alastor created the amazing banner of the Chat-O-Landians! 8)
(Peace Keeper originally created my pfp, but it has since broken :( Hi, I'm Frost Burn, I like to help if I can! if you need me, I'm here :D



That moment in 3D Zelda games where you accidently jump off a ledge or leap in a slightly wrong direction.
Wait for it...


The AntiForm in Kingdom Hearts II struck again today. Just as I was about to kill one of the harder bosses. On the bright side, I eventually beat the boss, and another, in a row. (Data-Saix and Data-Zexion)
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


How the number of offline co-op games is drastically decreasing... :(  I just wanna play together with my friend! It is the most fun way of playing videogames, and I'd rather play a lame game with friends than an awesome game completely alone.


2015 Jan 10, 18:28:35 #2085 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 10, 18:31:41 by Minor-T5
When game developers get lazy and you can do all kinds of easy things to see outside the map which is literally an abyss. It ruins the immersion.

and yes i pay attention to small details like that in a game
The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


When you barely manage to survive and you forget to save and the next wave of enemies kills you...  >:O

Lync Volan

Quote from: Ramisha on 2015 Jan 11, 06:50:10
When you barely manage to survive and you forget to save and the next wave of enemies kills you...  >:O
or your almost allowed to leave the dungeon and the load screen freezes before you could save


Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jan 11, 08:09:42
or your almost allowed to leave the dungeon and the load screen freezes before you could save


Lync Volan

Quote from: Ramisha on 2015 Jan 11, 08:18:32
only for DS lite games that has happened to me but i'm kinda talking about "Explore The Dungeon" at the moment :l


When I am playing on hard difficulty in a game and I try really hard not to smash my keyboard or mouse.
The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke

Sunshine Smash

Lord Gwyn's insane attack speed almost makes me miss the chance to drink my Estus.


Thanks to my high poise I don't flinch while being attacked. Though he did kill me multiple times before I finally got him!

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


I was SO CLOSE to beating Data-Roxas in KHII yesterday!
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


Bad escort quests or sections where you have to follow an incredibly slow character, I mean seriously, I could blaze through an entire area in 30 seconds and instead it takes 10 minutes because I have to escort a dumbass that decides to jog the long way around at a VERY slow pace.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Sunshine Smash

Going through a large part of the game without a save point. Then you make an unintentional mistake and losing. Happens to me in Ace Attorney and Pokemon. Though Pokemon just crashed that one time.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Itty Bit

I don't remember if I said it here, or in SmashBoards, but roll spamming in smash bros! Aughhh!
It's so predictable and stupid of a tactic, but if you lose to it, it's just so spirit crushing! It feels like the equivalent to being good at other fighting games, but still not good enough where you can lose to somebody just mashing buttons.

Peace Keeper

IDK how my brother does it easily, but going through Call of Duty Campaign on Veteran difficulty. It is like they have an aim-lock on me or something. I gave my brother the control to help me, and he was shocked on the ultra-incredible accuracy. He didn't had much of a problem running through it his first time on his profile, and he used his same techniques. Just not sure why in my profile the AIs decide to go perfect aim.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


How quickly you lose health in Metroid Fusion. It's an ultra-fun game, but it's so much tougher than Metroid 3 or even 2!

Also, that one energy tank in Ridley's hideout on the 1st Metroid. It was the most infuriating tanks I've ever had to get. First, I had to freeze one of those Dessgeegas in the EXACT RIGHT position, jump onto it without accidently killing it with Screw-Attack, and bomb-jump PERFECTLY over the column I can only get through in ball form. That was tedious enough. Then there's the fake floor. THE FAKE FLOOR THAT DROPS ME FAR ENOUGH TO MAKE ME THROW MY CONTROLLER. There's a way to get back up, but it's difficult. There are platforms that make it to behind the tank, but those platforms are pencil-thin. If I miss a jump, there's no getting back up. Every time, I would miss the first jump. Then I would stop playing for a while. I HATED getting that tank.
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High contrast that can't be modified.

Spoiler: My Reaction • show


When I'm facing a boss in a Metroid game and I'm SEVERELY unprepared. Not enough energy tanks or missiles to do the job. Then I gotta go hunt for some, which could take several hours. These things are incredibly well-hidden and difficult to track down.
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