The Ponyville Square.

Started by Echo, 2012 Mar 20, 11:37:06

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Lord of Madness

*Madness suddenly in his INSTINCTIVE ENTITY STATE! has the black oily portion of his mane starts to seep around the white and onto Jester, the oil from it is what Madness is always rubbing on his body, it is fire retardant and it is a very mild pain reliever, Madness seems almost panicked now*

Nova Class

Nova looked up curioiusly at the new pony. "And you might be?" being the caring mother she didn't want Jester to get hurt anymore then he already was. She noticed Madness' panicking and is now trying to calm him down.

Lord of Madness

*Madness is only slightly calmed by Nova and continues to panic a bit trying to think of a way to help Jester*

The Wandering Magus

Feather Scroll blushed deeply and looked down when Nova addressed him, embarrassed and feeling quite out of place.

"Um... my name's feather scroll..."

[I]Banish it, Feather, keep yourself together and speak up like a stallion!  The mare can't hear you![/I]

Clearing his throat, he tries again.

"um.. my name is Feather Scroll, I'm a researcher with the magitronics division of the Ponyville branch of the Royal Academy.  I've had a little experience in medical magic, and some of my devices have healing spells stored in them.  I think I can help out..." His voice faltered, and he began looking down at the floor again.   "That is, um, if you want me to..."

Banish it, there goes my assertiveness.  Ah well, can't win at everything.

Hmm, the reading on the scanner's showing yet more psychological disturbances, possibly a side effect of the magitronics but most likely just an effect of the situation.  Interesting that it would affect hair in that manner... oh!  Chemical scans call it a fire retardant and pain reliever... Quite interesting.  I wonder if there are any latent Zebra magics within the substance?

The pony was reduced to pawing helplessly at the floor as if the stares of the other ponies in the room were fireballs aimed at him.  Nova almost thought she heard the poor thing [I]squeak[/I].
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


"Could you take me there, i already forgot the directions you gave me?" Looks at Echo with a slight smile "You dont have to..."

Nala Valor

Jester's bleeding completely stoped and the pain is a lot less intense. He make a final check to see if anything broke and everything was fine. He got outside Madness' mane and hugged him, smiling.

Lord of Madness

*Madness looks like he feels alot better now and hugs Jester*

Nala Valor

Jester, with his paw, take Nova to make her join the hug.

The Wandering Magus

"oh.. well i guess i wasn't usefull after all..."

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Haned tom.

Dhaos decides to walk away. He then thinks (maybe I can help somepony else.)
In life there is no good or evil. There is only opinions and business.

Nala Valor

Jester look at his parent (is it ok if I say it like that?) and say "I'm hungry... We should go grab something. He made a big smile.


Tiger was just flying around in circles in the air, pondering over something.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Lord of Madness

*Madness is staring at Jester*

Nala Valor

Jester, seeing madness staring at him, he also stare but with this face  :D

Lord of Madness

*Madness pats Jester on the head and now has an  :) face*

Nala Valor

 ^-^, is what he did

((why talk when you got smiley?))


An exhausted looking Unicorn with a dark blue coat and an indigo mane, flecked with silver highlights of age, slowly walks into the square. He raises his hoof from time to time to try and stifle and an approaching, mighty yawn as he passes by the assorted shops and looks blearily through windows at different displays.

Lord of Madness

*right as you look into Madness's shop Madness flies towards the window at amazing speeds with levitation, he presses his face o the glass of the window with a loud slap sound* "ARE YA GONNA COME IN!!??"


Blinks a couple of times, looks around for a sign for a few minutes for a sign for the shop before finding it (Hopefully. After all, it is Madness' shop). Looks back at the face peering at him through the window and asks,
"Do you have tea?"

Lord of Madness

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