An undiscovered world [SIGN-UP]

Started by Brave Fleet, 2015 Sep 06, 22:42:56

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2015 Sep 14, 16:38:49 #440 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 14, 16:44:26 by Bassaro
Brave body was as almost frozen, but she had a beat still."Let's put some more coal in the heater. Slate, do we have any potions that might help her condition?"
Slate Grey pulled a revival potion out of the satchel(how convenient) and poured it on Brave's body. The pegasus body flashed bright with rainbow colors and looked as returned to life. That was a close call.


"Yeah...he had that same look before...before he..."

He couldn't finish his sentence. It was too painful to say it out loud.

"Thats why I acted the way I did...because I didn't want to see anyone else...end up like him..."


"Well I understand your actions." said Venom. He passed the force field in the empire and flew down to the ground placing Boa down. The Crystals were so much warmer.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


Boa felt the warmth of the crystals, feeling the cold slowly disappearing from his body. The numbness of the cold had begun to vanish, his mind becoming clearer by the moment.

"That still...doesn't excuse me for what I've done. I endangered everyone because of something that happened a long, long time ago."

As he was let down onto the ground, something plopped out of his saddlebags. Celestia's journal on him. The Silver Ouroboros shined under the light of the crystals. Boa seemed to have not noticed, his eyes were closed, he seemed to have fallen asleep.


Reluctantly, Cloud nodded. A bright ball of light appeared at her horn, and a beam shot forward, illuminating the snowy landscape. They trudged forward against the strong wind, but at least Cloud wasn't freezing. She anxiously wondered about Venom and Captain Boa; were they okay? Surely they were... Right?

Known to some as Tourniquet!


"Get back up." said Venom. He took one of his healing syringes and stuck it in Boa's arm.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


The beam shot out a few miles before bouncing back. Virulent and Cloud Shine were close to the Empire so she decided to continue walking. The blizzard was kicking up and it made it hard for Virulent to see in front of her. The beam of light help show where to follow, but not being able to see where she was going made her nervous. The mare started to take more cautious steps in hope she would not fall.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Boa's eyes shot open as he felt the healing potion enter his body. With a groan, he sat up.


He stood up, the cold wasn't entirely gone, but thanks to Venom's healing syringe, he could at least manage to stand on his hooves. Looking down, he saw Celestia's journal lying on the floor. Still too weak to use his magic, he picked it up by his mouth, using his hooves to maneuver the saddlebags so that he could put it back in without too much trouble.

Looking around, he saw that he and Venom are the only two around. "Where is everyone else?"


"Oh they are out there. But don't worry remember I gave you guys the potion bag earlier so they should have all of those potions." said Venom.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


"You should go back out to make sure they're alright, regardless. They might need your help more than I do right now."


"Both of them despise me right now." said Venom.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


"Guess were in the same boat, in that regard."

Boa sits down, looking up at the sky. "Looks like we both ended up screwing up. Me more than you."


"Yep. We are supposed to be the hero's of this world and we screwed up big time." said Venom.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


Boa lays back, resting his hooves under his head. "Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans."

Boa lets out a sigh, closing his eyes. "We'll get through this. It might take awhile but I think we can get all back on the same page."


"I'm going to go investigate the town." said Venom.

Back to Carter!

"Hmm... Nope still nothing here." said Carter. The last town he was going to check was the one closest to the entrance.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


Boa, while still laying down, simply waves his hoof as a goodbye gesture. When Venom is far enough away, Boa sits up, and pulls out his carving tools. Turning towards the crystals, he begins to carve out a chunk of the crystal. As he pulls out a sizable chunk out, he continues to carve away the crystal until it was just about the same size of the healing wand he had made back in Canterlot.

"Same tier of spell, and it'll take four hours. Hopefully they'll make it here within that time...but if they're not..."

Boa shook his head, clearing his mind of the thought. He began to work on a wand of Cold Resistance.


Venom reaches the town.

"Nobody's here." said Venom.

Carter is in that same town.

"No one is here!" said Carter.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


The storm was getting increasingly more intense with every passing minute; CloudShine had to use all her strength to simply not be blown away. She took a step, yelling over the blizzard. "How close are we?" She called. The light from her horn was at its brightest, but she could barely see anything at all; only white, and the faint outline of Virulent just in front of her.

Known to some as Tourniquet!


"What all happened to you, did you try to stop the train by headbutting it? Well you'll be fine with a bit of rest and warmth I suppose." Slate muttered as he bandaged up the downed pegasus' wing, wrapped her in a blanked and stowed her in the cabin of their tiny train.

"They actually managed to crash right before town. Judging by how they lost Brave there they might be lost themselves... Well let's drive this into the protective dome and get looking shall we."

And so they drove back in the increasingly cramped, and not very well insulated mini-train. "Golem must be getting cold there... Do golems feel cold?" Slate said, looking back at the golem which was still sitting in the open cargo hold.

The party soon passed through the protective dome, feeling a wave of warmth wash over them. They stopped the and disembarked the train, leaving Brave in the cabin in her blanket to sleep. Just at the edge of the dome Slate stopped and said "Right, here is how I propose we do this. Each of you takes one of these alchemic torches." as he fetches some sticks with a bright-red substance wrapped around the end with some cloth. "Those burn nice and bright in pretty much any weather, even underwater. We walk out in a line, just far apart to still see each other's light. Do not move away from the line or the light of the others and we should at least not get lost ourselves. That all clear to you too golem?" Slate asked the golem who had gotten a torch sticky-taped to its head. The golem said nothing, but moved in line anyway.

"Right, off we go."
Slate Grey, my OC! Awesome profile picture by Bakasan94


The blizzard had engulf what used to be the Empire from the two's view. Virulent tried to push on through but felt as if she was moving backwards than forwards. With all her strength, Virulent started to stomp harder onto the ground. Briefly, she could hear Cloud Shine's voice through the harsh winds. The mare squinted; trying to focus more on the light than the harsh snow clogging her vision.
Virulent: I think we are close! Maybe a few more mileeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
She took too hard of a stomp and fell down a hill. The hill was very step and with each tumble the mare picked up more speed. Her screams were carried with the wind as she tumbled and tumbled to the bottom of the hill. Virulent rolled a few more feet before sliding face first through the snow. There she laid as she slowly started to sink in the snow. She was too dizzy to get up and feared something else might come up if she attempted to. Virulent decided to wait out her dizzy spell before attempting anything else. But as she laid in the blanket of snow; a small muffle of laughter could be heard.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

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