Teal Turken's RP! (Jump in!)

Started by Teal Turken, 2012 Jun 29, 20:35:40

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Teal Turken

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Why don't you start by getting Sleepless out while we think of something.

Driftless Night

"Okay" Driftless starts to think

Rad Thunder

Alright. Sleepless?
*she finally opened her eyes* R-Rad?
It's over. Come on, I'll help you back up above ground.
:'( *she sobbed as she hugged onto Rad, and the two of them flew up through the hole*

Teal Turken

What if I make a cloud basket?

Driftless Night

Teal Turken

Alright. My power is love!
Teal's necklace appears and clouds form. He touches a couple cloud and they turn into baskets.
Teal grabs one and starts loading gems into it.

Driftless Night

Driftless grabs one and puts gems into it

Rad Thunder

*They land and Sleepless lets go and stands on her own*
You're not hurt are you? What about the foal?
N...no. It's fine. I'm still just a little...unnerved I guess...
It's okay. Everything's over. I told you before I'm not leaving you behind again, remember?
*she nodded slowly*

Teal Turken

Teal flies out of the hole with his basket full of gems.

Driftless Night

Driftless follows behind Teal with his basket

Rad Thunder

Teal Turken

Teal returns the gems.

Driftless Night

Driftless returns the gems and flies back down to fetch more

Teal Turken

Teal flies down with Driftless and comes back up with more.

Driftless Night

Driftless comes back up and returns them "Well, that was the last of 'em...that was easy"

Teal Turken

Yep! Now we just need to make sure the diamond dogs can't come back. Driftless can you seal up the hole somehow?

Driftless Night

"Um...sure" Driftless flies into the hole and a little while later he come out all dirty and dusty

Teal Turken

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