Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Chishio Kunrin


I found someone on Deviantart whose entire gallery is composed of nothing but stolen art, even stolen photos, one of which is a cosplay photo. She stole all of her art from various people on pixiv.net and kept claiming it was hers.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she made money on some of that art!! >:( Seriously!

She hasn't been active since 2011, but for some reason, despite tons of people reporting her and the pictures, her account and the pictures haven't been deleted. :l Way to frickin go, Deviantart. What're you doing? I ran into her account because one of the pictures she stole is really high up in the search results for "okami" due to all the faves on it!

So... just... don't fave anything from the account okami-rao-fox. :/ I know she's not around anymore, but don't help her stolen pictures become popular.

It sucks that there are people who would rather steal art than try to improve their art skills. It just shows that they're only in it for the praise and attention, which is a terrible reason to upload art. Attention hogs need to find a constructive way to get the attention they crave, not steal things from people and manipulate people.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Jul 03, 12:15:43

I found someone on Deviantart whose entire gallery is composed of nothing but stolen art, even stolen photos, one of which is a cosplay photo. She stole all of her art from various people on pixiv.net and kept claiming it was hers.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she made money on some of that art!! >:( Seriously!

She hasn't been active since 2011, but for some reason, despite tons of people reporting her and the pictures, her account and the pictures haven't been deleted. :l Way to frickin go, Deviantart. What're you doing? I ran into her account because one of the pictures she stole is really high up in the search results for "okami" due to all the faves on it!

So... just... don't fave anything from the account okami-rao-fox. :/ I know she's not around anymore, but don't help her stolen pictures become popular.

It sucks that there are people who would rather steal art than try to improve their art skills. It just shows that they're only in it for the praise and attention, which is a terrible reason to upload art. Attention hogs need to find a constructive way to get the attention they crave, not steal things from people and manipulate people.

Someone on eBay has been selling pony merch with mysticalpha's art on it.  Stuff like that really ticks me off.

Then I remember someone on here stealing his art and posting it here saying it was theirs, and my reporting them to him is how I started following him X3

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Jul 03, 12:57:53
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Jul 03, 12:15:43

I found someone on Deviantart whose entire gallery is composed of nothing but stolen art, even stolen photos, one of which is a cosplay photo. She stole all of her art from various people on pixiv.net and kept claiming it was hers.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she made money on some of that art!! >:( Seriously!

She hasn't been active since 2011, but for some reason, despite tons of people reporting her and the pictures, her account and the pictures haven't been deleted. :l Way to frickin go, Deviantart. What're you doing? I ran into her account because one of the pictures she stole is really high up in the search results for "okami" due to all the faves on it!

So... just... don't fave anything from the account okami-rao-fox. :/ I know she's not around anymore, but don't help her stolen pictures become popular.

It sucks that there are people who would rather steal art than try to improve their art skills. It just shows that they're only in it for the praise and attention, which is a terrible reason to upload art. Attention hogs need to find a constructive way to get the attention they crave, not steal things from people and manipulate people.

Someone on eBay has been selling pony merch with mysticalpha's art on it.  Stuff like that really ticks me off.

Then I remember someone on here stealing his art and posting it here saying it was theirs, and my reporting them to him is how I started following him X3

It's things like this that cause artists to have to put that ugly watermark right in the middle of their artwork, just so no one can steal it. :c

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Randam Saiko

2014 Jul 03, 13:31:46 #13343 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 03, 13:33:42 by Randam Saiko
Just thievery in general ticks me off to no end. It is actually one of the extremely few things which I have non-existent tolerance for.
Spoiler: Story Time • show
In fact, a few years ago, I had this one incident where this rat from my school attempted to steal some money. It was lunch and I left my bags in my seat as I left the room to pick up some assignments. When I walked back, I saw this kid snooping through my bag and taking a $10 bill out of it in broad daylight. He wasn't even trying to be sneaky. He didn't try to make it look normal like, "Oh, I dropped my contacts somewhere and that's why I'm searching around." I confronted him and asked him to give it back, but as expected, he replied with a usual, "I don't know what you're talking about. This is my money." My anger just kept escalating as I tried to avoid using force and blew up when he tried to "storm off in rage because i'm accusing him." What happened next turned into one-sided violence and I got my money back without further problems.

One of my personal rules that I follow is that I will not give anyone criticism (not a simple comment. I'm talking about actual analysis and review where I am typing/speaking in paragraphs) unless they ask for it and when I do receive a request, I always give them 3 options of how they want it to sound.

  • Sugar Coated

  • Mild

  • Cold hard truth

So this one person asked if I could review his OC and selected cold hard truth. After analyzing it, I sent him a 3 paragraph response of his strong points and weak points. His OC was horribly flawed, but it did have a few good areas. Later, he had the audacity to say that my opinion sucks and that I have no right to tell him that his character is heavily flawed. Are you freaking kidding me? He comes to me and asks for help and then throw a tantrum because I did what he asked for.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Spoiler: Randam Saiko's Comment • show
[quote author=Randam Saiko link=topic=2523.msg806500#msg806500 date=1404408706]
Just thievery in general ticks me off to no end. It is actually one of the extremely few things which I have non-existent tolerance for.
Spoiler: Story Time • show
In fact, a few years ago, I had this one incident where this rat from my school attempted to steal some money. It was lunch and I left my bags in my seat as I left the room to pick up some assignments. When I walked back, I saw this kid snooping through my bag and taking a $10 bill out of it in broad daylight. He wasn't even trying to be sneaky. He didn't try to make it look normal like, "Oh, I dropped my contacts somewhere and that's why I'm searching around." I confronted him and asked him to give it back, but as expected, he replied with a usual, "I don't know what you're talking about. This is my money." My anger just kept escalating as I tried to avoid using force and blew up when he tried to "storm off in rage because i'm accusing him." What happened next turned into one-sided violence and I got my money back without further problems.

One of my personal rules that I follow is that I will not give anyone criticism (not a simple comment. I'm talking about actual analysis and review where I am typing/speaking in paragraphs) unless they ask for it and when I do receive a request, I always give them 3 options of how they want it to sound.
[li]Sugar Coated[/li]
[li]Cold hard truth[/li]
So this one person asked if I could review his OC and selected cold hard truth. After analyzing it, I sent him a 3 paragraph response of his strong points and weak points. His OC was horribly flawed, but it did have a few good areas. Later, he had the audacity to say that my opinion sucks and that I have no right to tell him that his character is heavily flawed. Are you freaking kidding me? He comes to me and asks for help and then throw a tantrum because I did what he asked for.

This is why I try to stay emotionally detached from my OC creation process.  And even more so when I ask for criticism.  If I'm trying not to feel anything, there's no room to get angry or spiteful.
When I'm making an OC, I also try to remember that whatever I make WILL be flawed in some way.  It's impossible to make a perfect OC, so getting and receiving help in a logical manner will help me improve.

Post Merge

Something that annoys me is my utter lack of finesse when choosing a color scheme for anything! lol
<br />


I'm annoyed by most youtube comments on any kind of music. But they're fun to read.

Commenter 1: This kind of music sucks, my choice of music is obviously superior. You're all posers.
Commenter 2: *swear* man why did u even comment here then stupid poser *swear* *more swears*
Commenter 1: I just nicely said how my music is better than yours and you should listen to it to make your lives better. And I obviously have nothing better to do than torment random strangers.
Commenter 4: Liar. You're such a liar. Your whole life is a failure. And your music is wrong.
Commenter 5: can we just stop judging other people's music guys
All the other commenters: lol as if.

Hey people, if you don't like some music genre you can say you don't like it. You don't have to say it sucks, that's not the same.


Or you can just not LISTEN to that music!
I'm back


It's currently 3:40am
I wake up for work at 5:30am

You see why i'm annoyed  :l


When you have a problem and no matter how much you talk about it, it just stays, and gets worse...
I'v tried so many ways of dealing with my problems and the BEST of them just simply slow down their growth... :'(


Every time I walk into the living room.
OH GOD what is that thing!?
Spoiler: show

What is it!?
Spoiler: show

It's a...
Spoiler: show

My dad is making a dog sculpture out of styrofoam and he decided it would be a good idea to put it in the living room to scare the living daylight out of everyone who enters it.

Midnight Breeze

2014 Jul 04, 16:24:41 #13350 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 05, 11:18:03 by Chishio Kunrin
The road at then end of my apartment complex has been broken for years and is getting to the point where it's nearly impassible due to the garbage truck breaking it more and more when they empty the retardedly-placed dumpster at the corner. Not long ago I saw some road workers patching it up and was happy that the city was finally doing something about it. Until I woke up the next morning and saw they had only filled it in with dirt. Yes, dirt. Nothing more.

I was going to call city hall to find out just seriously what the hay. Then I remember I live in Louisiana. That's the problem...

It's hardly any secret that Louisiana is a corrupt rathole where everything gets half-done. Louisiana has (officially) the worst roads in the entire country. So when the federal government gives us $10 billion to fix our highways you can bet that only $1 billion will actually go to the highways and the other $9 billion will go in our politicians' pockets.

My mom lived in Longview, Texas for several years, and she always talks about how great Texas roads and highways were. Well, of course Texas roads seemed awesome to her, she's from Louisiana! Freakin' Somalia's roads are awesome compared to ours.


I used to live in the one part of Ohio and a good deal of the roads WERE nothing but dirt, and it had some PRE-TY corrupt people there, I dare not say what they did because it'd probably brake forum rules it's so awful, but let me just say getting out of there was a good choice for me...


You people and your roads. You don't know nothing.

But I'm not going to build the trump card pile higher.



I may be a happy bubbly bouncy adorable foal, but even I need to vent...

Spoiler: A side of Emu you never knew existed! • show
I know I already said this...but I hate stress...Ponies pushing things I don't want apoun me, Rubbing my mistakes in my face, and making me all in all feel like a piece of poo...
Stress has given me SO many wonderful things like...

Back pains!
Unreasonable irritability!
Bowel problems! (Ew)
and my personal favorite... the inability to eat food! because if I eat more then a hoof full of ANYTHING I get sick as a dog...

To top it all off I got planter warts on both of my back hooves that make it hard to even walk now...
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Yeah well life just threw the whole pitcher in my eyes...

Alrighty...I'm done... X3


The firmware update on my phone....there's lots I dont like about it and one thing I do like about it(the music player is slightly opaque so I can see my background through it)
One of the things I really hate is the update seemed to break haptic feedback, which makes the phone vibrate a bit while i'm texting.  I actually need that for my brain to register I actually hit a key

Now I have to constantly check and texting takes twice as long now...
also the calculator is really ugly...

another thing that annoys me is things that annoy me that I cant talk to people about.  Doesn't happen often but sometimes things bother me and I cant talk about them to the people I normally talk to because it concerns them so i'm forced to keep my mouth shut....

Midnight Breeze

I'm so sick of all the "friend zone" nonsense. There is no "friend zone", that's called free will. Last I checked we don't live in the age of arranged marriages. Both parties have a right to choose whether or not they want a relationship, and with whom.

People aren't video games, you know. You can't unlock someone as a romance interest by doing things a certain way. If they say no then they mean it. Trying to 'get out of the friend zone' will only cause you to lose a friend, not gain a romance.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jul 05, 19:10:10
I'm so sick of all the "friend zone" nonsense. There is no "friend zone", that's called free will. Last I checked we don't live in the age of arranged marriages. Both parties have a right to choose whether or not they want a relationship, and with whom.

People aren't video games, you know. You can't unlock someone as a romance interest by doing things a certain way. If they say no then they mean it. Trying to 'get out of the friend zone' will only cause you to lose a friend, not gain a romance.
Thank you. I detest when people refer to friendship as "the friend zone" as if it is insulting for a person you're crushing on to care about you as a friend. To me it's flattering, like, helloooo this person obviously cares about your friendship... if they didn't, they'd just ignore you and/or tell you off in a hurtful way.

Yeah I'd much rather be "friendzoned." I love friends.

I am getting really annoyed with being sick all of the time. I wish I could just be healthy again. It's weird to think that something so simple as good health is something that I took so much for granted.  x:
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


Quote from: Princess Button on 2014 Jul 05, 19:15:01
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jul 05, 19:10:10
I'm so sick of all the "friend zone" nonsense. There is no "friend zone", that's called free will. Last I checked we don't live in the age of arranged marriages. Both parties have a right to choose whether or not they want a relationship, and with whom.

People aren't video games, you know. You can't unlock someone as a romance interest by doing things a certain way. If they say no then they mean it. Trying to 'get out of the friend zone' will only cause you to lose a friend, not gain a romance.
Thank you. I detest when people refer to friendship as "the friend zone" as if it is insulting for a person you're crushing on to care about you as a friend. To me it's flattering, like, helloooo this person obviously cares about your friendship... if they didn't, they'd just ignore you and/or tell you off in a hurtful way.

Yeah I'd much rather be "friendzoned." I love friends.

I am getting really annoyed with being sick all of the time. I wish I could just be healthy again. It's weird to think that something so simple as good health is something that I took so much for granted.  x:

I absolutely agree with this as well.

Can you go to a doctor and get checked out Butt? It seems you get sick far too often... Hopefully nothing's wrong but I can't say I'm not worried for you... :I

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Julius on 2014 Jul 05, 23:00:43
Can you go to a doctor and get checked out Butt?

What the...


'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

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