P&S Adventures: Into the wilds! -Closed-

Started by GalvinRoe, 2012 May 28, 09:35:22

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Sonic Heart

2012 May 28, 17:58:43 #140 Last Edit: 2012 May 28, 18:04:53 by Sonic Heart
After a while Sonata´s "servants" come back with the rest of her supplys.
We are back Ar...ehm.. Sonata..
"Great, so what have you buyed for yourselfes?" She said smiling and still on her synth
"Just some of our favourite cupcakes and normal stuff for our trip too, we didnt wanted to use much of your money"
"Thanks for thinking of me, but that was more of the deal, you guys could use the money too, i know my father trust you both, and so do i." She smiles.
"Anyway, we have some free time so if you both want you can rest and eat something while we wait."

She says and finishes her song, to start another, now from a book she had right next to her synth.


Chirp chuckles.
"Yes, art can come from anywhere."


A . . .A poem, Right Hoof, take it down!

Strokes gathered himself.

Oh delicate luxury . . . you kill me!

Very good, sir!

Here, Le Fonz', this is yours Strokes handed him the "poem".


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 17:56:52
You know 15 bits for a cheese wheal actually sounds reasonable.Blues says while giving him the bits.

Blue gets handed a sandwhich similar to the one Chirp and I are eating.


Well hope this was worth it.Blues eats it his eyes get wider 100% worth it.


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:23:40
Well hope this was worth it.Blues eats it his eyes get wider 100% worth it.

Who are you, who has never heard of the genius chief Le Fronz'?


My name is Blues Music i'm a musician from ponyville.


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:34:44
My name is Blues Music i'm a musician from ponyville.

Green Strokes He pointed to himself. Chirp He pointed to the pony sitting next to him. Right Hoof He pointed to the brown stallion standing above him. And Bright Mane. He pointed to a mare sitting next to him.


Nice to meet you so what are you doing I overheard you talk about a passport here.Blues says


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:38:03
Nice to meet you so what are you doing I overheard you talk about a passport here.Blues says

Bright Mane answered. We're going on another blasted adventure. With a WHOLE TROOP of nobles this time. Won' that just be wonderful! She said with obvious sarcasm.

Yes! Strokes nodded


Look at adventure this way it makes you more experienced also has a chance of finding treasure sure there is the chance you get hurt ,but its really fun also where are you headed?


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:44:18
Look at adventure this way it makes you more experienced also has a chance of finding treasure sure there is the chance you get hurt ,but its really fun also where are you headed?

Bright Mane gasped and threw her front hooves in the air. Is every-pony this oblivious to the troubles of the road?

Don't mind her, she's just being herself! Strokes smiled at Blues. Well a better question would be where AREN'T we going? We are taking a trip around the world! Wasn't suppose to be a huge caravan but, what are you going to do?

Coffee Rush

(( Uhm... Recap? My internet failed. ))
My OC can be found here!


2012 May 28, 18:50:54 #154 Last Edit: 2012 May 28, 18:52:34 by GalvinRoe
Quote from: Coffee Rush on 2012 May 28, 18:49:56
(( Uhm... Recap? My internet failed. ))

Getting food before we get our passports  :3. Everyone is getting their last bite of fancy society.  :D. I'm with Chirp and Blues and everyone else is everywhere else.

-> (We walked to Canterlot) <-


Wow around the world?Is it okay if I follow on foot because due to the hotel room price I cant stay in canterlot.


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:51:17
Wow around the world?Is it okay if I follow on foot because due to the hotel room price I cant stay in canterlot.

Strokes laughed You can come with but it won't be cheap . . . persay. We are traveling with a hoard of nobles. Besides there will be a few places we will need to take an aero-craft!


Well I got 1500 bits are those enough


Parfait looked around at the food while trying to calm her empty stomach.


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 28, 18:55:37
Well I got 1500 bits are those enough

I think that should hold you, we won't need alot of money alot of the places we'll be. But the journey will last half a year at least . . . Think you can ration that money for that long?

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