Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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This annoys me...
This annoys me so much...
Spoiler: There is nothing 'Sweet' about this... • show

Midnight Breeze

2014 Oct 04, 23:11:06 #14281 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 04, 23:28:19 by Midnight Breeze
Steam downloading at 300 KBS. What is this, Nunavut?

Ah, just jumped to 1.1 MBS. I have achieved Yukon.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 03, 19:46:19
Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.

Oh, yeah. Especially if you work at a pizza joint.
Heck, I don't even like sports. Partly because I'm bad at them, and partly because I have no team spirit whatsoever.
Might as well stop playing video games while I'm at it, 'cause I'm bad at them, too.
Wait for it...

Midnight Breeze

Any and all use of "his/her". All the time I read articles referring to people of unspecified gender where literally 3+ times a sentence they feel the need to say "his/her" in the place of every pronoun. People, we have a gender-neutral pronoun in this language: they. Yes it CAN be singular when referring to unspecified people. So there's no reason ever to use "his/her"...like, ever.


I am so stressed!
I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't be adorable, my back hurts, my head hurts, I'm so apathetic I rarely get out of bed...

I would just love love love LOOOOVE to go on a relaxing vacation...someplace where I didn't have to worry about all my worries...
But I don't have anywhere close to enough money to go on vacation...
*sigh* oh well...maybe next year...maybe...doubtfully so... :(


People who use other languages on English sites or in games that don't have language-specific server. 'Cause a bunch of Russians that ignore other players and spam chat\talk in russian just makes me annoyed and angry. Ugh...Well, that's Warframe for ya...


Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Oct 05, 04:34:20
I am so stressed!
I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't be adorable, my back hurts, my head hurts, I'm so apathetic I rarely get out of bed...

I would just love love love LOOOOVE to go on a relaxing vacation...someplace where I didn't have to worry about all my worries...
But I don't have anywhere close to enough money to go on vacation...
*sigh* oh well...maybe next year...maybe...doubtfully so... :(

Pretty sure you're adorable regardless. :)

Dark Hooves

having 2 days off from work, then having to go to work
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0


I love the German language but I am SO horrible at it. I mean, I understand everything but I can't even form a simple sentence...
Also looking like a zombie all the time is not so much fun anymore. I'm technically a zombie (I was born dead but I somehow came back to life?) but come on that doesn't have to mean I have to look like one.


When members of my family text me asking if i'm going to come visit them.....it's ALWAYS "Hey, we want to see you, YOU should come down"...why can't people make the hour trip to come see me if they want to see me?  I cant afford to spend a quarter tank of my gas whenever someone wants me to visit them....
Further adding to that, when people call me asking for money, knowing I have no money, because I told them not 10 minutes earlier I can't afford the gas to drive 60 miles to visit you, and they want it for something so completely stupid.


Uhggg, the Iiliad is so boring. I have to read books 1-4 and write a short summary on each of then by tomorrow at 9 :x
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Midnight Breeze

I ate almost half of a sock it to me cake in one sitting. I still have no idea what the heck that is but it was sugary, I know that much.

You see, this is why I don't keep junk food in the house. I don't have the self control to resist binging.


QuoteStopped being a derp and fixed what I broke! 0:)

Broke it again... :x

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 05, 15:59:58
I ate almost half of a sock it to me cake in one sitting. I still have no idea what the heck that is but it was sugary, I know that much.

You see, this is why I don't keep junk food in the house. I don't have the self control to resist binging.

I love sock it to me cake! O:
I have the good fortune of having a small stomach, so I can't really pig out/binge on stuff as much as other people can.
For example, take these Tyson batter dipped chicken tenders:

Mmmmm. They're rather small. But... eating about six of them fills me up. X3 My friend Grace can eat a whoooole paper plate full of them.

It does leave me sad, though, when I get too full to finish a really delicious meal. :c
But that's what leftovers are for! :D I love leftovers! You know why? Because if there are leftovers, that means I can have a second meal of that delicious food later! And maybe a third!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I openly admit to being a glutton. I have to consciously limit my eating to avoid weight gain, which often means going 'hungry' even though I've eaten what's considered the proper amount of calories for my age and gender.

Both my parents are 'naturally' obese, meaning if they don't commit to diet and exercise they will be obese. That seems to have tapered off with me and my sisters. One of my sisters is naturally obese, I'm naturally overweight, and my other sister is naturally normal weight. Currently I'm not overweight (my BMI is 22.5), but I will become overweight if I don't actively work to avoid it.  That poses a problem with my insatiable appetite. It seems like once a week I end up binging on something. Last Sunday I ate 5 McDonald's burgers and a small fry for lunch. It's not at all uncommon for me to eat an entire large Little Caesar's pizza by myself. And that bag of tyson nuggets? I could eat the whole bag, plus fries.

I was utterly amazed that my cholesterol was only 177 when I had a blood test this June, after a lifetime of terrible diet. That's one department where I was blessed with rock-solid genetics. I don't think anyone in my family has ever had a heart attack. My maternal grandmother is 92 and she's still full independent.

Randam Saiko

Being accused of being "too festive." Right, the guy who naturally scares children, watches horror movies and plays horror games, and occasionally laughs during slasher movies is being overly excited about the month of October and about Halloween coming up. Just saying, pumpkin spice is taking over everything. I'm already spoopy.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Dark Hooves

my job, i get a write up thanks to someone else's lie
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2014 Sep 27, 13:07:51
I've seen a lot of hate for JT on here. I can't blame them. But can't think of any TV show I really ha-


Wait... --- What's so bad about Robot Boy...? :o


O: I just noticed my right upper arm is much more muscular than my left upper arm... it's because my right arm is kinda broken and blah blah whatever, I CANNOT UNSEE IT NOW.

Little Star

I'm just.. So paranoid it makes it really hard to be friends with people IRL..

When I'm with people hanging out I'm always asking myself doubting questions and falling behind.

Sometimes I'll accidentally look really depressed and someone will ask me if I'm alright and of course I have to answer "Oh. yeah. I'm fine."

I don't know if I have anxiety or just paranoia. It's.. Terrifying.

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