Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Chishio Kunrin

Reason #1 why I wish we had a good room we could put Callie in:
I swear to Celestia, sometimes I can't do anything on the computer without her interrupting me. Whether she's messing with wires, pulling the speakers or my mouse of the desk, threatening to pull the modem and router off the desk, or getting on the desk where she can knock stuff down...

It's gotten to where, if there's something I'm gonna do that I need/want to concentrate on or I'm so tired that constant interruption will make me more frustrated than usual, I'll preemptively lock her out of the room.

But I can't keep her locked out for long because
1. The cat food is in here
2. She starts trying to rip up the carpet in front of the door
That second one being why her perfect room would have to have no carpet. I'd love to have an extra room to construct for her to enjoy and relax in. No carpet, some shelves to sit on, a shelf on the window sill, a fake tree to climb, nowhere for her to toys to get lost under... I'd probably pamper her with her own room. X3
I hate having to yell at her, though. Sometimes she just won't listen, so I have to. But I hate doing it because she's so sensitive. :(

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2013 Mar 11, 05:37:33 #8161 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 11, 05:40:02 by Trege
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Mar 11, 04:17:55
Reason #1 why I wish we had a good room we could put Callie in:
I swear to Celestia, sometimes I can't do anything on the computer without her interrupting me. Whether she's messing with wires, pulling the speakers or my mouse of the desk, threatening to pull the modem and router off the desk, or getting on the desk where she can knock stuff down...

It's gotten to where, if there's something I'm gonna do that I need/want to concentrate on or I'm so tired that constant interruption will make me more frustrated than usual, I'll preemptively lock her out of the room.

But I can't keep her locked out for long because
1. The cat food is in here
2. She starts trying to rip up the carpet in front of the door
That second one being why her perfect room would have to have no carpet. I'd love to have an extra room to construct for her to enjoy and relax in. No carpet, some shelves to sit on, a shelf on the window sill, a fake tree to climb, nowhere for her to toys to get lost under... I'd probably pamper her with her own room. X3
I hate having to yell at her, though. Sometimes she just won't listen, so I have to. But I hate doing it because she's so sensitive. :(

Yeah with the trouble Callie causes you all the time from wanting to be on high places that's understandable, not to mention rooms designed for cats are always pretty cool looking usually.  X3

When you can't sleep despite feeling tired because for some reason your body refuses to sleep so you end up staring at a wall trying to figure out something to do until you manage to fall asleep.  :c

Book Smarts

Midterms are such a pain  :l


By Sulfur

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Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Mar 11, 04:17:55
Reason #1 why I wish we had a good room we could put Callie in:
I swear to Celestia, sometimes I can't do anything on the computer without her interrupting me. Whether she's messing with wires, pulling the speakers or my mouse of the desk, threatening to pull the modem and router off the desk, or getting on the desk where she can knock stuff down...

It's gotten to where, if there's something I'm gonna do that I need/want to concentrate on or I'm so tired that constant interruption will make me more frustrated than usual, I'll preemptively lock her out of the room.

But I can't keep her locked out for long because
1. The cat food is in here
2. She starts trying to rip up the carpet in front of the door
That second one being why her perfect room would have to have no carpet. I'd love to have an extra room to construct for her to enjoy and relax in. No carpet, some shelves to sit on, a shelf on the window sill, a fake tree to climb, nowhere for her to toys to get lost under... I'd probably pamper her with her own room. X3
I hate having to yell at her, though. Sometimes she just won't listen, so I have to. But I hate doing it because she's so sensitive. :(

My cat's name is Callie, too!

Unforunately I had to leave her with my parents when I moved out.  :c

There are several rough tomcats where I'm living now, and she's been declawed so she can't defender herself. I'd worry for her safetly living here. And she's an adventurous one, I wouldn't want to keep her cooped up inside.

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Waking up frequently at night for whatever reason. And trying to sleep when the weather is hot.

The Wandering Magus

pinching zippers, buttons that won't unbutton
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Dreadnaught 308

when I have to show people how to cut an onion
Hello, I'm The Doctor

The Wandering Magus

when I can't do one thing at a time
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Dreadnaught 308

When I ask a simple question and the other guy says "What?"
Hello, I'm The Doctor

The Wandering Magus

when my hands sweat for no reason
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


When people ask obvious questions. And when they get angry because I answer sarcastically just to make some fun.

Lord of Madness

Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 11, 22:53:42
When people ask obvious questions. And when they get angry because I answer sarcastically just to make some fun.


Book Smarts

When a connection problem ruins my game with friends  O:

Midnight Breeze


Oh dear god, that.

I worked really hard on a fic, and it's getting copious amounts of hate with no explanation. Everyone says it's good, but I'm kind of doubting myself. Then again, all the popular stories on Fimfiction are gay clopfics, and my characters are actually STRAIGHT.
By Sulfur

Tumblr (SFW)

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: ComputerDeathglare on 2013 Mar 12, 03:36:47
Oh dear god, that.

I worked really hard on a fic, and it's getting copious amounts of hate with no explanation. Everyone says it's good, but I'm kind of doubting myself. Then again, all the popular stories on Fimfiction are gay clopfics, and my characters are actually STRAIGHT.

Link plz.


Spoiler: This is a long one guys... • show

A long time ago, I used to play a game similar to Second Life called vSide. In there, I met a girl who would eventually become my best friend, even if we'd never met in person.

As time went on, we got to know each other very well, and we would be there for each other whenever we needed somepony to talk. However, she also grew bitter to say the least... She would get depressed and I would try my hardest to make her smile as best as I could.

Our conversations slowly went from happy, lovely, joyful and friendly to angry, depressed, rage inducing and sad... I would try to make her smile, but she would only ignore that, find a negative side to whatever I came up with and she would get angry at me for trying to help. She would insult me, hurt my feelings and threaten to... "Give up on life", if you know what I mean.

This kept happening most of the time, but I kept trying to make her smile no matter what because I loved (As a friend) that girl I got to know so long ago... I kept trying because I don't give up on my friends.

But... My attempts were futile. She kept turning into this hateful monster who apparently could not be happy... She kept making me feel bad for so long...

Eventually I couldn't put up with all the hate, anger and depression this girl had anymore... So I painfully said good bye and moved on with help from my lovely ponies... This happened a few days after becoming a brony... Hay, I even told her that... But... I still gave up on a friend... >.<

I had given up on a friend... And there was nothing I could do about it... So I wanted to try to forget her. :c

After a while, all was well. I was doing a mighty fine job at forgetting her, and I had almost forgotten completely... I even started using Skype again a few days ago! The reason I hated Instant Messaging services was because of this girl! They reminded me of her! And I was starting to use Skype again! >:O

Don't worry though, I'm not leaving Skype because of her anymore. I had way too much fun talking with you guys these past few days... ;)

And then I go on Facebook to see a message from her. Bloody hay. >:/

Just when I had almost forgotten, just when I was finally having fun with my friends on Skype... Just when everything was perfect this bloody girl decides to talk to me again. :l

After we both agreed to never talk to each other again... After all the pain she caused with her horrible attitude... Just... No... NO! There is no way I'm letting you back in my life you rotten piece of a Muffin! :/

I had already deleted her from Yahoo and Skype, now I blocked her on Facebook... I don't want to see her or hear from her ever again... I'm done. I'm done with you so please leave me alone darn it! >A<


It's two am and my mind is in hyperactive mode.

Halp. :I
By Sulfur

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