Ships and Spice: Adventure on a Cruise! (Jump-in)

Started by Lusterless Nova, 2012 Sep 19, 17:22:57

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Rad Thunder

Hey...wait for- *she tries following Teal into the deep end, but can't keep herself up* Eep. >.<

Teal Turken

Teal swims over to Sleepless and grabs hold of her and holds her up.
You alright? You started sinking like a rock for a second there!

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Don't worry, it's easy! I'll show you how.
Teal pulls Sleepless over to the shallow part.

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Let's just help you float first. ^-^
Lie flat on your back spread out, wings too. You float like a log.

Rad Thunder

*she hesitantly tips back and lies on her back, spreading her wings too* Like this...?

Teal Turken

Yeah, like that.
Teal helps Sleepless lie out flat as a board on the water, then lets go.
See? Your floating! Just don't move too much or you'll sink in a bit.

Giggle Tail

Giggle finishes his strange books and sets it down.

"Well, that's probably never going to prove to have been worth my time.  Oh well, guess I'll head back to the pool."
Will write lighthearted, random comedy stories for fun.

Giggle's OCs

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Yeah it kind of does. x3
When your ready to try swimming just flip back up.

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

I just meant get back on your hooves, I didn't really mean flip. x3

Giggle Tail

Will write lighthearted, random comedy stories for fun.

Giggle's OCs

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Rad Thunder

((Not yet))

*she turns over on her front and begins to sink down* Eep. Teal?! >A<

Teal Turken

I got you Sleepless! O:
Teal grabs Sleepless and holds her up above the water.
Are you okay? :(

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