Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Oct 03, 13:13:42
A lot of things have been piling up on me recently...If you have no interest in my baggage, stop reading right here.

Spoiler: Emotional Overheat • show
Everyday, I'm hounded by a question.


Waking up: Why do you get up so late?
Taking a shower: Why don't you pay more attention to hygiene?
Eating breakfast: Why aren't you eating healthier?
Eating lunch: Same question.
Eating dinner: Same question.
Slacking off: Why aren't you fulfilling your responsibilities?
Going to sleep: Why do you stay up so late?
Why why why why and why.

The worst part is, I know why.  One solution fixes all of it, but I'm too afraid to take it.  I'm too afraid to take control of my life, I'm too afraid to progress beyond this point, I'm too afraid to move on with who I am and where I'm at.
I dig my heels into the mud like a child would a stick, and cause more and more suffering for myself and those around me.  I can't live like that, I won't.  Not anymore.
So now I'm faced with a cold, biting truth.  I'm a lazy guy with no will to move forward, who has a long way to climb to get himself out of the hole he's dug.

Only one thing is certain for me right now.  A lot of old things in my life need to be pushed out to make room for the new.
I can't juggle everything and be a responsible person.  I'll need to put Video Games on hold, internet, books, most all forms of entertainment or distraction.
If I don't...I'll just drown again --- Fall back into the hole I'm trying to climb from.

I wake up every morning knowing things should change, but not knowing where to begin.

Do I start with my health?
Eating better, exercising, weight loss?

Do I start with my education?
Taking my studies more seriously, kicking math into high-gear, figuring out what I want to do with my life?

Do I start with my time?
Learning what schedules work for me, how to stick with them, making time for other responsibilities?

I'm so tired of giving up, giving in...I'm so tired of disappointing myself and the people around me that I'd rather stick my head in the sand and pretend there isn't an issue rather than actually try to fix my life...
...But each problem on its own feels like I'm an ant being asked to climb Mount Everest.
When your task feels so insurmountable, and yet everyone around you has gone through the same, it makes you feel like a failure.  And honestly, that's what I am at my core.  I am a failure.
I've been keeping the negativity to myself for so long...I've become numb to it.

I need to do better.
I need to be better.

So there it is.  If you know me, don't feel bad for me.  I put myself in this situation, it's no ones fault but mine.

That's funny because you pretty much described my life.
Expect I'm skinny.
And I gave up on my life years ago lololoool

Like you said. Only YOU can fix it. Don't be like me
please don't attempt to message me, I don't want to be anyone's friend on here.

Dark Hooves

the hardest step is the first one which is wanting change, if you want it bad enough you can make and do anything you desire to do
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0

Chishio Kunrin

Sometimes, it's like people don't have any sense. :l
Someone added trivia to a wikia page about an episode where characters go to a ruined city. You wanna know what that trivia was? That the ruined city is possibly a reference to the post-apocalyptic setting of The Last of Us.
:/ What? I'm not kidding. At all. This show has nothing to do with The Last of Us. The episode had nothing to do with it. The city had nothing to do with it. It was a generic ruined city.

People have this weird thing where they go "This is vaguely similar to this other thing, so it totally must be a reference, right?!!!" No. Think for a minute before adding stuff like that to wikia pages.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 03, 19:46:19
Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.

Call it football like it's meant to be called, not soccer! :P

Dark Hooves

you are your own person and you don't have to please everyone, as we know it is impossible to please every single person
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Julius on 2014 Oct 03, 19:52:04
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 03, 19:46:19
Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.

Call it football like it's meant to be called, not soccer! :P

Blame the brits. It's their word, not ours.


Trying to get summoned at the Duke's Dear Freja in Dark Souls 2... And or trying to find a summon that isn't a NPC who will walk right into the laser attack.

Randam Saiko

2014 Oct 03, 21:06:40 #14268 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 03, 21:21:25 by Randam Saiko
Month 4, the endless horde of Hydra-flies continue to sap my sanity.

Side Note: Killed another one while typing this. Expecting to see 2 more very soon.

EDIT 1: Just killed another one.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


* MrEmu has not enough money for the new smash bros... :(

Randam Saiko

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


when it sinks in just how alone you are.


Sweet has problems... :c

I hate those situations that suck, but it's the best possible outcome...
This sucks, I want it to be better but this is as good as it gets...

Eeyup... -.-


YES I was aware of it, no you're not helping.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 03, 19:46:19
Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.

person: You don't like football?! That's just unAmerican!
me: I don't care.
person: Well, then again, you're a girl, so of course you don't like football, or any sports at all.
me: That's sexist, and yeah, I don't care for sports.
person: It's as American as apple pie!
me: I don't like apple pie because I don't like warm fruit.
person: *GAAAASP*

Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Oct 03, 21:10:23
* MrEmu has not enough money for the new smash bros... :(

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2014 Oct 03, 21:18:58
Spoiler: I feel you. • show

Pssst. Christmas is in a few months. :] And thanks for reminding me to put Smash Bros on my Christmas list.

I still need to think of at least two expensive things to put on my Christmas list, though, and that's really hard. :c I have what I want... I have a laptop, a digital camera (so purty, but it needs an SD card that'll hold more than 20 fricking photos), a Wii U, an Xbox 360 that we bought a couple years ago, a PS3 that I got for Christmas a few years ago, and a drawing tablet that I got last year.
I need at least two expensive things on the list because my grandparents (on my dad's side) will choose one of them to get for me. It's kind of this tradition where I choose something expensive like "If I could only have one thing for Christmas this year, it would be this," but now they want me to put more than one on the list so it'll be a surprise which one I get.

My first gen Kindle Fire has gotten to where it barely wants to charge anymore, so I guess I could probably ask for a Kindle Fire HD. I guess. But it's not like I'll need it much because I have a laptop. I guess I could ask for a PS4, especially since we're are gonna want Final Fantasy XV when it comes out.
Ugh, the struggle of writing a Christmas list. DD: A couple years ago, I got frustrated and started just adding stuff I like, which ended up kinda like this:
- Slim Jims
- Lays limon potato chips
- Monster
- Strawberry Pocky
- SweetTarts
Yeah. Food. I put food... on a Christmas list. It worked, though, and it was awesome. Gonna put cotton candy on my list this year, since I've really been wanting some.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Oct 04, 12:46:34
person: It's as American as apple pie!

This saying I don't understand at all since..you know...apple pie was invented in England long before the Americas were even discovered, much less did the USA exist...

Is it supposed to be intentionally ironic or something? I don't get its meaning...

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Oct 04, 12:46:34
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 03, 19:46:19
Football season, the worst time of year. During no other time of the year is my patriotism called into question so regularly. Look, i admit it, I don't like American football. I don't even understand the rules of the game because I'm not interested in following it. I prefer soccer. Yes, SOCCER. If you think that makes me less American then you just go on believing that. I don't need validation in that department.

person: You don't like football?! That's just unAmerican!
me: I don't care.
person: Well, then again, you're a girl, so of course you don't like football, or any sports at all.
me: That's sexist, and yeah, I don't care for sports.
person: It's as American as apple pie!
me: I don't like apple pie because I don't like warm fruit.
person: *GAAAASP*

Person: You don't watch sports? But you're a guy....
Me: Here. We. Go. Again.
Person: You probably watch girly shows then.
Me: [Begins listing and describing gorey and horrific scenes from horror movies with graphic detail]
*Person is highly disturbed and becomes mute*

As well as meeting people who are like, "Be manly...be tough...don't get scared easily...stare at hot girls....blah, blah, blah." But the second I ask these questions to them:

Have you seen a horror movie? No...
Will you watch a horror movie? No...
Why not? They scare the heck outta me.

Relative to this:

Has an interest in horror ≠ I only watch horror
Likes horror ≠ Goth
Horror ≠ Pure guts and gore

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Oct 04, 12:46:34
me: I don't like apple pie because I don't like warm fruit.

Have you ever tried cold apple pie with vanilla ice cream? It's pretty good. x3
In fact we rarely ever eat hot apple pie usually we make it then we put it in the fridge so it's cold when we eat it, with all those apples our neighbor gave us we have no shortage of pies he gave us over 50 apples off his trees so they wouldn't go to waste.

Cheaters in video games.... So in Dark Souls 2 I was summoned to help a host defeat a boss. Well someone finally broke their cheat detection system and invaded as a red phantom with infinite HP and basically killed me and the host right before the boss door and no matter what we hit him with it neither stunned nor damaged him and the lifebar wouldn't even read his HP it just showed an empty bar.

Midnight Breeze

Something occurred to me that I can't get my mind off...you know all of the young adult Youtube celebrities? Imagine if they never stop creating videos. Could you imagine someone like Pewdie pie 50 years from now - a balding old man still making weird, hyperactive videos? With videos of his 20 year old self still siting in his library of hundreds of thousands of videos, 3 billion+ subscribers...and his advertisement revenue constituting 85% of Sweden's GDP.

Cannot unthink.

Chishio Kunrin

When someone on Youtube gives themselves the same exact username as a popular Youtube channel, and a lot of people see them in the comment section and think they're the real deal.

Seriously, Google, what made you think letting people name themselves whatever they want, regardless of whether that name is already taken, was a good idea? Sure, you kinda sorta remedied it with the Verified mark, but there are people who're so ignorant or blind that they still think a faker is the real thing despite there being no Verified mark and despite the fact that they can just hover over the name and look at the number of subscribers.
Seriously, if you hover your mouse over that PewDiePie and it says they only have 20 subscribers, they're obviously fake. But you still reply "OMG IZ POODIEPIE :D I didn't know you watched (insert Youtuber here)'s videos!"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

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