P&S Adventures: Into the wilds! -Closed-

Started by GalvinRoe, 2012 May 28, 09:35:22

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Why should they show ANY appreciation for a noble? Fany you'll have to get used to no thanks if you do intend to do anything for these opressed. It is their way. One must grow callouse to survive their conditions. A few grow different, those interesting few are those like Bright Mane here.

Hello children, it has been too long, are you doing well? Working hard?

Teal Turken

Teal approaches the hungry workers with Strokes.
"Sorry about that guard, I guess not everything in Canterlot is bright and shiny" :s

The Wandering Magus

((my hour's up :c  you can control the NPCs, GalvinRoe ^-^  see you all at 3pm PST/ 23:00 GMT tomorrow!))
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


2012 May 29, 19:17:37 #183 Last Edit: 2012 May 29, 19:21:15 by GalvinRoe
The children spat at Strokes.

"Yeah, we're fine, no thanks ta yew!"

Someone in the back waved at strokes, but was quickly put down by the other children's hard glares.

Well, kindness never did you children any good, but it is the extent of what I can give you. I haven't the money to lift everyone of you out of the gutter and if I did I wouldn't give it to you. The guard is right there, too much charity breaks you . .. 

Alot of the children stuck their tongues out at Strokes.

"Ya' notin' but a lier! Fat lier!"

The children, they are angels if you get to know them! I said to the company.

You'll not expect any kindness from them though, I hope! Would you be thankful for a small kindness when your working for the world though?

Teal Turken

Teal snapped at the workers.
"Hey we're just trying to be nice! If your just gonna throw it in your faces then I don't want to help you! "


Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 29, 19:19:54
Teal snapped at the workers.
"Hey we're just trying to be nice! If your just gonna throw it in your faces then I don't want to help you! "

Calm down, teal, these children have nothing, and anything we give them is chump change. They've been promised so many things and the ones who do the promising never come through with it. Or the way they come through with it is severly dissapointing.

Strokes patted Teal on the back.

Don't be sore about it, they just can't afford hope, anymore.

Teal Turken

Teal sighs.
"Your right...I'm glad you didn't let wealth get to you the same way it has this whole city" he says with a soft smile.


Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 29, 19:30:59
Teal sighs.
"Your right...I'm glad you didn't let wealth get to you the same way it has this whole city" he says with a soft smile.

Strokes laughs. I can't stand materialism! Besides, I'm not particularly wealthy. Just enough to keep going. I just happend to be friends with Fancy. Now, Fancy can see what I have been seeing over the past 20 years. THAT is why we are going on this journey friends to see what this world is truely like.

Teal Turken

"I hope it's not all dark and angry....have you been around the world before?"


Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 29, 19:36:39
"I hope it's not all dark and angry....have you been around the world before?"

Strokes laughs again. The world is where I live! I've just stopped back in Equestria to visit my old friend. Turns out he's in need of my services so I have offered them.

He bowed.

Surely you've heard of me just a little? The traveling author . . .Green Strokes. I wrote A Fight for Immortality and The Seventeen Obstacles.

The author without a home, might be more familiar! Bright Mane sneered.

The children had evidently been listening too . . .

"Naw, big author? Yew wuldn't visit us, wuldn't talk ta us if yew was a big author!"

Teal Turken

Teal frowned.
"No I've never heard of you... I prefer to play outside a lot and explore. I've found a lot of stuff out in the wilderness, especially underwater!" 0:)


Fancy jumped in. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO BANTERING ABOUT? These children need HELP!"

Calm down, fancy . . . what do you propose we do? What can we do Fancy?

"I . . . I don't know but we have to do something! We have to change this, this is not right!"

Teal Turken

"We could go speak with there boss, I bet he knows all about there pay and everything"


2012 May 29, 20:08:06 #193 Last Edit: 2012 May 29, 20:10:51 by GalvinRoe
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 29, 19:59:49
"We could go speak with there boss, I bet he knows all about there pay and everything"

Go ahead! Strokes said expressionlessly. I've had discussions, even written books about how these children are treated, its hardly done a thing. The boss will tell you "I'ts just a matter of time before all these changes are put in place" and he'll list a long list that makes it sound like they care . . .

They don't care Fancy, they hardly think of these children as living beings. They want their cheap labor and they are almost willing to work them to death.

"This can't be right, this isn't the Equestria I have spent my life shaping!"

No, no it's just the product society uses to get to those dreams faster. I'm here to show you everything in the world Fancy. There are a lot of wonders out there, but there is alot of horror and pain too.

Strokes held out his hoof.

To break these procedures you have to break the philosophies behind them. It takes time but not because it needs to! It takes time because ponies SAY it takes time! That is why I dislike society Fancy, it's based around public oppinion.

Now come on old man, if you get caught here you won't see the bigger picture. There is alot more you are going to have to go through and remember, you promised.

Fancy whimpered as he got to his feet.


Bright mane leaned in next to Rumor.

You thought I was joking, did you?

Teal Turken

Teal winced at Strokes's speech (or whatever)
He felt like crying for the ponies all around the world that are suffering and starving and being betrayed and sick and hated.....
Teal was trembling with these thoughts and he looked very sad. :'(


Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 29, 20:17:04
Teal winced at Strokes's speech (or whatever)
He felt like crying for the ponies all around the world that are suffering and starving and being betrayed and sick and hated.....
Teal was trembling with these thoughts and he looked very sad. :'(

Strokes caught Teal's lookDon't worry my little pony, the world is filled with wonders too. We all suffer. Alot of these poor foals won't be able to work themselves out of this rut without more friends like you and me. We have to do our part to help them, but not before you see the full extent of this world.

"You're not joking? There's really ponies that are worse off, then these poor foals?"

Come on everypony, we need to get to Lemon - Lime

Teal Turken

Teal sniffled and nodded.
"Okay....let's go" he said holding the sad look.


2012 May 29, 20:39:30 #197 Last Edit: 2012 May 29, 20:44:22 by GalvinRoe
Fancy gave a wistfull look back at those poor foals.


Here we are . . .

They stood right outside the great construction-yard. Wonders to behold were the great contraptions built there. Great Aero-ships being crafted with magic and wonder. Besides the great shipyard stood a small bureau named: Department for International-travels.

Inside every-pony. Let's go!

Teal Turken

Teal looked around at all the scenery in amazement. It took his mind off the saddening fact of the poor ponies of the world.
QuoteInside every-pony. Let's go!

Teal snapped back in and shook his head.
Teal enters the bureau.


There were few ponies in the bureau and those who were there finished up their business there as quickly as they could. The reason being clear: The bureau was uncomforbably warm and the noise from the construction-yard floated in un-hampered by the walls.

Lemon-Lime stood there behind a circular counter, he looked like a grumpy old pony, who had been doing his job for longer then anypony should be forced to.

"Oh, more poines . . ." He said dully, without emoition.

(ALLRIGHT I'm off for the day folks, I'm saying everyone has their papers and we are headed for customs tomorrow and adventure!  ovO)

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