Borderlands 2

Started by The Mysterious Artist, 2012 Sep 21, 02:24:45

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Teal Turken

How about I say some good stuff about the game? :)

I really like the antagonist, Handsome Jack....okay I don't LIKE him but I like him as a villain.
I like how fresh he is to the villain name, he's egocentric, intelligent, he doesn't hold back how evil he is, and he actually manages to succeed in a lot of his plans.
It reminds the player that heros don't always stop the bad guy at every turn, the worst may happen but even if it does you can still win in the long run.
It's also fun that you can get his mask after the final boss fight but you don't get to see what's under the mask. :c
Maybe he was Pinkie Pie ovO

The playable characters have really fun personalities. I really love to hear Zer0 speak his poetic lines in combat and insult enemies. I haven't really heard too many of the other characters though cause...well I usually play commando. x3

The vehicles are so much more fun to drive than before! Especially the new bandit technicals, catapulting explosive barrels into flying buzzards is so satisfying.

I heavily enjoy some of the new characters, like Tiny Tina, she's so fun to hang around and it's fun to watch her intro scene. Sir Hammerlock is brilliantly funny and he offers very good rewards for the missions he has. Claptrap has the best escort missions I've ever seen and he's funny to watch and listen to on missions. Brick's new personality is far more enjoyable along with the rest of the original characters from the first game....namely Brick. ovO
Dave from the hyperion controlled town (forget the name) was hilarious and it was so funny to see him get blown off a cliff. lol
I think the only character I feel didn't get enough attention was Scooter's sister (forgot her name), she was funny too and could've had a lot more usefulness if she could maybe help you further upgrade vehicles and offer better rewards for the missions you get from her.

LoL I think I like the characters just cause they're all funny. lol


Ah! You bring up very good points! Why, I do agree with you! ^-^

You missed something though. You can see what's behind the mask. If you let Lilith kill him, it flies a short distance away.

He has the vault symbol carved on his face.

Spoiler: show



Am I the only one that thinks Lilith should have been surprised that Maya was a siren too? She should have atleast mentioned it. Also in the mission assassinate the assassins we find out that there are only 6 sirens capable of existing in the universe at once , and Jack already knows 3. Of course two being Lilith , and Angel. Some people say that Maya isn't the third Siren Jack knows , but if you find Maya's lost echo recording she says a bunch of bandits tried to turn her over into hyperion claiming she was Lilith. That means we already know who those three sirens are. So there are only three more available roles as sirens in the borderlands story for both NPCs , and playable characters.
Anyway Salvador for the win.

The Stars

Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 Nov 29, 13:52:55
Honestly, as much as I enjoy this game, theirs a lot of bad things I see in it.
First off, it feels nearly impossible to solo the game as anyone who's not the commando or the mechromancer (DLC character).
Second, eridium becomes useless after you get all the SDU upgrades unless you count the 4 eridium you need for the special boss.
Third, they added more types of guns (which IS good) but what we really needed was a way to build our own guns. Theirs already "A bazillion guns", another "bazillion" doesn't change much.
Fourth, for coop, I still find anyone but the commando and the mechromancer useless. Commando's turrets are so strong you don't even need to put points into them to make them good. I wouldn't know about the mechromancer because I don't actually have her but I've played games with people as her.
The siren did improve but the power of invisibility was given to Zero, the new assassin.

I like the game but a lot of things bug me about it, and it's boring the second you hit level 50 and beat NG+ :\

XD I Come here and this is the first post that catches my eye. Teal has a big point, although, I think playing as Zero the Assassin, I actually could solo the game now that I'm kinda adapting to my character and using his Deception skill wisely. But yeah, at first the game felt like "Good lord, they really upped the difficulty here", and I think Zero's purpose, as far as I see, is the get behind the enemy and take them out, say if there's a turret placement and the entire team is pinned down, Zero would really have a big advantage in getting around and dealing much damage in a single hit. Now, the thing about custom made guns, now that I would have benefited from amazingly : Mix Hyperion stabilizers together with a Bandit clip for a sniper rifle and you got one happy assassin :D. Eridum actually was a bit disappointing to me; I figured it would be used for more than just some simple storage upgrades XD Give me some powers like Lillith and you got a freaking deal.

Oh, and Handsome Jack... XD He is so lowdown it's actually quite humorous to me, and the fact that he uses such a nonchalant and leisurely voice makes it even funnier. Heh, I also found it funny how socially challenged Roland seemed when  you bring him back to Sanctuary. (Rather funny way of telling somebody "Hi", but whatever XD) Zero actually sounds rather demented, bloodlust in how he wants things done, but that's part of the reason I like him so much. Basically, he won't be happy without a challenging kill, something worth his efforts, and that speaks a dark story to me, but I really, just love it :P. I mean, I remember listening to his memories and he FORCED His target to fight back o.o. After I play some other characters, I might learn to grow and love their personalities as well, but the Gunzerker makes me laugh a little bit at how he can flip the bird with his action skill... and that he's so short for a berserker XD.

Overall, Here's some other good things about the game; The graphics settings are widely customizable in the .ini files, so I can actually play borderlands 2 at a smooth FPS :P. I also like how Cell shading makes everything looks a little more... Well, how do I say, Cartoonish? I like how the guns in the game are actually quite unique, depending on manufacturer, and the fact Hyperion weapons increased accuracy upon firing kinda blew my mind wide open there XD. The addition of the Golden Keys... o.o Oh dear lord, the loot I get makes me jump out of my seat in joy. I also noticed that Goliath is actually a Multiplayer only monster, and I felt that was actually quite interesting in how everything it kills, it's Exp value triples, so It kinda encourages you to join mutiplayer games to get that exp going :P. And It's also nice that they balance out difficulty by scaling it based on how many players are present, still giving the game the same challenge in single player as it would in multiplayer... Unless you were being an idiot like me and going Leroy Jenkins on every enemy in sight, then things would be hard on ya XD.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D

Book Smarts

I was trying Borderlands 2 and chose Zero, his sneak attack combined with a shotgun can take down even a raider with a heavy shield.

Shadow Mare

Borderlands 2 is on sale on Xbox Live.

Teal Turken

um.... The Stars had said the Goliath only appears in multiplayer but on Xbox he appears in singleplayer too.

The Stars

XD Oh. Weeeeell, I got the PC version, so I guess I coulda missed that in the Xbox version
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D



I am here to ping all of you that this game is still updating and still AWESOME. Discuss.

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