Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Midnight Breeze

Bethesda claims the recorded "1000 of the most popular names" for their voiced dialogue in Fallout 4, presumably 500 of each gender. What I'd like to know is just how many of those are joke names? I've seen the ridiculous things they recorded for player character names, one of them being outright profanity.

Seeing as my name is only the 631st most popular male name in America according to the social security archives I highly doubt mine will be voiced. How saddening that you can name your character a vulgar insult but can't them my name.  ono

Meh, whatever. I came to terms with that when I was a little boy and Walmart never had my name on the little license plates at the bike section.

Little Star

People who are unreliable. Y'know when I say "I'll always be here for you!" I'm not lying. Any time you need to talk, message me. Seriously, I'll be there at one point in time. I almost always answer texts.

But sometimes people just aren't reliable. When someone says "Hey! Let's do this thing!" And I'm like "Okay! Sure... Give me one minute to download it." Then I finish and tell them. Silence. I go ahead and message them again in a few minutes and more silence. Then every 10-30 minutes I go ahead and say "Hello?" 2 hours. 2 hours and no response. That is just so annoying! If you want to do something, and then you're suddenly busy... Tell me you're busy! Dont leave me thinking that you disappeared or are IGNORING me! Ugh! It just makes me so angry. >:O

Lync Volan

I think i gotta shorten my eye lashes cause it took a lot out of me trying to remove it from the position it was in when i woke up DD:

Chishio Kunrin

Today, I learned not to enter something without reading literally every single word on the page, and especially don't enter something while watching a TV show with your family.

Luckily, it was just a Gaia thing, and it cost me literally nothing. No Cash, no gold, nothin'. It's some thing where people vote on people's avatars. Today's theme is red, tomorrow's theme is orange. I didn't realize I was entering for tomorrow's vote, and I only just noticed. I changed my avatar, but it turns out, the avatar you had at the time that you entered is the one it uses, not the one that you currently have. So, it's too late for me to change. My avatar had a bit of orange on it, so I guess it'll be okay. :c

At least this learning experience didn't cost me anything, though I don't have much hope in getting anything out of my entry. I'm just annoyed with myself for being so careless. :l

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Stardust Dragon

When you've got a friend who's having a very rough time, but can't or don't know how to help them. 

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Little Star on 2015 Sep 28, 07:41:07
People who are unreliable. Y'know when I say "I'll always be here for you!" I'm not lying. Any time you need to talk, message me. Seriously, I'll be there at one point in time. I almost always answer texts.

But sometimes people just aren't reliable. When someone says "Hey! Let's do this thing!" And I'm like "Okay! Sure... Give me one minute to download it." Then I finish and tell them. Silence. I go ahead and message them again in a few minutes and more silence. Then every 10-30 minutes I go ahead and say "Hello?" 2 hours. 2 hours and no response. That is just so annoying! If you want to do something, and then you're suddenly busy... Tell me you're busy! Dont leave me thinking that you disappeared or are IGNORING me! Ugh! It just makes me so angry. >:O

A-freaking-men. (as in "amen", not "A man")

I have loads of people do this to me all the time.
Am I really that boring to you, people???
No? Then you sure as heck know how to act like you're that bored of me! ovO
Oh, me? I'm just busy picking up the shards of my self esteem, but that can wait!
Want to do the thing now?
i guess
*goes silent again*

When they do that, just tell them to derp off, if they don't have a good excuse(Lies don't count) then find a reliable friend.
I've ended friendships because of this. (When they start pulling it with the important serious stuff that is.)

I'm such a jolly pone. -.-

I'm sorry you have to deal with people treating you like that, Star.
I know how much it hurts. :l

Midnight Breeze

Oh my God I have some kind of dent on my eye!  O: When I turn my eyeball to the side it's like my conjunctiva is wrinkling up like a piece of plastic wrap, it's freaking me out.

I think I need to see an optometrist.

Little Star

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Sep 29, 05:12:17
A-freaking-men. (as in "amen", not "A man")

When they do that, just tell them to derp off, if they don't have a good excuse(Lies don't count) then find a reliable friend.
I've ended friendships because of this. (When they start pulling it with the important serious stuff that is.)

I'm sorry you have to deal with people treating you like that, Star.
I know how much it hurts. :l

I could never just "end" the friendship. He only does it sometimes. I guess if I just express my discontent, he will understand and try to avoid doing that.

I know, it hurts a lot. I can try to just... Get over it, though.


People/Groups who make a living off of scamming others, and crushing hopes and dreams of individuals. Especially that of children.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a situation to this effect that needs to be dealt with.

Midnight Breeze

My body is betraying me. I'm having severe shoulder pain that gets worse with use of the joint. I don't recall injuring it and haven't a clue what's causing it. I went to the nurse at work and she was pretty useless. Basically just told me to go to the doctor.  >:/ Why even have a nurse if she isn't going to treat me?

I simply cannot do my normal job with this. The pain is too severe to just work through. I really can't afford to just not go to work. I have short-term disability but I doubt that saying "my shoulder hurts" would get me on it. And since it wasn't caused by a work accident I can't go on workers comp. I sure hope they pain stops soon. I don't want to have to wait 2-3 weeks just to see the doctor, nor do I want to go to the ER for something that isn't emergent.

Lync Volan

Ugh! str8 forward thinking ppl and no i don't mean like "dumb" or anything i mean they only are able to see one side out of everything they look at and now i got one that just ticked off 2 whole days of my life because of what they said even though i usually don't let words get to me :l 

Chishio Kunrin

I had another stress dream about school. :l
How do I make my subconscious remember that I'm not in high school anymore?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Not really that dumb..

My aunt fell down her cellar stairs, and now she's in the hospital.. It's a pretty big emergency, and the whole thing has my family pretty shaken up.. I just hope she comes out okay..
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2015 Sep 30, 20:27:09
Not really that dumb..

My aunt fell down her cellar stairs, and now she's in the hospital.. It's a pretty big emergency, and the whole thing has my family pretty shaken up.. I just hope she comes out okay..

My prayers be with you and your family during this time, and I pray for her safe and quick recovery from such. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Sep 30, 13:16:10
I had another stress dream about school. :l
How do I make my subconscious remember that I'm not in high school anymore?
good luck with that, i've left school for several years already and mostly when its brought up it either makes me crack or become painfully sarcastic and yet i still have certain nightmares every now and then 

Midnight Breeze

I went 2 weeks without eating red meat and my heartburn problem vanished. First time I ate a burger yesterday I've got heart burn again. Guess that's the issue then, better get used to chicken and fish.


Burgers can cause heartburn? I practically live off Rustler's and hot sauce, yet I've never got it once.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Lync Volan

I'm getting really tired of people labeling things i actually love as "Cliche", ITS REALLY OVERUSED!, besides they might think its "Cliche" but i think its "Classy"  :l

Midnight Breeze

The way southerners call every over-the-counter pain reliever Motrin.

Southern doctor: Did you take anything for the pain?

Southern patient: Just some Motrin.

Southern doctor: What kind?

Southern patient: Ibuprofen.


2015 Oct 01, 11:43:32 #17279 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 01, 16:17:55 by Jcfraven
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Oct 01, 11:40:17
The way southerners call every over-the-counter pain reliever Motrin.

Southern doctor: Did you take anything for the pain?

Southern patient: Just some Motrin.

Southern doctor: What kind?

Southern patient: Ibuprofen.

I never realized it before, but that's very true with a lot of people, including people I know, and by extension myself for a while.

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