Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Lync Volan

Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2015 Jun 03, 22:57:21
I never knew people could even get paid more that something like 15 dollars an hour...
I'm fine with 10 bucks lol
Huehuehuehue i is never getting a job though :P


2015 Jun 04, 00:04:03 #16301 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 04, 00:06:48 by LaptopBrony
Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2015 Jun 03, 22:57:21
I never knew people could even get paid more that something like 15 dollars an hour...

I happen to also be making over $15 an hour(Mind you, barely), but i'm also in Canada and our economy is quite different from the U.S.(My province's minimum wage is $11 an hour I believe?).  That, and i've also been with the same company for 10 years

And according to other meat department managers in my company working for other stores i'm being disgustingly underpaid for my job.  That, and I haven't received a payraise in almost 3 years despite a 7% shrink decrease and 10% sales increase in my department over previous year.  I was actually told by a few people I should be making around $21-$22 an hour and i'm sitting at around $18

And now you know why i'm leaving in two months ;)

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Jun 04, 00:04:03
And according to other meat department managers.....


*Brandishes crucifix and sprinkles holy water*

Back, foul beast!

Chishio Kunrin

At least temp agencies can place people in jobs. Granted, they're temporary jobs, as the name "temp agency" implies, but sometimes temp jobs lead to permanent jobs. That, and temp jobs give you job experience, which you need to get even an entry-level job because... I dunno, America likes its paradoxical cycles, I guess. If you're a really good typist, you have some pretty good chances, I'd say.

Having a quota system for police.
It's stupid.

"You need to bust this many people by the end of this period of time!" Well, what if not enough people break the law by then?! That's not the cop's fault!

It easily leads to cops searching for any excuse to give someone a ticket or arrest someone just because they haven't met their quota!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2015 Jun 04, 07:59:57 #16304 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 04, 08:01:53 by Chibalt
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jun 04, 07:54:34
Having a quota system for police.
It's stupid.

"You need to bust this many people by the end of this period of time!" Well, what if not enough people break the law by then?! That's not the cop's fault!

It easily leads to cops searching for any excuse to give someone a ticket or arrest someone just because they haven't met their quota!

Pretty much, and the quota's in place mostly because there's a LOT of privately owned prisons, the influential rich people owning those want more money, they get more money by having more people in the prisons due to state support, so they bribe people in power to have these quotas in place so they get more people in the prisons they own and this, more support.

And the police in that country are horrendously trained, like, wow, they would be thrown out of police academies here in a heartbeat with the kind of attitude many of them have there.

Oh and something that really annoys me: How long I seem to need to sleep, I am honestly not all that physically active, yet I still find myself really tired if I don't sleep for like, 10-12 hours. Yet people keep going on about how there's no way I'd need more than 6-8 hours or some number like that of sleep, doesn't help that I'm not a morning person either to say it lightly.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Lync Volan

i need to go somewhere this Sunday which happens to be a little far from my house and i have no idea how to get there so i asked my Dad to take me but he won't since he has the Fleemarket (FOR THE 1OOTH TIME) but i bet he would drop everything for my mom :s

and i know if i want to go somewhere i should learn how to get there on my own without leeching on others but none the less he wouldn't even let me go somewhere that far without a friend or family member driving me :l

(this is also me trying to be more "Sociable" like they wanted but they don't seem to support me now...)


2015 Jun 04, 10:04:57 #16306 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 04, 10:07:56 by LaptopBrony
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jun 04, 00:15:20

*Brandishes crucifix and sprinkles holy water*

Back, foul beast!


I thought most people knew i was a manager.  Have Been for three long years

On the note if management i Just essentially wrote up my entire department. You do NOT mess with cleaning a fresh food department...

Night Pony

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jun 04, 08:46:35
i need to go somewhere this Sunday which happens to be a little far from my house and i have no idea how to get there so i asked my Dad to take me but he won't since he has the Fleemarket (FOR THE 1OOTH TIME) but i bet he would drop everything for my mom :s

and i know if i want to go somewhere i should learn how to get there on my own without leeching on others but none the less he wouldn't even let me go somewhere that far without a friend or family member driving me :l

(this is also me trying to be more "Sociable" like they wanted but they don't seem to support me now...)

Why don't you google it and look the route from your house to the place?

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Lync Volan

2015 Jun 04, 16:17:57 #16308 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 04, 16:21:33 by Lync Volan
Quote from: Night Pony on 2015 Jun 04, 11:04:42
Why don't you google it and look the route from your house to the place?
cause i'm too dumb to understand maps right now lol
(but i'll learn eventually cause i'm also a smarty pants :] (maybe))

Post Merge

Those cheap auto sprayers and scented candles my dad/mom puts around the house since they make me want to vomit or something...there isn't even one place in the house without one which where i can escape the smells ono
(and i live in a pretty big house)

Randam Saiko

Spoiler: That feeling when everyone you know is having fun with their Wii U's • show
And I'm just here sad about the fact that I can't afford one...

Wait for me Majora, Smash, and Splatoon...

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Jun 04, 17:06:11
Spoiler: That feeling when everyone you know is having fun with their Wii U's • show
And I'm just here sad about the fact that I can't afford one...

Wait for me Majora, Smash, and Splatoon...

THIS!  Also true with 3DS.  I feel like the entire world has or is playing ACNL except me...


Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Jun 04, 17:16:55
THIS!  Also true with 3DS.  I feel like the entire world has or is playing ACNL except me...

ACNL? Also, I'm annoyed at how few really good games are actually avalible for the 3DS on the online shop, much of it is pet/horse shovelware, overpriced stuff or just basic puzzles games reskinned.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Jun 04, 17:16:55
THIS!  Also true with 3DS.  I feel like the entire world has or is playing ACNL except me...
You could get a 2DS if you want the affordability and don't care for the 3D function...
Or just save up for a sparkly new N3DSXL.
(I'd recommend a N3DSXL, it may cost a lot but there's something great about buying expensive things, makes you feel like a star! *-* )

Spoiler: Depressing Derp • show
Speaking of... I want a N3DSXL, a good deal of my games need a CPP and I'm not going to buy one for 20 bucks when I have 0$ to my name...
Well, I should have 265$ but my Mom borrowed it without asking and can't pay it back...
It's understandable seeing as we have basically no money, but still...quite annoying when my big Christmas gift (she said she'd give me 100$) never came, then she needs to take the money other people sent me, then I get mad at her and then realize it's not her fault then get mad at myself for being mad then feel like a jerk andI'mjustsickofthisallI'llshutupnow...

Being too poor to live a normal life sucks... -.-

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Jun 04, 17:06:11
Spoiler: That feeling when everyone you know is having fun with their Wii U's • show
And I'm just here sad about the fact that I can't afford one...

Wait for me Majora, Smash, and Splatoon...

The only reason I have a Wii U is because I got one for Christmas.
I really want Splatoon. People keep posting screenshots online, teasing me, taunting me, showing off how much fun it is... I even saw a video of someone trying to parkour from one pole to another as a little quid and hilariously sliding off.
I can't afford to buy Splatoon! D:

Uuuugh, I wanna cite something on the RWBY wiki, but I suddenly realized... I never saved a link to it on my RWBY citations Google Document! DD: Now I have to rewatch a 55-minute interview to find where it was said!! UUUUGH! I'm listening to it as I type this post!! Still haven't gotten to that part! I wish I could just skip through the video until I find it, but nope, I have to listen. Here's hoping I don't have to listen to the majority of it. Here's extra hoping that it's actually in this interview and I'm not thinking of a different video!

I'm also gonna have to scroll through years worth of tweets on Monty's Twitter page to find and cite a tweet for something else on the RWBY wiki (the fact that the pendant on Weiss' necklace is an apple ;)), but I figure it isn't as demanding as what I'm currently trying to find in this interview.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Jun 04, 10:04:57

I thought most people knew i was a manager.  Have Been for three long years

On the note if management i Just essentially wrote up my entire department. You do NOT mess with cleaning a fresh food department...

Yeah, I did. It's just that working for the USPS will quickly give you a seething hatred for managerial types. Make no mistake: the unions; not the stupidvisors, run the USPS. The stupidvisors only exist to try and intimidate us into forgetting our rights. Paid bullies - that's all they are.

We workers are well protected by powerful labor unions that insure we have near-immunity from being fired. But management will try, oh will the try! From practically the minute you clock in to the millisecond you clock out you will have a stupidvisor hollering at you, telling you you need to step it up, and basically doing everything they can to convince you that you're the worst employee in the world. It's all a show. They want us to believe we're doing a bad job in hopes that we will self-discipline and voluntarily break our backs harder than we are required to do to get the most out of us as resources. And it works, for those workers who haven't read the union contract and don't know their rights well enough. I was one of them when I was a CCA, I quit because I was convinced I wasn't measuring up. It wasn't until after the fact that I realized I was doing just fine and I had been manipulated. Now I know better and I'm not letting them get to me in my new position.

What's worse, managitis is a very virulent and all-consuming disease that has a 100% corruption rate. I don't know what it is about being a manager that turns former workers into devils. You see the USPS does not hire managers off the street. ALL of our managers started out as rank-and-file workers and moved up. Yet newly-promoted managers always treat their former friends and coworkers the same way that they were treated as workers: poorly. I've heard horror stories about friendships ending because of one person being promoted to a stupidvisor position. That's why I never want to be a manager, I don't want to be corrupted. The maximum pay for my craft after 15 years of service is $27.50 an hour, that's perfectly good enough for me. I don't need to move up. I'll just do this job for life.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jun 04, 19:16:37
Uuuugh, I wanna cite something on the RWBY wiki, but I suddenly realized... I never saved a link to it on my RWBY citations Google Document! DD: Now I have to rewatch a 55-minute interview to find where it was said!! UUUUGH! I'm listening to it as I type this post!! Still haven't gotten to that part! I wish I could just skip through the video until I find it, but nope, I have to listen. Here's hoping I don't have to listen to the majority of it. Here's extra hoping that it's actually in this interview and I'm not thinking of a different video!

I'm also gonna have to scroll through years worth of tweets on Monty's Twitter page to find and cite a tweet for something else on the RWBY wiki (the fact that the pendant on Weiss' necklace is an apple ;)), but I figure it isn't as demanding as what I'm currently trying to find in this interview.

It was on minute 50 out of 55, and I only found half of what I was looking for, and not even the important half! D: Woe is me!! This is the worst. possible. THING! *Collapses*

Now I'm not even sure who said the important part. Starting to wonder if Monty said it. :c

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


I see all this Splatoon talk and I'm just here like... :ajshifty:


Midnight Breeze

Nothing breaks my heart like seeing finely-tuned automobiles get ruined by aftermarket Autozone parts. No, your fake hood intake and blanket of carbon fiber does not make you look cool, you look like the boneheaded ricer you are. Why would anyone in their right mind commit the time and money to ruining the value of their vehicle, just to get laughed at?

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Julius on 2015 Jun 04, 22:59:36
Spoiler: show
I see all this Splatoon talk and I'm just here like... :ajshifty:

That is one heck of a curbstomp.  Was the other team even playing?  o.O

I'm a little jealous of Splatoon right now, since I didn't pick up a Wii U and probably won't in the near future.  But it seems like such a fun game...

Facing something you really don't want to do, but know it's for the best to get it done. 


Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Jun 05, 15:03:49
That is one heck of a curbstomp.  Was the other team even playing?  o.O

I'm a little jealous of Splatoon right now, since I didn't pick up a Wii U and probably won't in the near future.  But it seems like such a fun game...

Facing something you really don't want to do, but know it's for the best to get it done.

... For most of the match, until three of them eventually rage quit and we started spawn camping the last poor guy. :ajshifty:

I did manage to get a 69% against a team that did not rage quit last night though! 0:)

Customers who ask for delivery then proceed to leave their homes, wasting everyone's time... >:/

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