Sweet and Elite: Hide and Seek & Roleplay Meet and Greet

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2019 May 10, 19:16:47 #240 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:14:11 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 5/10/2019
The Mysterious Dr. Mysterious
Players: Spring Strudel, Toot Sweet, Tale Spinner, Rosie Sunshine, Nightstalker, pony jack, Silent Shade, Sight Unseen, Sun Bubbles
  • It is a spring day and the plaza is filled with ponies. But a wagon approaches, peppy music playing from inside it, and no pony appears to be pulling it. It folds out and reads 'Doctor Mysterious' Wagon of Amazement'
  • As everyone looks on, a purple Earth Pony pops out in a smoke bomb and greets the crowd
  • He promises a show and asks for a volunteer. Rosie steps up and takes part in a card trick
  • Spring properly meets Silent Shade, who immediately flirts with her, and quickly stops when she threatens to smack him.
  • Spring notices Silent drinking out of a flask. When questioned, he states it is a tonic for his 'joints'
  • The Doctor shows off several artifacts. his last one? The 'Mirror of Truth'!
  • When ponies start to question him on his 'possession' of the mirror, he has one last trick and calls up Toot. He has her get in a box, which is spun around and opened, with no Toot inside
  • After the group worries, they turn the box back and Toot returns
  • Silent enters the wagon and proves that the mirror is a fake, berating Mysterious.
  • Meanwhile, Tale struggles with cookie addiction and attempts to use Sun's illusions to ward off the hunger
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday May 17th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Ponydale, at the Clover Cafe
Style: Slice of Life
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU

Noodle Script

Session Summary 5/17/2019
Players: Farsight, pony jack, Toot Sweet, Aura Swirl, Sweet Wing, Boss Racket, Rosie Sunshine
  • It is a rainy and stormy day in Ponydale. The ponies take shelter in the Clover CafĂ©.
  • Farsight meets a shady contact.
  • Toot seems a bit absent. Rosie and Farsight worry.
  • Sweet Wing asks Rosie to go for a walk. Aura Swirl follows them. First they visit the hospital to visit some of Sweet Wing's friends. Sweet Wing breaks down crying, telling Rosie that she wanted to become a nurse, but her classmates said that was stupid.
  • Toot tells Farsight why she is so absent-minded: She had weird dreams involving stone creatures, a diadem and a cult that they have dealt with.
  • Rosie and Sweet Wing visit the school. Sweet Wing tells Rosie that she flew for the first time there: A friend would move the swing and Sweet Wing would jump off and fly.
  • Farsight promises Toot to do some research on the cult.
  • Toot runs off and Farsight tries to get her back, but loses her.
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/edit?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday May 24th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Ponydale, outside Sugarcane Corner
Style: Slice of Life
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord.  
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 May 24, 19:21:38 #244 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:15:24 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 5/24/2019
Mysterious Rumors
Players: Spring Strudel, Radiant Shores, Nightstalker, Farsight, Onion Sing, Rosie Sunshine, Jingles Sporadic, Sun Bubbles, Tale Spinner
  • It is a normal spring day, but the guards seem on edge, with rumors from the heartlands of horrible monsters and rampant gangs. Night is in conversation with some of them, and Far is so tired he walks into a tree and MIGHT have received a concussion
  • Spring approaches Night, and after three minutes, gets her attention, though Night denies that anything is wrong, and Far, satisfying his coffee addiction, is confronted by Tale, wielding a paper with the headline "UNREST IN HEARTLANDS"
  • Spring is distracted by Jingles Sporadic's rhyming and then Radiant Shores shows up to get a muffin
  • After Spring gives out pie, Night goes over and talks to Radiant, discussing some seismic activity on a map.
  • After Radiant leaves and Tale talks her into thinking there may be more to the activity than she thought.
  • Far and Night have a private discussion about what this might mean. They decide to keep as much info as they can for themselves both to avoid a panic and to keep info from falling into less than trustworthy hooves
  • Jingles falls out of a tree and shatters their prosthetic leg. And literally noone notices at all. Even when they start yelling.
  • Spring and Tale discuss Tale's possible TM, and Spring suggests that maybe Tale should consider writing about adventures or going on adventures and writing about then
  • Tale admits to skipping school and Farsight drags them to the train to Cantermore, up the cliffs to the blimp to Cloudopolis, and all the way to the Cloudopolis school. By the ear.
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday May 31st, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: The Heartlands, Midway Village
Style: Adventure
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday June 7th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Crystal Kingdom, at the nearby village.  Map below.
Style: Adventure
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jun 07, 19:00:27 #247 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:16:58 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 6/7/2019
Investigating the Crystals
Players: Gabbro Ilmenite, Toot Sweet, Nightstalker, Radiant Shores, Farsight, Sun Bubbles, Rosie Sunshine, Cinnamon String, Krystallo Ftero
  • The group investigates a mining facility outside the Crystal Kingdom. There are cart tracks leading to and from the mine and the city, and the Crystal's, while the same ones found in the golems, are smaller.
  • While Gabbro is disappointed that the perpetrators are not likely to return, a large chunk of the group investigates the tracks to no avail
  • Radiant Shores tells everyone that her old teacher, Dr.Orichalcum, lives in the Kingdom, and may possess the equipment to track down where the Crystal's were taken
  • The Doctor signs Cinnamon's book and mentions that the shady ponies in cloaks who took the Crystals were scared off by a giant crystal beetle who clawed at them
  • Radiant finds a concentration of Crystal's in the Heartlands that they believe is the cloaked ponies' base.
  • Gabbro is told by Tale briefly about their adventure to get the diadem that controls rock creatures from the crystal bugs. Far tells Tale to shush and Gabbro begins to suspect the diadem might be connected to all of this
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday June 14th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Heartlands at the Castle Ruins
Style: Adventure
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jun 14, 19:03:21 #249 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:24:45 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 6/14/2019
The End of the Rahki
Players: Gabbro Ilmenite, Radiant Shores, Nightstalker, pony jack, Rosie Sunshine, Nebenfigur, Cinnamon String. Farsight, Tale Spinner, Herbert Horst, random fandom, Sun Bubbles
  • The group is investigating what they believe to be the hideout of the group creating the golems. Night, Far, and Nebenfigur alerted their respective superiors, but it would take time for backup to arrive. They arrive at a collection of ruins. There are signs of archaeologists having been present, but none are to be seen at the moment. Instead, a hexagon of cloaked figures are seen creating a golem and sending it off to join a growing collection of them
  • They are also seen creating what appears to be a giant one using a tablet of some kind. Gabbro asks if it would be possible to disrupt the magic, and Cinnamon String states that with enough magical interference it might be possible
  • The guard reinforcements arrive and Radiant has a plan to neutralize the golems. Meanwhile, Tale wants to play the hero, but Far is stopping them
  • The plan is to distract the golems and the cult while a team of unicorns works together to disrupt the magic. Not only that but to steal the tablet being used in their construction.
  • Night, Gabbro, and Tale disrupt the hexagon and knock the leaders out, with Night securing the tablet. While Radiant and co get to work on the spell(with some hiccups), Gabbro and Tale distract the golems, with Far picking off some of the cultists.
  • The spell works and the golems fall apart. The remaining cultists surrender, Toot appears, having used the diadem to have the crystal beetles disrupt the cult's plans(they destroyed the wagon in the Heartlands)
  • Everyone celebrates and is told not to tell anypony about that day's events. Tale's flank itches oddly and as the group heads off(Far heading to his home town), Gabbro decides to take toot home...but doesn't know Toot's address. It'll be a long evening. Afterwards, Gabbro treats Tale to one of Spring's cookie cakes, discovering Tale's Talent Mark. A Talentzvah is arranged
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday June 21st, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Cantermore, Outside the University Building
Style: Mystery
Host: Nightstalker

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jun 21, 22:06:56 #251 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:25:37 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 6/21/2019
Night(stalker) at the Museum
Players: Gabbro Ilmenite, Spring Strudel, Nightstalker, Silent Shade, Toot Sweet, Cosmic Feather, Cozy Fur, Scatty Clockwork, Nebenfigur, Hot Lemon, Sweet Tooth, Sun Bubbles, Tale Spinner, Areial Ace, Wish Dancer, Vida Vidalia, random fandom, Aura Swirl, Downvote Pone, Buttercup, Sky Storm
  • The group recieved invitations to a party hosted by Nightstalker's father at his museum
  • Tale tries to show Sun their new Talent Mark, but Sun is obscenely oblivious to it until Tale spells it out...loud enough for everyone to hear
  • Spring explains that she is going to provide food at Tale's Talentzvah, and Tale blabs to Spring about the rock cult
  • Suddenly, the lights go out. When they come back on, one of the exhibits is missing, and in its place is a card with apparently a picture of a cat
  • Police are called and everyone is gathered in the center of the room. The thief was Le Chat Noir
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday June 28th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Cantermore, inside the University Building
Style: Mystery
Host: Nightstalker

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jun 30, 19:46:31 #253 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:27:13 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 6/28/2019
A Mystery to Solve
Players: Gabbro Ilmenite, Toot Sweet, Spring Strudel, Nightstalker, Silent Shade, Vala Vidalia, Scatty Clockwork, Tale Spinner, pony jack, Hot Lemon, Nebenfigur, Aerial Ace, Sweet Tooth
  • Investigations and interrogations begin. After Spring rambles on, Vala immediately confesses...to stepping on Tale's dropped plate. Meanwhile, Silent explains the stolen gem was a red diamond dug up in the Heartlands
  • The investigation finds no sign of lock-picking. The breaker for the lights is in the basement. The janitor's key mysteriously disappeared a week earlier, only to return. In Silent Shade's office, the safe and window appear like they may have been lock picked and the key to the exhibits is missing. A yellow hair is found on the window and rope is found in the trash on the ground. Toot also finds Silent's key and the necklace in the fountain
  • All the clues lead to confronting Sir Guilded, who is revealed via a wet spot. He is found to be an imposter and the thief and they use a smoke bomb and escape out the open window
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday July 5th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Cantermore Fountain Plaza
Style: Slice of Life
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jul 07, 09:34:36 #255 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:28:00 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 7/5/2019
A Very Busy Day at the Cafe
Players: Toot Sweet, Spring Strudel, Nightstalker, Scatty Clockwork, Magenta Vineyard, pony jack, Nebenfigur, Hot Lemon, Star Sapphire, Sweet Tooth, Tale Spinner, Great Spirit, Smoke Screen, Cosmic Feather, Sweet Treat, Farsight
  • It is a sunny but muggy day in Cantermore. The streets are relatively clear as a result
  • Tale shows off their Talent Mark to the rest of the group and everyone meets Night's cousin(?) Magenta.
  • Tale gives out invites to their Talentzvah and is interviewed about how they got their Mark by Hot Lemon
  • While Spring manages to stop Tale from explaining the golems, Far talks about his trip to the Broken Hills, and Star Sapphire pretends to be a princess in front of Scatty.
  • Tale tells a bunch of kids the story of their first encounter with the rock creatures while Magenta tells some hilarious stories about her and Night's youth
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday July 12th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Cloudopolis, the Flight School Cloud
Style: Slice of Life
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jul 12, 19:54:08 #257 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:29:14 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 7/12/2019
Flight of the Playing Cards
Players: Toot Sweet, Spring Strudel, Nebenfigur, Smoke Screen, May Precious, pony jack, Nightstalker, Night Bloom, Cinnamon String, Farsight, Wind Spray, Cosmic Feather, Sweet Treat
  • The Cloudopolis Flight School is holding an open house event that will conclude with fireworks. There are many activities
  • Night Bloom tries and dominates at apple-bobbing, with his older sister cheering him on. When congratulating him, Spring briefly sees sharp teeth, but passes it off as her imagination.
  • May Precious plays with Night's ears and Farsight's armor.
  • Farsight, meanwhile, sees pony Jack's shadow, and gets suspicious.
  • Night, Toot, and Spring enter the (very glitchy) school to find old class photos. After some(buggy as a Changing Hive) searching, they find them, and comment on how adorable Spring, Gabbro, and Toot looked as children
  • Bloom does not have enough tickets for a deck of cards and obliterates the apple bobbing to get more(Spring offers her own, but they turn out to be unnecessary)
  • Meanwhile, Far starts yelling at pony jack. Spring hears this, but Far having paranoid rants was nothing new, even when he started yelling about it, so she thinks nothing of it and pays more attention to Bloom's card trick
  • The fireworks are viewed, and it is a nice end to the day
  • Oh, and btw, Smoke Screen emptied what is probably the nation's supply of confetti
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk


Next Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet

Date: Friday July 19th, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT
Server: Amareicas
Location: Cloudopolis, the Lower Cloud Cafe
Style: Slice of Life
Host: Toot Sweet

All ponies, old and new, welcome.

We have a group Discord. 
You can find it at https://discord.gg/mcQCnkU


2019 Jul 23, 10:56:39 #259 Last Edit: 2019 Oct 26, 11:35:14 by Frisktaker
Session Summary 7/19/2019
Tale Spinner's Talentzvah
Players: Toot Sweet, Spring Strudel, Gabbro Ilmenite, Nightstalker, Nebenfigur, Scatty Clockwork, Grace Seraph, Tale Spinner(duh), Night Bloom, Flaming Lightstream, Smoke Screen, Cinnamon String, Cloud Spinner, Herbert Horst, Wind Spray, Cell Shader, Star Dust, Farsight, Green Starwing, Bae B, Hot Lemon, random fandom
  • The Talentzvah is held at Spring's place of undisclosed name, where there a a buffet table, a table filled with ice cream and baked goods, a stack of treasure maps(looking suspiciously like the building), and a corner with comics and such
  • Cloud Spinner(Tale's dad) gives a speech. Tale's is the third Talentzvah in the family. The eldest, Sky Spinner, has inherited his dad's talent for weather, and the middle child, Shadow Spinner, inherited her mom, Cloth Spinner's sewing talents, while Tale has a unique talent
  • For a while, Cloud and Cloth had thought Tale was part of a baking club, but when Cloud tried to have Tale bake him a cake...well, let's just say he realized Tale's talent was NOT baking and since, Tale has been writing her adventures down
  • A treasure hunt is begun, copious amounts of swiss rolls are consumed, and ponies give Tale gifts
  • Gabbro gives Tale a sword he forged himself
  • Spring gives Tale a party and a massive cake
  • Night and Bloom give Tale a journal, a bestiary and a map book of Equestria
  • Sun mails Tale some of the fireworks they made with the ingredients Night gave then
  • Farsight gave Tale a refillable metal pen
  • Toot gave Tale the new Daring Do book
  • And many other gifts I cannot remember
  • Oh, and Night herself spent most of the time brewing a potion *insert cooking show music here*
  • The treasure hunt is finished, and the prize is a pre-pre-release copy of Tale's book, featuring Tornado Swirl, Fruit Treat, Schmancy Shoestring, Breeze Mist, Bedtime Story, the Grumpy Guardspony, Lightwalker, Basalt Manaccanite, horse John, Star Foam, and Violet Moonshine
Check out recaps of previous sessions at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MV7LgmrAmc4jGEDsysdeQBo0k65Z8Fc4hx9YOCWdgqw/view?usp=drivesdk

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