Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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I want a main menu in my game... But If I change ANYTHING in my game after that the entire game is unplayable...


Comic-Con was awesome, but sadly I think I discovered something.
I think my face stinging like Tartarus and being dryer than a desert showed me I'm allergic to the face paint I used.
Well, at least I know I'm allergic to SOMETHING other than certain clear plasters.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Stardust Dragon

This is one of those really stupid little nitpicks, but here goes.

Pokemon.  I love the games, have a little merchandise, and while I maybe don't agree with everything they do I still love it to pieces.  So can someone tell me why in the name of Luna they haven't started releasing official badge pins yet?!  :I  I've seen a website that does sell pins of all the badges, plus some extra ones, but seriously.  Why hasn't Pokemon cornered the market on these things?

I don't mean to say that I disagree with this company for making these badges, but from what I can tell they aren't directly affiliated with Nintendo, and Pokemon sure as sugar doesn't advertise them existing.  I just can't understand how Pokemon let this idea slip through the cracks for 20 years!

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 May 31, 03:28:50
This is one of those really stupid little nitpicks, but here goes.

Pokemon.  I love the games, have a little merchandise, and while I maybe don't agree with everything they do I still love it to pieces.  So can someone tell me why in the name of Luna they haven't started releasing official badge pins yet?!  :I  I've seen a website that does sell pins of all the badges, plus some extra ones, but seriously.  Why hasn't Pokemon cornered the market on these things?

I don't mean to say that I disagree with this company for making these badges, but from what I can tell they aren't directly affiliated with Nintendo, and Pokemon sure as sugar doesn't advertise them existing.  I just can't understand how Pokemon let this idea slip through the cracks for 20 years!

Especially now that they're working on Pokemon Go!
Can you imagine how many people who are gonna play Pokemon Go would love to run up to another player and show off their badges, like "Wanna battle? :]"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

The Overwatch community's metagame fetishization. Maybe it's because I've reached higher MMR, but people need to realize that every hero is useful depending on team composition and map, and shockingly enough there are actually team compositions other than Reinhard + Lucio + 4 McCrees that work...better dare I say.

People love hating on Zarya and saying she's useless. If you play as Zarya and your team loses you'd better be prepared to get blamed for not playing Reinhardt instead. Sorry, but I don't like Reinhardt. I don't want to spend the whole game holding down right click. Sure, I'll play him from time to time; just like I play every hero from time to time, but don't expect me to main him. Zarya is my jam, and for a good reason. She's potentially the most effective tank in the game.

Let me ask you this: How many tanks in Overwatch can reliably protect their teammates without said teammates needing to be directly behind them? The answer: one - Zarya.

The reason you rarely see Zaryas compared to all the Reinhardts, Lucios, and McCrees is because of how braindead low those heros' skill floors are, and how little effort it takes to make a difference with them. And most people suck big time with Zarya, wanting to run around throwing up barriers on some random Torbjorn or something that's not even in line of fire and then wonder why they can't get their energy up. And instead of learning to play her they just switch to EZ mode Reinhardt and never bother with her again.

Played properly, Zarya rocks the battlefield like no other tank, and people notice. I always get upvotes with my Zarya plays when I have a good team to support. Heck, one time I played Zarya on Gibraltar, made some mad pushes, and got a PotG in which I solo'd 4 enemies with a graviton surge and 100 energy grenades. Next round the entire enemy team decided to try and stack 6 Zaryas...they didn't make it past the first checkpoint.

Zarya main 4 lyfe.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Jun 02, 03:34:46
The Overwatch community's metagame fetishization. Maybe it's because I've reached higher MMR, but people need to realize that every hero is useful depending on team composition and map, and shockingly enough there are actually team compositions other than Reinhard + Lucio + 4 McCrees that work...better dare I say.

People love hating on Zarya and saying she's useless. If you play as Zarya and your team loses you'd better be prepared to get blamed for not playing Reinhardt instead. Sorry, but I don't like Reinhardt. I don't want to spend the whole game holding down right click. Sure, I'll play him from time to time; just like I play every hero from time to time, but don't expect me to main him. Zarya is my jam, and for a good reason. She's potentially the most effective tank in the game.

Let me ask you this: How many tanks in Overwatch can reliably protect their teammates without said teammates needing to be directly behind them? The answer: one - Zarya.

The reason you rarely see Zaryas compared to all the Reinhardts, Lucios, and McCrees is because of how braindead low those heros' skill floors are, and how little effort it takes to make a difference with them. And most people suck big time with Zarya, wanting to run around throwing up barriers on some random Torbjorn or something that's not even in line of fire and then wonder why they can't get their energy up. And instead of learning to play her they just switch to EZ mode Reinhardt and never bother with her again.

Played properly, Zarya rocks the battlefield like no other tank, and people notice. I always get upvotes with my Zarya plays when I have a good team to support. Heck, one time I played Zarya on Gibraltar, made some mad pushes, and got a PotG in which I solo'd 4 enemies with a graviton surge and 100 energy grenades. Next round the entire enemy team decided to try and stack 6 Zaryas...they didn't make it past the first checkpoint.

Zarya main 4 lyfe.

Slightly offpoint, but why is it that NO-ONE IS EVER THE SUPPORT?! Even when the game tells you "No support hero", the last guy to pick goes all "Dur, what we REALLY need is a third Genji! Or another Hanzo! We'll be fine with an extra Junkrat!"
So most of the time, even when I've already picked an offence hero, some stupid Batman: 76 comes along and forces me to be a support. Don't get me wrong, I like being support usually, but I'd like to play as someone who can actually dish out some damage on their own for once...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

2016 Jun 03, 08:12:20 #18226 Last Edit: 2016 Jun 03, 08:17:14 by Midnight Breeze
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jun 02, 09:36:48
Slightly offpoint, but why is it that NO-ONE IS EVER THE SUPPORT?! Even when the game tells you "No support hero", the last guy to pick goes all "Dur, what we REALLY need is a third Genji! Or another Hanzo! We'll be fine with an extra Junkrat!"
So most of the time, even when I've already picked an offence hero, some stupid Batman: 76 comes along and forces me to be a support. Don't get me wrong, I like being support usually, but I'd like to play as someone who can actually dish out some damage on their own for once...

I haven't had that problem often myself, probably because I'm playing either tank or support 90% of the time. Offense is actually my least played role, I rarely play anyone in that archetype. Since all the weeaboos just want to play genji all the time we're rarely hurting for offense heroes.

I have a pretty hard to describe thought process with hero selection. Although Zarya is my primary main I only play her about 35-40% of the time.

Basically I wait until several of my teammates pick a hero. If there's no tank I pick Zarya. If there's one tank and no healer I'll pick Zenyatta unless the enemy team has a Widowmaker, then I pick Mercy. (Playing Zenyatta against a Widowmaker is a respawn simulator.) If there's one support and one tank other than Reinhardt I'll pick Zarya as an offtank/bruiser (Zarya doesn't sync well with Reinhardt, so I never play her with him), unless the team is short on damage, then I'll pick either Pharah or Soldier 76 depending on exact comp and map. If we have 2 tanks, a healer, and sufficient damage I'll go Symmetra or Torbjorn depending on map.

Yeah, I really think too deeply into these things.

Basically it's good to have a main, but just because a hero is your main doesn't give you the right to play them every single game no matter what. It's very unfair and egocentric to expect your team to accommodate to YOU and never the other way around.  If I'm the only tank and we have no healer then I can hardly be expect to be the one to switch. It won't kill one of the Genjiboos to play Lucio for a round or 2. Not like he takes any effort to pick up, anyway.

Chishio Kunrin

Spammers, especially in a chatroom, especially when they can spam really fast. Yes, normally, chatrooms have a safeguard against spamming, whether it's something that gives you a "Don't post 2 seconds after you already posted" message and won't let you post until then or a "Don't post the same thing twice in a row" message. But what if someone makes a script that somehow bypasses that? Yes... that's possible. It happened on a chat site I go to. And it's incredibly annoying because they bombard you with so much spam that it locks up the UI, so it's incredibly difficult to kick, ban, or log out. :l Uuuugh...

People have tried to email the devs about it, and at least one of those people emailed them the script and told them how the person who made the script did it. But do the devs answer or fix it? No. :facehoof: So it's something we have to live with.

People who won't listen to your rules in your roleplay room! And then you repeat the rules to them multiple times, get tired of them going "ok i get it now" but still breaking the rules, and kick them, and they come back and go "why did you kick me"!
"Because you weren't following the rule."
"what rule"
"oh *Continues breaking rule*"
"*Bans* :l"

When someone somehow cannot comprehend "Use * to do actions, not for talking" or "((Using parentheses like this (( )) is for when you're talking outside of roleplay.))" and keep getting it all mixed up and backwards, and you have to tell them like 8 times. You have to wonder if they're playing dumb to troll you or if they're just not paying attention or if their reading comprehension skills really are that low.

When you put "Roleplay room" in the room's description, a random person comes in like "Hi. What do you guys want to talk about?" and sits there for like 20 minutes watching you roleplay, doing actions and everything, before going "Wait, are you guys roleplaying?"
:facehoof: YES???

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Don't forget to like, comment, favorite, subscribe, donate, check out my Instagram, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare, and Linkedin!

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jun 05, 04:59:28
When you put "Roleplay room" in the room's description, a random person comes in like "Hi. What do you guys want to talk about?" and sits there for like 20 minutes watching you roleplay, doing actions and everything, before going "Wait, are you guys roleplaying?"
:facehoof: YES???

I kinda feel like mentioning that, yes, I could adjust the name of the room I make to fit "(RP room)" in the title's character limit...


I'm afraid to. I'm scared that putting that in the title would entice terrible RPers into entering the room, and then we'd have more problems.

Don't get me wrong, I have patience and tolerance for many of the RPers who do enter. As long as you take the RP at least somewhat seriously, aren't OP, don't spam your posts (Meaning: Please limit your posts to as few entries as possible. I know there's a small character limit, but that doesn't mean you need to post 3 or more entries in a row that are only, like, one sentence each), and don't horribly interfere with or obstruct the plot in a way that ruins it for everyone (especially the regulars), I'm willing to see what you've got.

Don't come in like
"*Explodes door off its hinges with party cannon*"
"*Sits on the couch and makes giant cake appear from nowhere on coffee table*"
"*It's not your character's birthday anymore, it's my character's birthday*"
"*Cannot be taken out of the house and is here to stay because I am powerful*"
"Give me presents"
"*Puts on party hat waiting for presents*"
Excuse me, but
1. Please slow down with the post count.
2. How rude of you to take over another character's birthday, especially if it's supposed to be some sort of emotional plot point for that character and their friends.
3. "I can't be moved or forced to leave because I'm powerful" is annoying. Let other people actually be able to interact with you and have some kind of influence.
Completely made-up example, but you get it, right?

My RP buddies and I kind of have a long-running plot going on, which has led to our characters having history with each other, and there have even been story arcs. Drama, romance, heartbreak, slice of life, goofiness, action, rescue missions, villains, etc! So, in that sort of situation, it's especially a problem when someone comes in flailing random things at us and derails everything.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Stardust Dragon

I keep looking up information and opinions that I know are just going to anger me.  I won't list any specifics to avoid any issues on the forum, but for some reason I just can't stay away/keep going back to look at these things I know from the start are going to make me angry.  It's like trying to look away from a car crash...





JUST... WHY?!?!


This makes no sense at all. It shouldn't take this long.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

So my 25th birthday in in one month. It's about this time every year that I start waxing poetic about the evanescence of my youth, but this year is special. 25 is pretty much the unofficial cutoff between young adulthood and "real" adulthood. And you know? I can't help feeling like I've peed away my youth.

When I think of where I'd be by now if I hadn't spent the last 7 years derping around, it disgusts me. If I had joined the Air Force right after graduating high school in 2009 I could be an officer by now. I'd be well-educated under the GI bill. I'd be working for the betterment of humanity as a cyber engineer. I'd have an unrivaled since of camaraderie, belonging and purpose. And of course, I'd have more money than I'd know what to do with. But no, I was too big of a wuss. Afraid of commitment, no ambition, no self-motivation. I was pathetic.

Maybe I'm just too hard on myself. I mean, statistically I've done better than the majority of people my age. I moved out from my mom's house at 21 and have held a steady job and been independent since (With a hiccup or 2 along the way, but I learned from my mistakes). I mean, hey, when I first moved to Texas 2 years ago I came with pretty much nothing but my car and was living in a roach-infested apartment in the barrios. Now I live in a very nice apartment, bought all new furniture, a brand new 2016 car, nice clothes, ect, and I still have a positive savings rate. Basically, I've come a long way despite a few mistakes.

So what's the problem? Simple: I'm just not happy. I'm not living the life I want. All I do is work a pointless job that serves no purpose other than making someone else rich. I work way too many hours, I have basically zero social life, I get no sense of pride or self-worth from what I do. I want out of this life, that's why I'm joining the Air Force, I'm sure glad they decided to give me a chance before I go crazy from monotony.

You see, there I go - waxing poetic. Well, my recruiter says I'll have my ship date on the 15th. It'll probably be in the September-August region. The sooner the better, I can't wait to walk out of my workplace for the last time with both middle fingers raised.


Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jun 07, 17:40:44



JUST... WHY?!?!


This makes no sense at all. It shouldn't take this long.


I hate woiting long times for games


4 words.




I'm taking a break while I try to get help from other forums on how you're suppose to handle this CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE GAME.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Rush of MLP

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jun 08, 17:58:57
4 words.




I'm taking a break while I try to get help from other forums on how you're suppose to handle this CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE GAME.


The only thing you can do to beat that game is stock up on reviving items, level up as much as possible, keep a healthy supply of wands and seeds, and see to it that you find good emeras for your loopet in whatever dungeon you're in. That's how I beat it, at least.

Speaking of beating that game, I disliked the ending. A lot. I won't spoil it, but it made me mad, and the scene that played for the end credits made me so mad I nearly threw a fit.

I have played almost every Mystery Dungeon that has been released, so I know what happens at the end of most, but this broke what I thought was going to happen into a million pieces, then danced on it and laughed at me while it did.

It shattered a strong emotional attachment that I had developed with a character, and it shattered it out of the blue. It gave no reason to believe that what happened did happen beforehand. It gave a good post-explanation, but nothing that would have braced me for the blow that it was about to deal.

Upon beating it, I was livid. And it still annoys me a good bit.

Midnight Breeze

I keep hearing the oft repeated "fact" that pushups are the equivalent of bench pressing 2/3 of your weight, but that sounds like hogwash to me. I'm 155 pounds and I can do 50 pushups in a row, but I sure can't bench press 100 pounds for 50 reps.

See, this is why I take anything from the Bodybuilding forum with a grain of salt. Cesspool of misinformation full of people throwing around the word "brah" and "bout tree fiddy" memes.

Lync Volan

That moment you sneeze and it comes out of your throat... even worse when your sick and have flem (or whatever its called) mixed with the whole thing, its kinda gross but also annoying cause i finally stopped spitting my germs and all of a sudden i gotta go to the sink again :l

Looking like i'm paranoid for thinking the red stuff in my flem is probably blood since my dad insists its food from like 2 days ago >:/

Getting sick again after i just got well...


So there's the rumours that Crash Bandicoot is returning. That's great, I was a HUGE Crash fan as a kid.
But now there's the rumours that Crash is coming back...
Ok, I freaking LOVE Skylanders, and think they're actually pretty good and funny games (which most of the internet will heartily disagree with me on that), but good LORD, if they bring back Crash after so long only for him to be a Skylander, I don't think I'll be able to handle the flamestorm that the internet will melt down into. Plus, IT'S CRASH FREAKING BANDICOOT. WE NEED A NEW CRASH GAME.
I'd like to see Crash in Skylanders, but ONLY if there's a real Crash game that comes out as well.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jun 09, 15:48:22
So there's the rumours that Crash Bandicoot is returning. That's great, I was a HUGE Crash fan as a kid.
But now there's the rumours that Crash is coming back...
Ok, I freaking LOVE Skylanders, and think they're actually pretty good and funny games (which most of the internet will heartily disagree with me on that), but good LORD, if they bring back Crash after so long only for him to be a Skylander, I don't think I'll be able to handle the flamestorm that the internet will melt down into. Plus, IT'S CRASH FREAKING BANDICOOT. WE NEED A NEW CRASH GAME.
I'd like to see Crash in Skylanders, but ONLY if there's a real Crash game that comes out as well.

Reasons I can think of for people to hate Skylanders:
1. Spyro nostalgia, and the way that he looks in Skylanders. I'll admit, that caused me to have a kneejerk "Ew, Skylanders is gross" reaction. "They took one of my favorite childhood video game characters, turned him into that, and shoved him in a random game?! :s" But I've calmed down about it since then, and now I'm pretty indifferent to it.

2. It seems like it's a game for kids, and there are people who look down on games that're aimed at kids. :\ Yet, like I said above, there are people who have nostalgia for Spyro, so I guess it's more so that there are people who look down on new games that're aimed at kids. Kids games that we played when we were kids are still viewed as "Aw man, that game/series is so awesome, every kid should play it! I'm gonna play it again!!"

3. Isn't it one of those games where you buy figurines to unlock new characters? I think there are people who have a distaste for that kind of thing. Gotta admit, it is a pretty good way to keep the money rolling in without having to continually produce new games and trying not to let the series get stale.

Why can't we talk to animals like Fluttershy? That would make bathing cats so much easier!

One of our cats stabbed his claws into my neck, chin, and the side of my forehead. >.< He fights the most out of the four, and he yells really loudly (so loudly I could hear him from the other end of the house). If you don't get a solid grip on him, he'll buck like a bronco or sink his claws deep in your skin.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

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