Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Chishio Kunrin

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2014 Jul 05, 23:49:29 #13362 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 06, 00:13:15 by Pipkin
Apparently my phone's "upgrade" also broke whatsapp...

I just received 3.5 hours worth of messages.....and here I am sitting here wondering where all my friends are.....

Also, the shortcut tab that pops up when you restart galaxy s3 phones dont go away with the back button anymore


Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Jul 05, 23:49:29
Apparently my phone's "upgrade" also broke whatsapp...

I just received 3.5 hours worth of messages.....and here I am sitting here wondering where all my friends are.....
My skype glitchs so bad! Stuff like this will happen, but not 3.5 hours, worst it EVER did was just 2 hours, usually it only does about 30 minutes to an hour.

Midnight Breeze

For some odd reason listening to heavy metal music has started to hurt my ears. Even at reasonable volumes, it's the frequency of it or something. Man, I'm willing to make sacrifices for my health, but I don't know if I can give up Disturbed. At the same time, though, I'm already blind as a bat. I'd hate to damage my perfect hearing.


I agree Midnight... usually after I listen to my favorite music, my head hurts.
Nevermind, totally worth it.
Hm, I see everyone is talking about health or something, so... I'm very sickly lately, my head hurts and I get dizzy often (ooh, Dizzy is a great name for a pony). I'm also very tired even if I didn't do anything. Can psychical problens affect your physical health?

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Jul 06, 02:10:37
Can psychical problens affect your physical health?

Yes. Your brain runs your whole body, so when your mind isn't well other problems will follow.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jul 06, 05:29:00
Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Jul 06, 02:10:37
Can psychical problens affect your physical health?

Yes. Your brain runs your whole body, so when your mind isn't well other problems will follow.
All but one of my medical problems are from stress, which is psychological.
Now if only I could control my stress I'd be fine! but alas, I am a derp... =P


working my tail off to get all the things done i wanted to over the weekend...
did get it all done -- newp.
do i ever -- newp.

Chishio Kunrin

There aren't enough hours in a day for me to do the things I want to do and have to do! And people wonder why I sometimes accidentally stay up for 24 hours. I get all "I don't want to go to bed yet. I still haven't gotten to do this! I want to do that! I need to do this!" Before I know it, I've stayed up at least 24 hours, and all I can say is "Woops."

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Jul 06, 21:05:24
There aren't enough hours in a day for me to do the things I want to do and have to do! And people wonder why I sometimes accidentally stay up for 24 hours. I get all "I don't want to go to bed yet. I still haven't gotten to do this! I want to do that! I need to do this!" Before I know it, I've stayed up at least 24 hours, and all I can say is "Woops."

Welcome to my life!!!


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Jul 06, 21:05:24
There aren't enough hours in a day for me to do the things I want to do and have to do! And people wonder why I sometimes accidentally stay up for 24 hours. I get all "I don't want to go to bed yet. I still haven't gotten to do this! I want to do that! I need to do this!" Before I know it, I've stayed up at least 24 hours, and all I can say is "Woops."
I did this, but I still got enough sleep... now I have a weird schedule...I do not jest when I say I wake up at 8-9PM and go to bed at 10-12AM... (Yes, I know AM and PM)


People crying for me... :s


Quote from: Julius on 2014 Jul 06, 22:48:12
People crying for me... :s

But that's because we all love you  :)

Chishio Kunrin

I just got yelled at by someone who got extremely over-emotional about fictional characters. :\ *Sigh* They jumped into the conversation (which was open to everyone, to be fair) and started yelling at me in all caps in a "how dare you" fashion.

I'll try to explain the discussion in a nutshell:
- Voice actor person was originally going to voice Guy A.
- Series creator decided to give the role to someone else, stating plainly and clearly to the fans that he has a, and I quote, "more important" role planned for voice actor person.
- We have yet to see this character. Still trying to figure out who it could be.
- Someone suggested one of the two guys in Background Team.
- I say no because Background Team, in all actuality, was never intended to exist in the first place. BG character person was intended to only appear in two episodes and then disappear forever, but fans loved her so much that the crew kept her and gave her a team. Logically, there's no way creator could've planned for voice actor to voice a character who he didn't plan on creating.
- Another person and I started discussing whether or not Guy B could serve some greater role than Guy A and therefore possibly be voiced by voice actor.

Angry Anon jumped in and started yelling at me that every character is important, accused me of calling BG character unimportant, and angrily yelled that the crew works really hard on every character they make, even the ones that're meant to "disappear."

I'm slightly annoyed that they put words in my mouth and completely misunderstood what I was saying. :/
1. Yes, every character is important, but some play a larger role in the story than others and, thus, would be considered "more important" by the series creator.
2. When talking about BG character, my point had absolutely nothing to do with how important or unimportant she is. Though, in fairness, a character who was intended to cease existing after appearing for a few seconds twice was only going to be slightly important, but I didn't mention that, since it would upset them more, and I didn't want to hurt them. :c Anyway, my point was that her staying in the series was unplanned, so her teammates, by extension, were unplanned. Therefore, it's unreasonable to think that creator would plan for voice actor to voice an unplanned character.
3. I don't know why they put disappear in quotes. She really was intended to disappear. :\ I really like her too and can't wait to see what her ability is, but seriously, the writers were originally going to get rid of her.

I really don't like it when someone misunderstands and/or puts words in my or someone else's mouth and then gets all angry and offended by what they think was said. It's a lot easier and nicer to keep a cool head and ask for clarification before becoming upset. That's what I try to do. :s

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Randam Saiko

When someone is attacking me and then acts like they're the victim when I say something about it.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


I've finished school for at least a week now, so I'm much less stressed......and yet every night I've not been able to sleep, and it's usually getting lighter outside and birds start chirping when I FINALLY start to nod off...o.O How does that work?!
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

So, in a show or web series, when an interesting character gets mentioned but you don't get to see or hear them for a really long while, it can be pretty cool... except when you have to deal with fellow fans randomly pointing at every single new character and going "OMG IS THAT HIM?! I BET IT'S HIM! IT'S HIM, ISN'T IT?!!" even though there's absolutely no evidence that it is. Especially when there's evidence that it's NOT.

The only reason it's annoying is because I don't understand why people do it.
They don't stop to think for a second. They don't ponder about it before going "OH OH IT'S HIM" and then later finding out it's not. Calm down, people!

This has been happening in the RWBY fandom a lot.
First, people were doing that about Qrow, Ruby's uncle.
People saw an old shopkeeper and were like "Omg I bet that's Qrow!" even though Ruby said that Qrow is a teacher at Signal Academy. :l Why would a teacher be running a store? Not only that, but Ozpin said that Qrow is an extremely-skilled scythe wielder. That old shopkeeper cowered in fear of Roman and his henchmen. If it was Qrow, he would've beaten them up, and Roman would've gone back to prison already.

Now we've seen this new guy in the volume 2 trailer and the volume 2 opening. He is shown with robots and stuff, even showing off robots. It seems that he runs a company that makes robots.
Some people assume he's Qrow. Again: Qrow is a teacher. >:/ A teacher doesn't have time to run a company that makes robots.
Most people assume "Oh, hey, it's Mr. Schnee, Weiss' dad!" Uh, no. Mr. Schnee runs the Schnee Dust Company. You know, a company all about mining and refining dust. Nothing to do with robots. "Yeah, but the robots look a lot like the ones from the Black Trailer, and it was confirmed that the train in that trailer was a Schnee company train!" It doesn't mean he made them! It means he bought them from whoever this guy is! Besides, Blake said the Schnee Dust Company has "questionable business partners." Maybe the robot company is one of those business partners.

Sheesh, people. Really.
TL;DR: People need to calm their stuff down and stop to think for a second before going "OH HEY IT'S THAT CHARACTER WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET, I BET IT'S HIM, IT'S TOTALLY HIM BECAUSE HE'S NEW AND I REALLY WANNA SEE HIM ALREADY I BET THAT'S THAT GUY-- oh wait, what did they say his name is? Oh, dang. It's not him. HEY ANOTHER NEW GUY, I BET IT'S THAT CHARACTER WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET--"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


That sounds like when my brother was playing a quiz. When there was a question like "Which band blah blah..." everyone said U2, because it's the fastest, and the first person to guess the answer gets all the points. They said U2 because it's the fastest thing they could say, your people say "OMG IT'S THAT GUY" because they are too stupid to say anything else  o_O


2014 Jul 07, 17:37:58 #13379 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 07, 17:40:04 by Trege
This heat!

We found out why our AC isn't keeping up in this hot weather. The compresser refuses to stay on it seems and now we just have it set to fan mode in 91 degree weather until we can figure out what's wrong with it. I'm not even playing any games on my PC because I don't want it to overheat and it's too hot to even have fun playing most games right now anyways.  :c

I can't wait for Fall. Spring Winter and Fall are now my favorite seasons instead of just winter. I'd rather be cold than hot anyday.

(Dad apparently got the compressor to kick on just now but for how long I don't know. It apparently popped a breaker.)

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