Mystery of the Empty Land (Sign- Up)

Started by Nightshade Star, 2015 Jun 06, 09:44:31

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Joy gazed at the pony, smiling back. He turned away for a moment to flag down an attendant and ask them when they would depart.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Seeing as the other pony reacted in a positive fashion, the lavender male's heart fluttered with excitement! He had a big ol' grin on his face like a ten year old, turning to beam at Blazing Legends some. Yes you shall be the standin for my godfather. You almost look like him.

Gracie Sky

Valice casually rolled her eyes as Eleanor invited her on some sort of expedition, although that didn't bother her as much as that overly optomistic smile Eleanor wore. What did have to be so happy about? Regardless, it seemed that there were several other ponies occupying the vicinity now, so she decided that it was time for her to start moving.

It just so happened that she felt like moving in the same direction as the others. In fact, she remembered it was her duty to keep an eye on suspicious ponies here, so it was definitely in the interest of her school for her to monitor them... to make sure they don't get into trouble, obviously.
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With the last note scribbled down Eleanor was ready to get a move on. She slid the note book back into her bag as the pen levitated behind it. Just before she headed off into the unknown, the mare pulled out a large, black camera. The mare smiled as she turned on camera. She the took a few practice shots of the train station and a few of her self. The excited mare smiled happily as the pictures turned out fine. As she placed the camera around her neck, Eleanor was finally ready to head out. With her suitcase dragging behind her, the mare walked off the platform as she hummed a happy tune. First thing on her list was to set up a camp site. The mare wasn't sure if to make the site near or away from the train station. After mulling it over for a bit, she decided to keep it a good distance from the train station. With the a new plan ready to execute, the mare slowly started to make her way out into the unknown.
🌻🌻🌻   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»


Honey was really stressed, and started to wiggle on her seat, giving off some nervous noises. She knew she didn't have to worry, because the train got here early, but it was in her nature to stress like this.
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2015 Jun 20, 18:52:36 #65 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 20, 20:20:48 by FakeSmile
The mare stare was lock on the abandoned city as she made her way toward it. A lot of questions flooded her mind about this city. The question the stuck out from the rest was why is this place so empty? Eleanor continued her way down further the dirt path as she mulled the question over. After walking what felt like a mile, the mare turned back to look at the train station. She could barely see the station but a orange mare was easy to see. Eleanor formed a small smile, as much as she would enjoy the company she assumed the mare would pester her for answers. With one last glance at the platform the mare turned her gaze back to the city and continued her way down the dirt path.
The mare traveled another few miles as she took in the scenery. This place was a lot prettier than she imagine. Hopefully some of the beauty will be intact when Eleanor is done with the place. With a happy sigh, the mare decided to stop to set up camp. The train station was out of view and the beauty of the abandoned city could be seen from here. The mare saw a little abandoned shack that was covered in over grown vines and trees. Eleanor smiled happily at the little shack and decided to make it her main base. She then made her way toward the shack, examining it with each step. As her eyes were locked in the shack, the mare levitated an old leather book from her saddle bag. Taking a seat on her suitcase, the mare fumbled through her little book. After a while of flipping pages, Eleanor found what she was looking for. With a small smile, the mare raised her hoofs together and whispered DianoigΓ³. As she slowly pulled her hoofs apart the vines slowly pulled away from the door. Once the vines were far enough to enter the building, Eleanor dropped her hoofs. With a satisfied sigh, the mare slowly made her way in the building. As the mare disappeared into the shack, the vines slowly moved back into their original spot.
🌻🌻🌻   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»

Nightshade Star

The Train rumbled as the engine started. Airy was sitting next to Honey, feeling worried that she was stressed.

"You all right? And what's your Name? I should've asked before." She asks.


About time. Joystick thought to himself as the train started to move.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Honey raised her wings and almost took to the air as the train started to rumble, but calmed down a little and looked at the pegasi.
"Tha' names Humming Honey, and I'm so sorry if I am looking stressed, its just that I got an important interview with a very important pony today, and I overslept but I think this train can get me there in time I am so..." She took a deep breath from the quick rambling.
"Ahm fine, I am just stressed for no reason." She said in a much calmer tone and took down her wings again.
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Blaze tipped his hat forward as he tries to sleep through the train ride.


Time as passed, the train isn't arrived yet... we continue to watch these two ponies. *sigh* Looks like we will go back to the train station, waiting the other ponies to come. Or... just watching these ponies who's already arrived. What happened to the ponies on the train? Did something bad happened during their track? Like... a monster attack? ... We are not so sure in 100% about this.

Gracie Sky

Lucidity stopped short when she saw Eleanor walk inside the shack with the vines on it. You couldn't get anymore suspicious than that. What exactly was in that shack and why did that pony go in there like she were looking for it? Lucidity wanted to follow her, but she felt it to be foolish, since she didn't know the pony who went inside, the building itself, and even anything about this city. As pessimistic as ever, she couldn't dismiss the possibility that this was a trap to stop her meddling.

But obviously she wasn't just going to let this suspicious pony get away. No siree. She wasn't going to let a beat up looking shack get in her way of discovering the truths she had been put in charge of finding out. With a small snarl, she marched right up to that door and raised both her hooves, as to slam the door open. However, she hesitated and reconsidered her position in this. Perhaps just a polite knock was more in order here, so Lucidity simply knocked a few times.

"H-hey! Open up! What are you doing in here?!"
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Blaze begins snoring softly in his economy class train cab.


Eleanor smiled as she heard what she assumed was Lucidity. As she set her suite case down she shouted,
Hello Miss Lucidity! Glad you could join
me on this little adventure. Do not worry
about me! Everything is fine.

Eleanor smiled as she pulled out an old tea cup. After a long walk the mare decided she could treat her self with a cup of tea. She placed the cup on table and started to dig through her saddle bag. After fishing out a jar of leafs, the mare sat down on an old chair near the table. With her hooves, she crushed the leaves as she levitated the bottle of water out of her bag. She then cast a heat spell to make the water boil. After all the leaves were crushed, she gently poured a lump of leaves in a cup as she poured the hot water. The mare smiled as the smell of mint tea filled the air.
🌻🌻🌻   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»   πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»


2015 Jul 07, 06:40:32 #74 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 28, 02:40:56 by Julien999
Seems like there's a stallion sitting on a chair with a table in front of the train station, sipping his tea. "Ah... It's good to drink some tea while viewing the green color of the nature and the blue color of the sky. I seen those beautiful flowers on this land, roses, daisies and this poison joke..." Some seconds after, he's unsure what he just said. "Wait a minute... poison joke?" he looks at his right as he sees a poison joke, just one. "What the... Why is there a poison joke here? Okay, that's strange like me..."

Nightshade Star

"I'm Airy Leaf. I was sent a note to come to Manehattan, for some reason. It didn't say who it was from, anyways." Airy started to become nervous, and blinked several times. "I'm just nervous... for some reason."


"Heh, Ah can relate." Honey smiled as she leaned back on the seat, feeling more comfortable.
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The stallion picks carefully the Poison joke with something and puts it into a jar.


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