Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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My back is sore from moving the furniture in my room around yesterday. My dad wanted me to clean it and see if I can find a better way to organize everything so me and my nephew moved around all the furniture vacuumed and everything, but my room has a ton of stuff to move as I tend to collect things that may be useful in the future such as PC parts and even old PC towers.

Anyways organizing entailed moving all my furniture outside my room as well as my desk TV stand and taking my shelf apart it took over 4 hours to do everything. I ended up sleeping shortly after we were done Aside from that yesterday was great though with the stuff we got.


2014 Dec 22, 05:59:33 #14801 Last Edit: 2014 Dec 22, 06:02:29 by Ramisha
I'm not afraid of having my blood taken, actually I kind of like it (pls dont judge me). My mum is a laboratory technician and she sometimes takes blood from people, if they do it right and find the uhhh blood um vessel however you call it at the first try, it doesn't hurt at all.
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Dec 21, 22:23:47
If I remember correctly, I named it Jeffrey.

You should have name it Brian... pffff get it, brain,  brian haha
I'm so funny

Lync Volan

well if we are talking about "Needles" i can mention how dumb the doctor was who was sticking me with "dextros" i think it was called when i first got to the hospital after afew weeks of having some kinda thing called Dengue
the worst part of it all is when she was sticking me several times cause that needle  was so long you could feel it touch your bone and it was being stuck on the top part of my hand in the end when she finally got it i had to look at my own blood run in a tube every time i lifted my hand :l 
not a very pleasant time for me really X3


Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Dec 22, 05:59:33
You should have name it Brian... pffff get it, brain,  brian haha
I'm so funny

Have you seen Igor per chance?
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Dec 22, 05:59:33
I'm not afraid of having my blood taken, actually I kind of like it (pls dont judge me). My mum is a laboratory technician and she sometimes takes blood from people, if they do it right and find the uhhh blood um vessel however you call it at the first try, it doesn't hurt at all.

Even though it barely hurts (as long as they're not stabbing you somewhere sensitive like, oh, say... your eyelid. >.< [Numbing stuff for an eyelid surgery] Or saying they might need to stab your neck. [Had a cyst in my thyroid gland once]), I'm still afraid of needles. It doesn't have anything to do with pain anymore. It more so has to do with childhood trauma.

I used to go to a children's hospital for checkups a lot, for my arthritis, and every single time, they drew my blood, and it hurt really, really, really badly. It wasn't that they couldn't hit the blood vessel right. It was that they were using a butterfly needle because I was so young and my blood vessels were so tiny. With the butterfly needle, they needed to use both hands on the plunger part, so no one was holding the needle steady. (Needle in my arm, long tube running to the thing and the plunger and stuff) The pain came from the needle wiggling around in my blood vessel. It's torture!!!

The only things I remember of my visits to that children's hospital are:
1. They had a huuuuge playground for the kids who had to live there. O:
2. The inside was so happy and fun and whimsical and didn't look much like a hospital! :3 There was stuff to play with, colorful pictures and shapes on the walls and counters, and stuff hanging from the ceilings like model airplanes and stuff! There was even a popcorn machine!! :D It was so cool! Coolest doctor visit ever!! Except the getting blood drawn part.
3. Getting blood drawn. I don't remember any of the other routine parts of the checkup that they had me go through every time. Just getting blood drawn because that was the part I dreaded every time, and it was torture.

So, yeah, it traumatized me. I know that needles are barely going to hurt now, but it still scares me, and I end up having to turn my head away and fight to keep myself calm so I won't start crying and having a panic attack. I get creeped out seeing a needle get pushed into human skin, even if it's not mine, but it's even worse when it is mine.

One cool thing about that hospital, though, is that it was originally established to treat children who had polio. Once America defeated polio, someone at that hospital decided they should expand the hospital's focus to everything that affects a child's skeletal system. That was the closest place to where I live that had anyone who specializes in juvenile arthritis... and they're 2 hours away. So... yeah.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I got dinged n Denton.

No seriously, the parking spaces are way too narrow at my apartment complex.


2014 Dec 22, 13:53:54 #14806 Last Edit: 2014 Dec 22, 13:56:38 by DawnsEmbrace
Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Dec 22, 05:59:33
You should have name it Brian... pffff get it, brain,  brian haha
I'm so funny

Darnit, why couldn't my 8 year old self have come up with that!?

So...I'll be moving soon.  Not out of Texas or anything, but pretty far...
I've moved before, but this time is different.  Before, I didn't want to because I loved my house to bits.  But this time...

I love my town.  I like seeing the nice red-headed lady who works at the Boston's, I like seeing the same clerks cash me out at my bookstore, I like my movie theater and its seats, I've only just started memorizing the roads and where everything is, I was this close to getting my license so I could really start getting to know everything...I know it's shallow, but I'll really really miss it...I don't wanna go...
<br />


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2014 Dec 22, 07:32:37
Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Dec 22, 05:59:33
You should have name it Brian... pffff get it, brain,  brian haha
I'm so funny

Have you seen Igor per chance?

Yes yes I have, the brain naming reminded me of it.

I didn't win a contest... I worked so hard... an opportunity this good isn't going to come by in a long time. sigh. At least I can be assured that I did the very best I could.


You know... Needles.. When i was 12 i had to get 3.. 2 in one arm 1 in the other... AT ONCE! Now i cry when i see a needle.

Midnight Breeze

People who call Sunny Delight 'orange juice'. It's called Sunny D, nothing else!


My best friend comes back on after three months. Then after getting my hopes up for his coming back, he says he is going to leave for good. And for real this time. He was the only person on this place that truly knew what I am like, and now he's leaving.. I just don't know how I'm going to do this.... He knows me, and it may seem selfish, but I don't want him to leave. Mostly due to the fact that before him, I was lonely, misunderstood, and depressed. So him leaving again, it just hurts me in so many indescribably painful ways.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2014 Dec 23, 00:09:05 #14811 Last Edit: 2014 Dec 23, 01:17:25 by Chishio Kunrin
My internet decided to die, and it doesn't want to come back. I've learned way more about networking than I ever wanted to because of this, but it's not amounting to anything. My dad who's an IT guy can't figure anything out either. Maybe I should just give up and move back next door...
Wait for it...


Quote from: Trege on 2014 Dec 22, 05:04:10
...but my room has a ton of stuff to move as I tend to collect things that may be useful in the future such as PC parts and even old PC towers.

'This half-assembled pentium 4 box could still come of use! For uh, stuff!'

Not that I would disagree ofc ;)
Slate Grey, my OC! Awesome profile picture by Bakasan94

Midnight Breeze

When I was growing up my parents pronounced Porsche "porsh" and now I can't stop saying, even though I know for a fact that's an incorrect pronunciation.

Sunshine Smash

My desktop, the most infuriating piece of technology in my house. Completely irritating. It had an annoying on/off glitch and it wouldn't stop! Now it has this god awful "Failed to boot error!" THAT I CAN NOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX! The only forseeable way I CAN fix it is to install this program for a disk. Problem is, I DON"T KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND A DISK!  >:O 

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Midnight Breeze

I called the US federal healthcare marketplace and the phone operator was a British guy.

Is the even the freakin' FEDERAL GOVERNMENT outsourcing jobs now!?!

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Dec 23, 19:17:29
When I was growing up my parents pronounced Porsche "porsh" and now I can't stop saying, even though I know for a fact that's an incorrect pronunciation.

How is it really pronounced? :I

It's 5:27 AM. I woke up a few hours ago, finally got out of bed about an hour and a half ago after trying really hard to go back to sleep.

I have to be awake all day today. All. day. Because we're going to my grandparents' house at about lunch time and staying there until we open presents this evening. Whoof... Wonder if it'd be okay if I drank a Monster? x3

Also, wow, the time really flew by. :I Now that Christmas Eve is here, I'm kind of upset that it came so fast. What if there's something else I should've added to my list?! It's way too late now! DD: I wonder what I got?! Oh goodness, I hope I got Fantasy Life. I really really want it! I'm nervous! >A< This is weird! I'm not usually nervous about Christmas gifts! How did we get here so soon?!!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Having my entire Christmas season ruined...
I've never dreaded Christmas, this sucks...



Darn, I have no more money, and I always have reserve money. I didn't even make or buy any presents...

Stardust Dragon

ESPN's "Santa Interview" commercial that keeps cropping up on youtube, namely how it declares that watching video game clips instead of a Christmas Day basketball game as being "naughty".  Well some of us don't particularly like basketball, or sports in general.  Ever consider that, you pompous git?  :/  I may have even considered it kind of funny, if I didn't keep seeing it specifically on Let's Player's channels.  Try a different audience guys, like one you actually connect to!

In other news, my insane idea to catch a shiny Kyogre in HeartGold, since the verdict is still out if its shiny locked in AS.  I have the Master Ball, I have the Synchronize Pokemon I want (not as vital, it's more for show than competitive) and I have the save file exactly right.  Now all there is to do is soft-reset a couple billion times in the hope the RNG comes out right.  Merry Christmas to me! :D

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