Dumb things that annoy you

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Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 06, 08:32:31
I wouldn't. Over 85% of Swedes speak english. You wouldn't be gaining enough for it to be worth the time investment.
i live in both the USA & the Philippines though i haven't learned more then 2 words in Tagalog even though everyone there loves to talk in that language (you can't imagine how annoying it is to be in a family meeting/party being the only one who can't understand anyone) 


Chishio Kunrin

Why are all the maps in Fable 3 so horribly inaccurate?!! I can't figure out where I'm going, and the wiki doesn't help at all because I'm horrible at comprehending written directions!! I need something visual!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Cortana stubbornly refuses to search Google and instead insists on using the far less good search engine Bing. Why you do this Microsoft?


I just don't understand...

My laptop really hates me today.

Freezing and crashing from chrome over and over.
Then Manga Studio messes up, I ink up the first two panels of a comic, laptop shuts off. Startup, Open Manga Studio, Inkwork is gone :l
Redo inking for the two panels and start on the third, save... Manga Studio Crashes... Reload, File is at the point of when the laptop shut itself off. :o

Well... Off to draw these panels for the third time today >:/
You appear to be reading a signature my good sir/madam.

Avatar made by CrabApple

Chishio Kunrin

My impatience for people to upload videos of the RTX RWBY panel! DD:

I heard there were two sneak peeks shown! I've only seen a video of one, and it was the tournament battle one, but it was 240p and far away! D:
From what I saw through the blurriness, it was a pretty awesome scene. :s

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I went and god my sleep schedule all jacked. I should be sleeping 3AM-9AM, but I've been sleeping 9AM-3PM for a while now. I need those daylight hours to get stuff done.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 08, 02:31:54
I went and god my sleep schedule all jacked. I should be sleeping 3AM-9AM, but I've been sleeping 9AM-3PM for a while now. I need those daylight hours to get stuff done.
Ugh, I know how that feels...
I've wrecked my schedule so badly that I'm getting up at 8PM and I hate it...

Lync Volan

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Aug 08, 02:35:43
Ugh, I know how that feels...
I've wrecked my schedule so badly that I'm getting up at 8PM and I hate it...
My Schedule changes on a daily bases X3

Midnight Breeze

Reading a scary story on the internet and then having to sleep with the lights on.

Chishio Kunrin

Operating in the logic-and-canon section of a fandom that seems to have far too many people who seem to take every single thing the creators say seriously, including jokes. X3 It doesn't annoy me too much. It just gets a bit tiring having to clear things up and explain jokes every time someone pops up thinking the crew was being serious and giving canon info when they were simply joking. Or... when it's a 50/50 chance on whether something was a joke or canon, and the fandom just kinda picks it up and runs with it as if it has a 5,000% chance of being total serious canon. Ha... :I

At the end of the RWBY panel yesterday, there was mention of a "Team Funky," and it was unclear whether they were serious or joking. Guess what a good portion of the fandom did. Yep. "TEAM FUNKY CONFIRMED TEAM FUNKY CONFIRMED! I'm confused why there isn't a Team Funky page on the wiki yet? TEAM FUNKY CONFIRMED!" :P

This is the same fandom that had this happen:
Fans: How did (character) pass as a student?! How old is she?!! Isn't she an adult?!!!
Monty and multiple other crew members: She's actually not much older than the Beacon students.
Monty: She moisturizes a lot, hahaha.
Fans: Ohhh. Hey, everyone, guess what! She passes as a student because she moisturizes a lot!!
me: :facehoof: Seriously? They said she's not much older than the Beacon students. Students start their first year when they're 17, and Ozpin said they'd be attending for 4 years, so that means they graduate when they're about 21, so she's in her 20s. So, yeah, she is an adult, but still looks young. Hey, is anyone listening?
Fans: Monty said she moisturizes a lot. ovO
me: He also said--
Fans: Moisturizes. ovO
me: *Sigh*

So... anyway, yeah, right now I'm kinda sitting here wondering what people are gonna say if volume 3 ends with not a single mention of a "Team Funky" existing in the show.
We'll find out if there's a Team Funky eventually. For now, I have to deal with people parading around like Team Funky is 1,000,000% confirmed.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Smarhttp://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=2470.0">Read the forum rules.ches. I'm no luddite by a longshot, but those stupid fad gadgets are a waste of money. They make you look so dorky, why would you want to wear one? They can't do anything that a smartphone can't just as good or better, what's the advantage to wearing a big bulky smartphone on your wrist where it's always in the way.

We have these things called pockets, they store your smartphone when you aren't using it so it's never in the way, and you only take it out when you need it. Unless you run around naked I don't see why you'd want to have it on your wrist all the time.

This is why I'm not an early adopter. I ain't wasting my limited funds shelling out for the latest flop gadgets. I let other poor saps be the beta testers first.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 08, 10:24:54
Reading a scary story on the internet and then having to sleep with the lights on.
I love scary stories but after awhile the stories get stuck in my head and i keep thinking about em


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 08, 10:24:54
Reading a scary story on the internet and then having to sleep with the lights on.

I was kinda traumatized of the dark when I was young. Now I can't sleep without a lamp on. And as much as I love the series, Five Nights At Freddy's didn't exactly help with that.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

I have to steer clear of creepypasta sites and videos after hours. I've heard some pretty awful stories about things people came across on the deep web that I can't tell are true or not. Makes one not want to poke around on the deep web, there are some things I just don't want to see. Ever.

Not that it takes a lot to scare me. I can be left sleepless by literally 2 sentences.

Internet Post: "I was sitting at home alone when I smelled a fart...I didn't fart."

Me: Frickin' terrified.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 08, 12:54:29
I have to steer clear of creepypasta sites and videos after hours. I've heard some pretty awful stories about things people came across on the deep web that I can't tell are true or not. Makes one not want to poke around on the deep web, there are some things I just don't want to see. Ever.

Not that it takes a lot to scare me. I can be left sleepless by literally 2 sentences.

Internet Post: "I was sitting at home alone when I smelled a fart...I didn't fart."

Me: Frickin' terrified.
Deep web?


Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Aug 08, 14:48:31
Deep web?

The majority of the internet, it is a portion that you can't find through search engines, or is even indexed in the first place, it is not a nice place to say it lightly. The deep web is quite simply the illegal part of the internet that is inaccessible through normal means, I have a feeling Midnight wasn't thinking about that though.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Aug 08, 14:56:39
The majority of the internet, it is a portion that you can't find through search engines, or is even indexed in the first place, it is not a nice place to say it lightly. The deep web is quite simply the illegal part of the internet that is inaccessible through normal means, I have a feeling Midnight wasn't thinking about that though.

Not entirely. When you hear statistics like how 80% of all internet data is in the deep web, that's using a very general definition of the term. The vast majority of the deep net is fairly mundane. It's just anything that's not publicly accessible or indexed. IE - anything behind a login screen or a paywall. Stuff like company websites, paid sites, or even just a regular old webpage that the owner never bothered registering with any search engine. The underground stuff makes up a relatively tiny part of it.

But yeah, that is what I was talking about. The darkest part I mean. I would never go there. I'm glad it's not possible to stumble across it accidentally.


I'm not particularly annoyable, but I quite dislike when my name is called and I only receive silence upon my response. I've taken to just assuming it wasn't important if they're not going to tell me what they want after I respond to them.

Free Hugs!

Sweet Brew

2015 Aug 08, 18:56:10 #16839 Last Edit: 2015 Aug 08, 23:09:29 by Sweet Brew
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Aug 08, 12:54:29
I have to steer clear of creepypasta sites and videos after hours. I've heard some pretty awful stories about things people came across on the deep web that I can't tell are true or not. Makes one not want to poke around on the deep web, there are some things I just don't want to see. Ever.

Not that it takes a lot to scare me. I can be left sleepless by literally 2 sentences.

Internet Post: "I was sitting at home alone when I smelled a fart...I didn't fart."

Me: Frickin' terrified.
I just stick to places like deviantART or LoE.
I mean...if I want to be scared I'll like go downstairs at 5AM, we have a lot of creepy noises...
But you couldn't pay me enough to go to those "deep web" places...
No amount of money can make you forget the stuff there, it's just not worth it to me.

What annoys me? Not knowing how to use my DAW at all...I don't even know if it's a decent DAW or not.
It's said that your DAW doesn't matter, and what matters is knowing how to use it correctly...but I have no inelegance in this area!

I'm so bad at music writing I couldn't even make something like a derpy song about quills and sofas...
I'm not going to throw in the towel...but maybe a washcloth for now...nah, I'll keep trying...
(Expect more posts here from me due to failings)

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