Today's Smile

Started by Little Judas, 2012 Aug 16, 20:12:51

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I walked 6km along the river today(That's 3.6 miles for the weird americans)  Finished my walk off with a strawberry milkshake :)


Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 May 08, 17:55:49
I walked 6km along the river today(That's 3.6 miles for the weird americans)  Finished my walk off with a strawberry milkshake :)

That looked beautiful by the way! ^-^

Verdant Tome

Quite a few good things happened to me today!

First, it's the end of the first half of my current college term/quarter/semester/whatever, and one of my classes also finished today.

In said class, I had been kind of lazy and didn't do much, but in the past week and a half I did a full 180-turn and got my grade right back up into passing range. My teacher noted that it was the first time any of his lazy, failing students had ever done that at all - everyone prior had opted to fail and retake the class.

After that class had ended - it was my last one of the day - I hung out in the rec room for a while. I managed to get the Wii to myself and play some Punch-Out!!, and made it to the champion, Mr. Sandman, without losing a match. I didn't beat Sandman, though - he's the undefeated champ for a reason, you know.

Then some other guys came in, and I relinquished the Wii to them so they could play Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but they offered me to join in, and I accepted. The next hour had me, an inexperienced Brawler, get not completely wiped out - I managed to score some hits, and even some KOs, and was the last person on their first stock a couple times, as well as not the first person to be defeated a couple times. And I actually managed to win a match once, somehow. And I made friends with a couple guys. It was awesome.

Then I played Minecraft and found a veritable trove of diamonds - five blocks, right next to each other. I marked their location (i.e. wrote it down in a Notepad file) for future mining once I get a Fortune-enchanted pickaxe. There were a good number of emeralds in the cave, too, and I marked their position as well.

All in all, today was a good day.

My face hurts
Is this what happens when you smile this much?


done done doneed eond eodneon
I am 100% done with my first year of college. Feels good man.  - u-
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Little Star

Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2014 May 09, 00:47:34
done done doneed eond eodneon
I am 100% done with my first year of college. Feels good man.  - u-

We shall throw a party~~

Fluffy Ribbon

[glow=MediumOrchid,2,300]"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."


Quote from: StarSong on 2014 May 09, 07:32:18
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2014 May 09, 00:47:34
done done doneed eond eodneon
I am 100% done with my first year of college. Feels good man.  - u-

We shall throw a party~~

With singing~!! :3
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Midnight Breeze

I was working on Cinco de May, so I'm having a....Nueve de Mayo today.

With pollo a la tampiqueña.

Mas calorias, of course.


Had a nap today, woke up needing coffee as per the norm, but my phone was dying and I didnt want to be disconnected from my friends soooo...

I shut off my laptop's shutting down when you close the lid, threw it in it's bag and hooked my phone up to it so I can charge it on the fly.  So walking downtown with coffee in hand I realized for the first time in a while I was legit living up to my namesakes(both of them)

Itty Bit

Got to play Elsword again with my familee now that Momma is done with College for the semester, it was a lot of fun <3


Finally got Gmod working, had alot of fun with the pony mods with super_chris85(as you may tell from my steam screenshots X3)


What wasn't today's smile was that my laptop had to be restored because of a disk problem, so I had to re-install all my programs and games and everything.

What was today's smile was that the restore cleaned up my desktop, so now it looks brand new rather than cluttered with all kinds of program shortcuts.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Little Star

Pipkin is letting me use his netflix :OOOOOO




Your smile makes me smile! that sounded super cheezy.....oh well lol


OH YEAH I got (stole) a ship and I can make my crew sing pirate songs! Awesome, right?
And by "I" I mean Edward Kenway...  X3

Book Smarts

Graduating tomorrow  :3

Midnight Breeze

I finally got my Flair working in full color on TF2.


I'm liking this so far.  I made this sketch while waiting for food at my mom's house.


Finally got a Magnemite with an Ice Hidden Power. It also happens to have 5 perfect IVs with a lowish speed IV.


Quote from: Book Smarts on 2014 May 10, 21:37:37
Graduating tomorrow  :3


Finished rewatching FMA today - u-
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

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