Wheat Petal Meadows (Open/Join in)

Started by Wheatni, 2016 Jul 11, 17:28:47

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2016 Jul 11, 17:28:47 Last Edit: 2016 Jul 11, 20:06:50 by Wheatni
Wheat Petal Meadows

Ponyville is a small town with it's quirky and unique ponies that walk along the streets, doing whatever business they may have to do that day.  Although, Ponyvilles surroundings seems to differ on the ways you go.  Over yonder is the Everfree Forest, in the other direction is Sweet Apple Acres.  Many places to go as it seems to be the crossroads of every main town and city of Equestria.  There is a farm that, isn't as well known, but it responsible for keeping the Cakes supplied with flour and even going as far as exporting additional supplies to other towns when Ponyville is stocked.  The golden fields that stretch for multiple dozens of acres.  In the center of it all was a small home with a windmill that towers over the fields, easily seen from the entrance of the farm.

The entrance to the farm having a large wooden arc that welcomes all comers to the fields.  In this farm, only one mare keeps the crops up and growing, waiting for the harvest seasons to reap what she has sown.  However, depending on how the seasons go, there may be a need for extra work, which sometimes means extra pairs of hooves to work the fields.  Either if it's a mare or stallion needing extra bits, or if it's young lovers needing an escape in the fields... Or even just night gatherings of music next to a bonfire and forgetting the world outside the golden stalks that only act as a veil. 

Either it's from help wanted signs, an active imagination of being lost with adventure, sitting on a wagon next to a bonfire or enjoying the peace and quiet of farms.. Everyone seems to find themselves in the fields at least once in their lives if they live in Ponyville...

Locations of interest

The Fields:  The golden fields stretch for dozens of acres, becoming hot spots for games of hide and seek, relaxing with friends around a fire, horror games during Nightmare Night and even a lovers retreat when the stalks are fully grown for some.

The Windmill:  The windmill, of course, is where the large mare turns the wheat into flour.  The top floor holding the main mechanisms for the grinding stones and down below a chute where the contents will be pours into a large vat, to where Wheatni fills bags of flour.

The House:  Small, simple and an all around good place to visit.  The style being similar to many country like homes and the inside decorated with little knick knacks of the past and furnished with simple chairs, sofas and beds.

The Barn:  Of course the storage of Wheatni's product.  The barn is usually used when the weather proves to much for being outside for gatherings, either it be rain, snow or extremely windy days.  Wheatni is also said to house some ponies in there too if they are just looking for a night to sleep in a shelter, the mare doing what she can to help those in need. Right outside the barn is a wagon where Wheatni pulls her labor into the nearby town.

The Pump Well:  Located right outside the home and windmill and next to the fields is a large well.  Simple devices to help water the fields around this pump well.

OOC Information

Hey there guys.  Decided to just make a little hub out of Wheatni's fields.  I figured it would open up a bit of diversity on where one could be while in Ponyville.  Possibly somewhere to visit if someone decides to.

This is a chill/hangout RP setting as well with events when the seasons roll by!

Everyone is free to come and go as they wish.  This is current day and time, so, the middle of summer of 2,016

Now, the setting will change every so often because of the seasons and such!  This is to help keep the different things coming up like holidays and other weather climates as well as the state of the crops if you wish to help the mare~  Please refer to the information below on the current season and climates!

Currently in Wheat Petal Meadows: Summer, hot, humid due to rain the other day.


maple walked along the windy road through large wheat fields that eventually lead to a simple barn, house and windmill. as he got closer he tried to avoid the larger puddles which had not dried up yet since yesterdays rainfall "wow i didn't even know this place was so big " maple said to himself in shock and awe as he readjusted his bag full of tools and gear for the days work  trying to not let them get wet.


The large tan colored mare was sitting on the front porch of the house.  Giving a slow blink, she stands upon seeing Maplewood coming into view from the rows of wheat.  The large mare made her way towards him, and looked down towards him.  She gives a soft nod in greeting, "Welcome to Wheat Petal Meadows, I'm Wheatni.  Are you the handi-man I asked for?"  She gives a warm smile.

The mare was larger than normal, possibly needing to be to work with the equipment she had.  Her cutie mark on her flank was a bundle of wheat, just to be expected. 


"why yes i am miss names maplewood , i hope you dont mind the different look *shows of his cyborg hood and eye*" he chuckled giving a nod of curtsy to wheatni "so whats it that needs fixing?"


She keeps her warm smile as she gestures over towards the barn, "Come on, I'll show you where the damage is, actually.  I would do it myself, but due to the summer heat, it's been keeping me busy in the fields watering the stalks."  Leading the cyborg stallion to the barn.  Her left foreleg raising up as her hoof pointed towards a damaged wall, possibly damage from the winds yesterday.  "I know it's not much, but sometimes I need to ask for an extra hoof around here to help out, especially to keep the storage dry for the coming harvest next month."  She says, keeping her smile, "Think ya can do this for me?  Bits in it for ya, as always,"


Spoiler: Gamepaw Wolf • show

Name: Gamepaw
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Colours: General base fur colour is a dark Navy (#453b66), He has multiple patches of (#8c73c9), longer, fluffy fur (#765fa7) such as around his (#5a4e86) hind legs or his neck. (#816bbb) Which are multiple shades of lighter purple (#7062a7). On the tips of his paws and his inner ears he has a pale purple (bba6ff). He also has a dark to light blue gradient tail and mane. Which goes from the darker (#42459a) to the much lighter (#7d8df1). He also has light blue eyes (#74d4ff). His pawpads happen to be a lighter blue-ish purple in colours (#9d94fb).
Personality: Gamepaw is a fairly outgoing wolf, not to shy down from anything, bullies and the like. He however does not deal with heavy emotions well, such as not being able to control his laughing, or his sadness and will try to hide this. He tends to be kind, fatherly or loving, enjoying looking after young or other people he is fond of, will even put himself in the way if he sees something he doesn't like happening to another. He also tends to very food absorbing, commonly seen eating some sort of baked good, mainly pie as his favourite.
However as a feral or a pet character, he is fairly helpless due to his chubbiness getting the better of him, he can also be scared or become afraid very easily, due to his large weight and general helplessness if he knows something will happen and he knows he can't get away or escape.
Physical Description: A pudgy wolf by no doubt as his constant snacking catches up with him, but it doesn't cause him much of an issue outside of his feral/pet form. Comparatively being a lot skinnier than the four legged counterpart. He is also fairly moderate in terms of height at 94cm, around 3' 1" in his feral form. As a pet, he can normally been seen with a purple collar on, however it keeps having to be replaced due to his weight and size.
Short Backstories: (There are separate specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Feral/Wild: Being a lazy wolf Game got chubby fairly quickly and failed at keeping up with his fellow pack, who had eventually disowned him and left him to his own devices. Being the slow wolf he was he found it incredibly difficult to keep himself fed, as all the animals were too fast for him. He eventually settled for mainly grown things, such as berries or fallen apples. Occasionally having to eat meat, the only sources he could find are ones he had to find already passed their prime or those that required digging up.

Game waddled his through the tree covered area near the large wheat crop and neared a fence. The well padded wolf slowly making his way to the fence and attempting to make his way through it. Getting stuck briefly in between the pieces of wood on the fence the heavy canine got through by snapping the wood with his weight.

Finally getting into the wheat field the wolf hoped for a large farm house with some baked goods, slowly waddling through the field, it was clear to see where he widened wolf had been, as he created a large line of crushed wheat as he crushed them under his paws probably making flour in the process.

The wolf thought he was making a decent advance on the farm house due to how much he was panting but in reality he wasn't even that far from the fence.


"yeah i can do this seasms easy" he stretched getting his tools ready as he looked over the wall


She gives a nod, still keeping her warm, small smile, "Great!  If you need me, I'll be in the house getting something ready, hopefully your done by the time I'm finished.  If you finish before I come back out, come on inside.  Any other questions before I go, Maple?"  She looked down towards him while he got his things ready.  The wall did indeed have a bit of a hole in it, and the cause of the damage was, unknown as far as the naked eye could tell.

Gamepaw would continue down the path of the wheat field.  Sadly the stalks unable to take his weight as they're trampled by the big ball of canine fluff.  The farm house itself looked a bit far away, but every waddling step did bring him closer~


Game had slowly made his way to the edge of the crop field near the farmhouse and promptly fell out of the wheat, puffing and panting as he lay on the floor drained from the waddle through the crop.


"yeah you got the lumber to fix the hoke and the paint around here" he asked seeing no material around


She chuckles, "My apologies.  The wood, nails and other tools you may need are just on the other side of the wall on the outside.  I put them there this morning after it stopped raining on a some dry hay."  She smiles, "I'll see you in a little bit."  The mare began to make her way towards the home and heading into the kitchen.

  Although, by the time the wolf made it to the center area, there was no delicious aroma of baked treats, yet.. It just smelled a bit baron and of wheat, wheat and more wheat.


"thanks ill get them right now" he walked over a grabbed the whole bundle not breaking a sweat as he carried them over and began to look over the hole "now how did you happen?" he asked out loud as he began to measure


2016 Jul 12, 20:39:00 #12 Last Edit: 2016 Jul 13, 00:58:58 by Purple
((this looks like a lot of fun! ^^ may i join?))

OC info:

Name: Sparkle Chord

Race: Unicorn

Personality: Optimistic, Cheery, Spunky, Trusting, Caring, Gullible, Acts before thinking, Late Bloomer, Sensitive, Sparkly, Energetic, Musical

Appearance: Slightly small than the average mare (assuming the average mare is 4'0", Sparkle would be 3'9".  Her height is relative to your head canon of an average height for an Equestrian mare.)  She has a pale diamond blue coat, large, rounded yellow eyes that sparkle, and a sapphire blue mane and tail with platinum highlights.  Her mane is of medium length, reaching to around the base of her neck.  At the bottom of her mane are 3 large curls, as well as one large platinum curl on her forehead that partially covers one eye (her mane is similar in style to Luna's S1 mane.  This was unintentional) Her tail matches in style.  Her eyes have 2 eyelashes on top, and no bottom lashes.
Spoiler: Sparkle Reference • show
An age chart of Sparkle.  The middle image is her current appearance.  I'm still working on her full reference :P

EDIT: Intro Post

Sparkle wandered calmly through the wheat fields, taking in the wonderful sights and sounds.  She had just returned to Ponyville from Baltimare after a wonderful trip.  She was absolutely exhausted from her exciting weekend, and was looking forward to some peace and quiet. 

Finding a cozy spot in the shade, Sparkle settled down among the wheat fields, and closed her eyes, hoping to get a small rest.


Game having rested his paws and having finally stopped panting heavily continued slowly on his way towards the house, taking notice of a bucket full of water which he happily downed having become parched from his waddle.


A stallion with a royal blue coat, brown hair, light blue eyes and the cutiemark of three grey cogs wandered through the fields; he wore a brown fedora with a yellow stripe and a tie around his neck, which had light blue and white stripes. "Huh... this place is pretty good."


A calm wind picked up around the fields and the golden stalks sway.  The stalks waving to Sparkle as the breeze goes by.  The water for the wolf being cool and crisp, possibly why the stalks were so desired in the towns, but he probably wouldn't know that.  Maple would find that there was a piece of equipment around the damaged barn, out of place.  IT was possibly flown from somewhere out of it's place and damaged the barn....

As the people relaxed and Maple worked, the breeze would drift a sweet smell of pie from the house.. Apparently Wheatni was baking something for her guest, although there was always room for more if pie was being made. 


Doomato raised his snout in order to pick up on a scent which had drawn his attention. He followed it to a house in which the scent of pie had originated. "Pie... but what kind?" Promptly, he knocked on the door.


finding the piece maple looked it over "looks like a piece from the windmill, must have come loose during a storm and just sailed right though" he sighed begining to cut the lumber with a saw


Game having downed a decent amount of water slowly sniffed the air and smelt pie. His Favorite thing. Waddling slowly the pudgy wolf appeared at the door of the house and looked at the steps and whined unable to get up even the smallest amount of steps.


The burgundy form of Blazing Legend, framed by his brown mane and tail as well as his old feathered hat, steps through the welcoming gate of Wheat Petal Meadows. The traveler had often frequented the area of Ponyville, and even its infamous Everfree Woods during his grand tour and surveying of Equestria, but the calm and recluse fields of gold had always been glanced over by his sight. Its near perfection in farm land offered little in the way of geographical interest, and yet his aching muscles and weary eyes now seek refuge amongst the gilded grasses of this farm, as well as the ponies who live, work, and love within it's oaken gates.

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