P.O.N.I. Headquarters

Started by Holiday Cheer, 2018 Feb 07, 12:59:14

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I'll probably join. I'll likely forget though lol

CMC Scootaloo

Those pictures look awesome! I wish I would have been there..... Now I feel even more bad for making myself unable to come to this photoshoot. ;_;
You always wanted to meet Scootaloo? Then be on the lookout for her in Equestria, she is galloping all over the realm!

Holiday Cheer

Thank you to all of the ponies who attended the Equestria Games and helped make it a great event!

But now we're looking forward to a new month full of the possibility for new events and birthdays!

We'll be having a party for Sapphire Moonlight's 3-Year LoE Anniversary tomorrow, Monday July 30 at 11PM GMT (6PM CDT) outside of SCC.  Please stop by to support somepony who this will mean a lot to.  Might be some fun games in store.  ;)

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


owo I wish I could've joined.. I am going to be back tho on the 4th ;o
A nerd who draws whatever.


exciting! I can't wait to see all the events you plan/have planned! I find out the gender of my next foal this month so hopefully i'll be able to make all the events! :D
Skype: Spottedllama1431
Discord: Marshy_fluff (#4884)

Feel free to add me! And look for me in LOE, I need friendos! <3

Holiday Cheer

I have been on a hiatus do to irl stuff for a while and occasionally getting on to enjoy the new update, but now I am back for real and it's time to resume parties and events.  :D

This Saturday, August 25 at 6PM GMT (12PM CDT) at the Cantermore Castle steps there will be a farewell party in honor of Mistletoe Charm.  This is very important to her that you come and listen to what she has to say so please attend.

There is an upcoming major event, the LoE/MLP Anniversary Party (September 10 I think) and there will be a huge Wonderbolts Airshow that will be unlike anything you've seen before.  Stay tuned here for more information about upcoming details.  ^-^

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)

Holiday Cheer

Sorry for what may seem like spam but there are events coming up that concern you.  We are pleased to present to ponies of all ages:


An idea that came from the idea that the LoE Dev Team invented an in game festival that has no real world equivalent.  So it needs an LoE Equivalent Celebration. 

So please join myself and Pumpkin Glow at the Crystal Heart in the Crystal Kingdom on Saturday September 1 at 8PM GMT (3PM CDT) for this event which will mostly consist of a parade and a hangout at the CK Cave, but which will also consist of trying to make a tower of ponies holding lanterns. 

Please bring a Prismatic Lantern from Ensemble if you have one.  If not, a couple lanterns can be provided.  We would like for every participant to have a lantern so we can maximize the beautiful lights that this event is named for. 

Hope to see you then.  X3

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


Hallow Night

2018 Aug 27, 18:01:48 #128 Last Edit: 2018 Aug 27, 18:03:58 by Moon Dasher
Good to see that the planning on here is still alive! O:  And it looks like a lot of cool events will be here too! I may or may not be able to attend them due to my computer having an problem with the hard drive and stuff. So may not be on LoE. Hope I can make it. Oh and Mistletoe is gone :o  I'll miss that silly hat pone. She had the best hat around! ^-^  (PS! I'm using my old smol computer for now so if I make it on this thing might not talk much because lag things!)


I haven't yet been to an LoE  celebration. Maybe I'll go to this one if I'm not busy. :D
I rarely play nowadays, so just assume that I'm alive. I have a busy life ¯\_(?)_/¯
Display name was formerly Colorheart16648

Holiday Cheer

You won't be sorry if you do Color.  And it would be great to meet you!  ^-^

And speaking of amazing celebrations that are coming up....

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


Quote from: Holiday Cheer on 2018 Aug 29, 08:09:45You won't be sorry if you do Color.  And it would be great to meet you!  ^-^

And speaking of amazing celebrations that are coming up....

Looking forward to it :D


Quote from: Holiday Cheer on 2018 Aug 29, 08:09:45You won't be sorry if you do Color.  And it would be great to meet you!  ^-^

And speaking of amazing celebrations that are coming up....

Hope to meet you too, Holiday. In case we do, my pony's name is Mint Twist.
I rarely play nowadays, so just assume that I'm alive. I have a busy life ¯\_(?)_/¯
Display name was formerly Colorheart16648

Hallow Night

Finally, my computer is back up and working! I may be able to join most of the events! Hope to see you all again!  ;) 

chrome thunder

What would some of the things you could do at the talent show be?


Quote from: chrome thunder on 2018 Sep 01, 20:51:37What would some of the things you could do at the talent show be?

I've seen a pony do reverse b-hopping. Maybe that could work.

I want to do tight-rope walking, but I couldn't find any banners in the Ruined City so idk
I rarely play nowadays, so just assume that I'm alive. I have a busy life ¯\_(?)_/¯
Display name was formerly Colorheart16648


And another for your summarized pleasure

Also hope people don't mind if I keep putting my event videos here
If so just let me know

Thank you, and goodnight

Holiday Cheer

Ah, I was wondering who that Encore pony was who was sitting off to the side by themself.  That's awesome Tobias, your video is amazing and if I may share it with others I would very much like to.

Chrome, I was thinking ponies could do things like tell jokes or stories, make elaborate stack formations, or do some kind of roleplayed action 'I play a piano concerto somehow with my hooves, it's great'.  Should be a fun experience and I hope that many can attend.

Don't forget, the party is Monday September 10 at 9PM GMT.  I understand there will also be some other activities besides the talent show and airshow, so please attend and help celebrate LoE getting 1 year older!

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)

Holiday Cheer

Hey everypony.  Just wanted to let you know that I'm starting a podcast to provide entertainment and stories about LoE but also to advertise for upcoming events.  I will event be opening this up so anypony can be involved in it.  Please see my post in the Videos section of the forum:

Life In Ponydale

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)

Pumpkin Glow

2018 Sep 09, 11:12:08 #139 Last Edit: 2024 Jan 27, 21:04:53 by Pumpkin Glow

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