Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Chishio Kunrin

When the kind of person whom everyone is taught is untrustworthy turns out to be a bazillion times more trustworthy than the kind of person whom everyone is taught is trustworthy and a friend. :l

Just because that's the general public's view of something, it doesn't mean it's right. The public is wrong and stupid about a lot of things.

And on a semi-related note: Is it really so hard for people to remind themselves that we're all human and thus flawed? There is no perfect human on the planet. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone lies, everyone can have an ulterior motive. Even doctors make mistakes. Even surgeons make mistakes, and that's why a lot of surgeons today make a checklist for every surgery they do so they can make absolutely sure they don't miss a step or forget something.

(Being purposefully vague here. Don't ask, just remember.)

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I'm kind of getting hit with a double edged sword. I'm getting promoted to IT here in a few days and the head of HR tells me I will get a pay raise, but he can't say exactly how much. It may or may not be enough to offset the shift differential I got working the night shift. Still, though, the IT experience will be good for my resume, hopefully it will pay off in the long run.

You know what's really sad? I've been working the same position for over 3 years and I'm still making only $8.07/hour. If I'd been working at McDonald's all this time I'd probably be making more, since I'd have gotten annual raises. I got a small raise a year after I got the job, then immediately afterward we got a new jerkface CEO who took away our annual raises, and I haven't seen a pay raise since.

But hey, I won't pretend for a second that my nighttime MHT job was hard. I spent more than half my time at work watching TV and playing on my phone.


I have the most awful insomnia it seems...did I post this before? I don't think so...but I'm just too tired to go back and look... :x


I have two ulcers in my mouth, and they're conveniently placed so that I can barely talk without hurting myself.  >.<
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Randam Saiko

How my headphone wires believe that they're actually pretzel twists.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


When you peel an orange and it squirts you in the eye with pinpoint accuracy.   o.O

Randam Saiko

Warning: Wall of rant.

I am a very flexible person when it comes to subjects and conversation, but when things get out of hand, I want to just jump off the plane before it crashes on the island of absurdity. I enjoy engaging in conversations and whilst it is happening, people may throw in some fun comments or subject such as asking irrelevant questions. For example, "what's your favorite animal and why?" I'm perfectly fine with having one or two of those thrown in just to stall out maybe 10 seconds before dying off and then redirecting back to the previous topic. But I am honestly just screaming in my head, "Oh my gosh, just shut your dang mouth already..." when these small irrelevancies are thrown up every gosh darn second. We are engaged in an actual intellectual or relevant topic and you're trying to be a host of some trivia show that no one wants to watch. If you're going to attempt to switch subjects, for the sake of my brain cells, please do it efficiently and/or to a subject that is somehow relevant. Don't just throw your cockamamie questions into the pot without something to attach it to. For example switching from a conversation on the evolutionary chain to the forming of human societies and government is relevant. Switching subjects from the evolutionary chain to asking what everyone's' online wishlist has no relationship at all. Please at least use some outlet to redirect the train tracks to!
Now, moving onto the second part of this rant, people who get so carried away with playful behavior that they end up becoming an annoying jester. See what I did? Relevant. Look, I understand that you may be getting bored with the current subject, but everyone else isn't. It's nice that you are trying to lift everyone's mood with these small things, but DO NOT act as if we are in an amusement park with free rides! This isn't a joyride that you can put everyone on and then expect the result to be a cart full of smiles. Also, do not laugh at everything. You may find it humorous, but some other people do not. "Hey Saiko! I'm going to push your buttons because it makes me laugh!" Push me off a cliff and I swear to you, my ghost will return to ruin you.
People who keep saying, "There's always a reason to smile all the time!" I get that smiling here and there is great for you, but do not put a plastic smile on. I have not voluntarily smiled in years. You know, when the photographer says "cheese!" and then you move the corners of your mouth upwards. Yea, I haven't done that in over 7 years. Why you ask? In short, I wasn't the most overfilled glass of happiness back then. In fact, the muscles that allow me to voluntarily smile are so frozen stiff that nowadays when I try to, they begin to twitch hard and scream, "What in the world is going on?! Quick! Get back into the normal positions!" My face is fighting the unusual commands I issue. Now, of course when I laugh, I do smile, but that smile is completely different from the ones people use in photos. My lips would do as little movements as possible. It's like one of those "I know something bad is going to happen to you" smiles. I'm not the friendliest face to see, but I don't care. Heck, "I've never seen you smile" and "I've never heard you laugh" are 2 of the many common things I hear from friends and classmates my entire life. I'd rather wear an expressionless face or a face of hatred than forcing myself to attempt a plastic smile.

Constant stupidity in conversations.
You're a fool if you think that poking a bear will make it laugh.
I'd rather look like a murderer than glue a fake smile on my face.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Little Star

Constant exhaustion..  Not being able to do anything because you're ALWAYS tired.. It's not likeI don't get enough sleep or anything.. I'm just really really REALLY sleepy all the time and it's like I could just pass out at any time.

It's probably from lack of proper exercise but there really isn't any way I can do exercise.. It's almost 100 degrees and humid as heck outside.. But what can ya do?


Midnight Breeze

Oh, I'm so lazy! I've been on paid leave for over 2 months and now I'm just going back to work. I'm so sore after this past week....


Can't find the undisciplined soldiers
What aesthetic


Quote from: StarSong on 2014 Jul 25, 12:55:45
Constant exhaustion..  Not being able to do anything because you're ALWAYS tired.. It's not likeI don't get enough sleep or anything.. I'm just really really REALLY sleepy all the time and it's like I could just pass out at any time.

It's probably from lack of proper exercise but there really isn't any way I can do exercise.. It's almost 100 degrees and humid as heck outside.. But what can ya do?

Beat me to it, I was about to say this exact same thing! well...out side it cool...but I can barely walk due to planter warts on my hooves! :(

Randam Saiko

My sister is so defensive and easily offended that she takes everything as offensive. Despite everyone knowing that we're all joking around, she doesn't. For example, we were having some fun satire on each others' habits and hobbies and when someone talked about her, she just flipped out and threw a tantrum before screaming for everyone to shut up. Just recently, she was in my room asking for some help ordering something online and in the middle of it, a friend called and requested a private conversation (my headphones are pretty loud). So I asked her if she could step out for a few minutes and right there, she was outraged that "she wasn't important and that I didn't care for her." Promptly after, she verbally assaulted me and slammed the door.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

The Stars

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2014 Jul 26, 16:45:48
My sister is so defensive and easily offended that she takes everything as offensive. Despite everyone knowing that we're all joking around, she doesn't. For example, we were having some fun satire on each others' habits and hobbies and when someone talked about her, she just flipped out and threw a tantrum before screaming for everyone to shut up. Just recently, she was in my room asking for some help ordering something online and in the middle of it, a friend called and requested a private conversation (my headphones are pretty loud). So I asked her if she could step out for a few minutes and right there, she was outraged that "she wasn't important and that I didn't care for her." Promptly after, she verbally assaulted me and slammed the door.


Ever had that moment where you eat your favorite microwavable snack, just something quick to help you get though a meeting you family is sitting through, and yet after a few hours it actually starts MAKING you feel sick? Then you start thinking about it... Thinking about how that thing has been in the fridge for a while -- The box is actually starting to decompose due to long term water damage, and in the end you just shrugged it off and ate it?
Those stupid moments where your brain is just like: "I know this is probably wrong, it seems wrong, but I'm gonna do it anyways and see what happens!"
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2014 Jul 26, 18:06:30 #13573 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 26, 18:31:36 by Pipkin
I really hate it when people smack their gum and tap their pencils. D:

Moderator Edit: Please refrain from spamming emotes in your posts.  Thank you.


Realizing in hindsight the big mistake of buying 2 cases of water and living on the third floor...

I'm gonna just lie here on the floor now

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Jul 26, 18:49:58
Realizing in hindsight the big mistake of buying 2 cases of water and living on the third floor...

I'm gonna just lie here on the floor now

Y U no elevator?


Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Jul 26, 18:49:58
Realizing in hindsight the big mistake of buying 2 cases of water and living on the third floor...

I'm gonna just lie here on the floor now
OhMiGosh...I TOTALLY know...a year ago we were staying with friends and they let us stay on their 3rd floor sense they never used it. (Which was very nice of them!) and My dad LOVED to get just about everything heavy and stuff...lol
We'd get those big cases of water and all that jazz...their stairs were all hard, wood, and very steep!

At least there were more of us...I dunno if you got family or not to carry the junk!


If I truly expressed my feelings and the things causing them right now, I'd be banned from these forums for good...

Just... Had an awful day. A really, really, really bad day...

I'm really thankful to have such wonderful friends that I can talk to whenever about whatever, no matter what. They're the best ever. I mean it with all of my heart. :s

Rush of MLP

It [I]really[/I] peeves me when people try to be funny or cute by making a mess (or preparing a mess to be made).

[Spoiler=An example of this:]Just like today while I was helping close down the food place where I work. There was a group of people that decided they wanted to be "funny" by flipping some of the containers with contents that could be spilt, removing the lids and placing them on the bottom of the container, so that when someone went to pick it up, the contents would fall out and make a big mess. One of my co-workers saw them and stopped them from doing it to the one at their table, but, come to find out, that wasn't the only one that they were doing it to. After they leave, I went by to clean up the front, wiping down all of the tables and such. I went to move the napkin container and all of the other things on one of the tables so I could wipe under them, and suddenly I was staring at a trail. Luckily I dragged the container, because otherwise I would have been more than slightly upset.[/spoiler]

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Rush of MLP on 2014 Jul 27, 00:53:24
It [I]really[/I] peeves me when people try to be funny or cute by making a mess (or preparing a mess to be made).

[Spoiler=An example of this:]Just like today while I was helping close down the food place where I work. There was a group of people that decided they wanted to be "funny" by flipping some of the containers with contents that could be spilt, removing the lids and placing them on the bottom of the container, so that when someone went to pick it up, the contents would fall out and make a big mess. One of my co-workers saw them and stopped them from doing it to the one at their table, but, come to find out, that wasn't the only one that they were doing it to. After they leave, I went by to clean up the front, wiping down all of the tables and such. I went to move the napkin container and all of the other things on one of the tables so I could wipe under them, and suddenly I was staring at a trail. Luckily I dragged the container, because otherwise I would have been more than slightly upset.[/spoiler]

It's all fun and games until someone gets fired for wasting ingredients.

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