House RP II (Open-RP)

Started by Gamepaw, 2017 Mar 02, 19:07:51

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Game wagged his tail as the pony came up to him and treated him like a puppy again. Though at the pony's request he still found himself unable to fight gravity and go with them.


"That won't due though I wonder how they got you up here in the first place they all don't look strong." Toffee said looking at the doggy before lifting and slowly and shakily carry him down the stairs.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Game nervously held onto the pony, the shaking scared him as he didn't want to be dropped. The pudgy wolf's somewhat spherical appearance would no doubt help accelerate his decline down the stairs. Though, he wasn't trapped upstairs anymore which he was glad for.


Making it down the stairs Toffee attempts to set the doggie down. After she did that she looked around trying to remeber what she was doing and if she left an oven on sonwhere.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Game wiggled his paws until he sat back down on the floor and looked up at the pony, tilting his head and wondering what they were gonna do now.


Toffee just stands there thinking.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


2017 Apr 17, 00:02:47 #126 Last Edit: 2017 Apr 17, 00:17:29 by Gamepaw
Game, deciding he had done enough tilting had plopped himself down on the floor and laid on his stomach, preferring his limbs not be trapped under him.

As the pudgy canine laid down he could feel his stomach reach out and touch the pony's leg. It was kind of cold, but with the wolf's heavy padding he didn't feel it much.


*After exploring the Entertainment Area, Scarlet reached the 4th floor and placed her belongings inside of the room the key opened, finding herself quite content with the view on the garden.
Now, after finishing rearraging her clothes in the wardrobe, she walks out the room and get down the stairs on the first floor, hoping to maybe come across some of her new fellow occupant... And to have a quick snack, moving gave her a little appetite.*
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman

Peace Keeper

As Peace was cleaning up the entire mess of pellets and disposing them in a trash bag, new visitors have arrived and passed through the floors.


Surprised you heard that. I was talking in 3rd-person narration.

I think you accidentally turned on the in-RP mic.

I don't use mic, I type. Not sure how typed words can make sounds.

Cause I am in an RP and things make sounds inside the story. for you its reading the story,
so you would only read the text. Its weird how we are in different perspectives... like

Like 4th wall breaking. I know, I am actually aware, You should already know lol
Well anyways, you do have some catching up to do. By the way, Jerboa is inside the bag. Help him out.

Okay. I am pretty much done cleaning everything. First Ima put my stuff away.

I can make it shorter by doing narration for you. Makes it neater.


Now moving myself to non-interactive narration, Peace puts away the bag of pellets in a bin and returns to the open room of the 2nd floor. He looks into the bag and finds Jerboa inside. He picks up Jerboa and puts him in his bag and heads upstairs. He looks around to spot a hallway full of doors, perhaps this is the bedrooms for the visitors. He looks to also find the floor exclusive to male visitors, which he believes the upper floor is exclusive to female visitors.  He looks around the doors and decides where to look first. He goes to the door at the end of the hall, but the door won't open, as if it was locked. He decides another door, but it was locked as well. He tries every door but all were locked. Somehow he must need a key to gain entry, but where does he get a key? He looks a round but finds nothing. Even the invitation he had did not contained a key, which he believes there must be a place to store the keys, like in a front office of a hotel. He drops his belongings carefully, and brings Jerboa with him and begins to walk downstairs

Hey buddy, you sure nobody is gonna see in your bags?

I don't think they will find anything interesting in there. Just my clothes and stuff that isn't really that much special to anyone. Besides, everything in this house is already luxurious as it is.

Except for that clean-up you had to do.

Okay... that one wasn't luxurious, that was a job.

Should be called the Old Maid.

Hey! I'll play ya Old Maid cards edition, just need another 2 players to play it.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Smelling something that smelled like food Toffee went into the kitchen to see what was happening in there, only to discover some pony probally one of the rude ones left someting cooking in there.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Game struggling to his paws, followed the pony and the smell of food into the kitchen.

The pudgy canine figured the reason he was brought down was to be a food taster for their cooking, noting how the others were in other areas of the house.


2017 Apr 17, 21:51:25 #131 Last Edit: 2017 Apr 18, 06:47:41 by _BlazingInfinity
Blue sees a blue pony with jet-black hair walking down the stairs.

"Hello!" he says to the new pony. Blue had his key around his horn, clearly able to see.

@Peace Keeper
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Peace Keeper

Oh!? Hi there. First time seeing you. You must be the new ponies that arrived.

Peace sees the key on his horn.

There is a key on your horn. Is that for the bedrooms or something else?

Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


2017 Apr 18, 06:49:06 #133 Last Edit: 2017 Apr 18, 18:50:49 by _BlazingInfinity
"Oh. This?" Blue replies, trying to go cross-eyed to look at the key.

"Well, I got this from a box downstairs, and yes these keys are for the rooms." he said.

@Peace Keeper
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


Quote from: SandFire on 2017 Apr 17, 21:05:15
Smelling something that smelled like food Toffee went into the kitchen to see what was happening in there, only to discover some pony probally one of the rude ones left someting cooking in there.

*Scarlet wanders in the kitchen at the same time, smelling food herself.*

Oh! *seeing the other mare* Good morning. ^-^
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman

Space Ace

//I'm so sorry for disappearing! I was away from home for a while and apparently forgot to post a warning about this anywhere amongst all the excitement and anxiety of travelling.

Juniper shook her head and blinked. She didn't know how long she had been sat out in the garden, but it felt as though a great deal of time had passed. She hoped she hadn't drifted off and had only been occupied by a now runaway daydream. She stood up, and decided to make her way back inside. She turned to the door, and trot back inside the house.


"Hello there. Are you the one making this food? Cuase if I didnt know better I would say it was me." Toffee said as she added a few things to it and 'accidently' dropping a potato.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Game, slightly startled by the falling potato, fell back into a sitting position and looked at it cautiously, before lieing down and reaching over his stomach to grab the potato in his mouth.


Quote from: SandFire on 2017 Apr 18, 14:02:26
"Hello there. Are you the one making this food? Cuase if I didnt know better I would say it was me." Toffee said as she added a few things to it and 'accidently' dropping a potato.

Quote from: Gamepaw on 2017 Apr 18, 14:07:11
Game, slightly startled by the falling potato, fell back into a sitting position and looked at it cautiously, before lieing down and reaching over his stomach to grab the potato in his mouth.

Oh, no, I just wandered here: you know, I just arrived and brought in my luggage, so I was a little hungry and was thinking about having a snack. Oh, by the way, I'm Scarlet, Scarlet Ink, I work as a librarian. Nice to meet you. ^-^

*While talking, Scarlet examines what the other mare is doing to whatever it wss being cooked.*
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman


"Well Helloo there Scarlet. Im Toffee and i am a baker and a cook." Toffee said as she finished the food.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses

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