Lunar Republic vs Solar Empire {sign up first}

Started by Super sayian pony, 2015 Oct 07, 18:38:44

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Misty Fly

//How come noone is noticing me?
Lt. Marble : we should try putting our troops right here that way we could secure the 2nd reactor
SB : but that way there wont be anyone guarding the 1st shield!
Lt. Marble : but didnt you said you already sended few troops?
*Door knock is heard*
Lt. Marble : Come in
Cadence : miss celestia seeks your presence
Lt. Marble : allright then Sugar Belle will you gonna be able to sort this out?
SB : i.ll try to maam
Lt. Marble : i trust you *she heads into the throne room and sees celestia* did you wanted to see me your majesty?


Quote from: annosrules on 2015 Oct 09, 09:42:58
"We've taken back the Foal Mountain outpost, but are still facing heavy resistance in the area. My troops are all rested and ready to take the necessary action to insure the outpost's security."

"Wonderful to hear" she says.

Celestia sees Lt. Marble enter.

"Ah, yes.  Welcome Lt. Marble," she says.  "I wished to speak with you about the new recruits" Celestia says, levitating a list of the recruits. 


"Princess of the Night, what should our next move be?" asked Carter. (Commander Carter.)
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


// if it's alright with everyone, i'll rp as Luna(at least until someone wants to take over if they wish to) if it's not alright, i'll remove this post.


Luna walks over to the map of the territories

"We should send a small troop to survey the area, and make sure the coast is clear.  Since today is a calm day, it may be best to have some of our soldiers begin training the new recruits,"  Luna says, examining the map.

Luna looks up from the map

"Does that sound like a good plan to you, commander?" she asks.

Misty Fly

Lt. Marble : new recruits? *she looks at the List* hmm interesting where can i find these recruits? //how many recruits should there be?


//i'd say no more than 5 or 6, but less or more than that is fine


"They're waiting for you in the Canterlot gardens,"  Celestia says, gesturing towards the gardens.

"I was hoping that perhaps you or one of your officers could train them?" she asks.


2015 Oct 09, 11:32:20 #46 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 09, 11:33:51 by _BlazingInfinity
"Yes Princess! I will ready the troops for their mission! And Princess... I guarantee you that we will beat Celestia in this battle." said Carter. He flew away and into the hangar.

(So who is going to rp as Fluttershy?? Because I can't do anything with Venom if no one is Fluttershy.)

That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


// If no one else wants to, I wouldn't mind being fluttershy until someone else wants to take over.  Sorry i'm kind of taking all the leader roles, I just want to be as helpful as possible to the RP


//I feel like a sign up thread would make this less cluttered as well as a ooc


//Same here. This whole thing feels a bit cluttered.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Misty Fly

2015 Oct 09, 11:50:34 #50 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 09, 11:55:29 by Misty Fly
Lt. Marble : Right then... cmon Cadence... *Marble and Cadence head to the canterlot garden and they see 6 unicorns*
allright troops my name is Lieutenant Marble Star i expect you to better listen now lets see your names so i would know you better ...Rarity!
Rarity : here maam!
Lt. Marble : Trixie !
Trixie : Present
Lt. Marble : Fleur De Lis!
Fleur : here mam!
Lt. Marble : Sassy Saddles!
Sassy : here!
Lt. Marble : Minuette
Minuette : i,m here
Lt. Marble : and Twinkleshine
Twinkleshine : present
Lt. Marble : Allrighty then This is Weapons Expert Cadence she will tell you what your role is going to be... now if you excuse me i gotta go speak to that Prisoner... *Marble heads down the cells and sees the Dark blue pegasus*
Night Glider : so you caught me but you do know my friends will get me out?
Lt. Marble : dont count on it
ND : oh i.ll get out dont you worry about that
Lt. Marble : we shall see... *She climbs upstairs to the Navigation room*
SB : i managed to put the guards in place maam! we are almost secured!
Lt. Marble : almost?
SB : well... there was one small problem


//I'm only saying because then people will start to post a sign up sheet in the middle of a important time

Misty Fly

SB : you see we are missing a few guards on this wing
Lt. Marble : but how is that possible?? we had enough guards!
SB : i dont know maam! they just dissapeared!
Lt. Marble : that cant be! they are guards! they cant just vanish! Do we have anymore crystal guards?
SB : we are running low maam! why?
Lt. Marble : i know a way would solve this...
SB : but how?
Lt. Marble : well... if only there was a way we could get more guards...
SB : Cadence could make Crystal guards easily!
Lt. Marble : its best not to bother her she is busy training the new recruits looks like we are on our own...
//srsly isnt anyone gonna try to rescue Night Glider?

Super sayian pony


Misty Fly

*2 hours later*
Lt. Marble : okay this isnt gonna work...
SB : if we dont have enough guards we would be defensless!
Lt. Marble : i already know that but i,m running out of ideas what to do...wait mabe we should ask cadence to make some new Guards...
SB : but making new Guards will Take out a lot of energy from her! and distract her from training!


I stood still, the smoke had stopped for a few seconds. Then it started again, with fire. I ignored my instinct and grabbed my hoodie, goggles, and bandanna. I put them on, pushed off the balcony into a speedy flight. Going towards the rapid fire, I flew above the scene. I spotted another pony, I guessed she was working on her battle tactics.


Super sayian pony

*Sunset and Star are working hard on the battle plan*
Sunset Sparkle: So we should try and get them from behind.
Star Light: No if we did that then we would be down half our troops. So we move some troops here and the others here.
Sunset Sparkle: Oh that makes better sense
//Maybe Luna should check on them because they are working on their battle plan.


Lullaby Princess

* covered from head to hoof in smoke and debris from training, she flew in front of what was left of the target * Hmm, I need to work on how much fire I throw... * she said, looking at fire in her hoof * Hm. Oh well, I'll do that later. * she shook some smoke off and took flight *
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!


Quote from: Super sayian pony on 2015 Oct 09, 19:57:54
*Sunset and Star are working hard on the battle plan*
Sunset Sparkle: So we should try and get them from behind.
Star Light: No if we did that then we would be down half our troops. So we move some troops here and the others here.
Sunset Sparkle: Oh that makes better sense
//Maybe Luna should check on them because they are working on their battle plan.

Luna approaches Sunset and Star, and looks over at the battle plan.  "We wish to know the progress on the battle plans," She says in a regal tone.  "What sort of strategy have thou planned for our victory?" she asks, examining the plans with interest.

Super sayian pony

Star Light: Well if we put a few troops here. *Star Light points to a spot near the Solar base*
And we put a few more behind the base. While the opponents are off guard we can swoop in a take over the base.
Sunset Sparkle: Whoa. You got way into this Star.


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