Pony Cosmology: Re-Creation (roleplay, Jump-in for MORTALS*, GODS sign up.)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Apr 13, 08:31:18

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Majem cowered down on the ground upon hearing the princesses' voices. He forgot that they sometimes intervene and appear in this dimension, but their voices sounded even more powerful as a mortal.
"W...Who.. What happened?" He muttered to himself.

Night Sight

Spoiler: show
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Dec 13, 21:54:58
Quote from: Ethereal Nebula on 2012 Dec 13, 21:25:22
Ethereal winces a bit at the Princesses Royal Canterlot Voice. She was really hoping to avoid that, but guess it was expected and it's her time to take the plunge. Taking a deep breath she starts speaking to the princesses. "Your majesty please don't be angry! I called upon you since I was concern about Starless well being. Do not take what Night Sight say to heart. He is only frustrated with what's going on with his friend. None of the others are to blame. If anypony is to blame then let it be me for asking Starless for making crystal flowers. I just want to make sure that he's well."
Ten thousand Equii Ignei surrounded Night Sight; one hundred million filled the area where the stone was; a trillion trillion trillion stood guard, eyes blazing in every direction at once.  The Princesses were still not appeased.


Night Sight tried to calm down from his little fit with some deep breathing, he didn't want his powers banished again from a little anger overload
"Oh uh princesses! Thank... well you I guess that you are here! Starless made something that was supposed to help make combining godly powers easier to make stuff but as you see he got a little more then he was expecting, I don't know much because when I got here he was on the ground like this, the only reason this counted in the first place I think is because Starless kind of...well... did this to himself" He said as he rubbed the back of his mane x3

Morgan Sententia

Morgan stands up, with a remote face. She carefully intervened in the situation that this is going.

"I shall be the judge of that..."

Morgan said. With a serious tone.

Night Sight

Night Sight put his hooves in the air
"It wasn't me I swear! Zeth will tell you!o_o

Starless found himself in a crumbling passage way under blocks of sandstone, cautiously Starless walked forward into the dark cave, his night vision giving him little view in the cavern but from what he could see the passage seemed endless, so onward into the passage of the mind he went...

Morgan Sententia

"Then who dares wakes me from my sleep? Who is to blame and who is the innocent...Everything has a purpose in life, the trees, the ocean, the souls that stand. We all have a gift and goal to accomplish. but Some of us have an appetite for vengeance. We feel strongly compelled to see wrongs made right, to see injustice corrected forcefully, directly and decisively. We may be driven by an innate passion for order, or we may be drive by an injustice observed or experienced. It is deeply ingrained, and feels like a compelling need."

"I AM Purpose, driven life with vengeance."

"What say you...God?"

Night Sight

"Oh good you stopped talking. Can we get back to what's important then? A God and my friend is un-conscious because of a rock, the princess's are probably judging this entire conversation, I'm surrounded by a few thousand...things, and you and me have no actual idea what the hell is going on so I would calm down if I were you because Starless is in a very bad position right now and this conversation isn't helping at all so I would suggest SHUTTING UP AND ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP!" He yelled out the ending as he glared at Morgan
"Now we need to sort this out before Starless is stuck like this whether you like it or not" He said as he looked back down on Starless

Long forgotten yells and screams were emitting from inside the passage as his memories came back to him, about the gruesome murder of his parents because they gave birth to demon, a wolf with abilities to destroy everything and everybody round him...

Morgan Sententia

"Says to the god that tries to order another to eat a stick...."

Morgan appeared beside him and looked down at Starless with a blank face.


Voidwalker pauses in his experimentation to listen to the princesses. From what he could tell another god was not feeling too well.
He wondered if there was anything he could do to help, there were several edible plants that could reduce the effects of some poisonings.
He decides that they probably won't have an effect, a poison that could affect a god was beyond the powers of his realm.
Then again he did still have his powers from before his godhood, they could help identify where the god was afflicted (probably) and purge the toxin (hopefully).
Noting the position of his asteroid, Voidwalker teleports back to Zeth.

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs

Silver Snake

In the middle of creating another pillar, Blue's ears pricked up when he sensed the disorder on Zeth. Every one of his muscles tensed up. Should he get involved? Yes. It's my job. Ugh, I don't even know why I hedged. The unicorn bared his teeth with disgust at the other God's actions and disappeared from his Realm with a crack.

The Law God reappeared on Zeth, with his gold eyes blazing. He clearly didn't want to be there, and he barked out at Night Sight and all the other assembled Gods: "Okay, what THE BUCK is going on here? I'm about to beat some flanks into next week unless I get an explanation RIGHT NOW."


Something seemed off about Alkaid. He looked far-off somehow. Like the God's thoughts weren't even all there. Crimson took the medical kit with trepidation with a mumbled "Thanks." Alkaid seemed really strange. The ex-convict couldn't place how or why, but something in his heart felt changed. "I can take care of this. It's not the first time these things have bled. That's one of the problems with cartilage piercings. They never heal quite right." The Earth pony daubed at his bleeding ear-puncture carefully with some gauze. He liberally applied antiseptic after this and swathed his left ear in gauze. It made it a bit hard to hear, but nothing that would really interfere. "Are... are you okay Alkaid? Is something bothering you?"

((Sorry for the absence! I had a party tonight that I was preparing for last night!))
((@Silverweed: I actually have no idea where I'll take the evil book thing. You and I can figure something out along the way.))

Let's just.... Let's not ask too many questions about this one.

Night Sight

"Says to the god that tries to order another to eat a stick indeed, either way I was trying to impress the God at the point, being an Elder God sometimes makes me feel old and boring but that is not the point, either the princess's stop freaking out and try to help or we let Starless enjoy this state for the rest of eternity, I personally chose help wouldn't you agree?" Mumbled Night Sight under his breath
"And for you Law God I don't know anymore then you do, only Zeth was here to witness the issue"
((Sorry about the extremely late post, I was trying to fix up my tumblr a bit >.<))

Starless reached the end of the passage way after what felt like days and looked out, he kind of regretted that. At the end pf the passage way was a cave that led to all his old clan mates... who were burning his parents alive at the moment and along side them was him, barely older then a newborn at the time looking up at his parent as the fire engulfed them, for some reason the fire never harmed him, he barely even noticed it but unforgettably his parent weren't so lucky as their screams and yells for mercy rippled through the cave as the barbarians who did this smiled at their victory... all besides one, an Elder Sand Wolf who he remembered to be the one who saved him from the clan and left him to a group of pony explorers from Equestria though he only remembered two of the ponies, Teal and Rad, the other faces were all but a blur...
Though he may have saved Starless his parents weren't so lucky and after the fire it was to everybody's deep surprise that Starless was still alive, still tied to a charred wooden pole, completely covered with the ashes of his parents, you see Starless was accidently cursed with a rune on his right paw when a spell went wrong on a train to the Desert of Dread and for a long time Starless was alone...


Quote from: Silver Snake on 2012 Dec 14, 23:31:07
((@Silverweed: I actually have no idea where I'll take the evil book thing. You and I can figure something out along the way.))

((Sure, let's see how things develop. Though probably we'll have to deal with all this mess around Zeth first  lol))

Alkaid quickly assumed a neutral expression. This at least was something he couldn't reveal to Crimson. "What? Oh, no, there's no problem: I was just thinking how could I decorate this place..." lied Alkaid. "Do you think I should put some more pillars? Or maybe I should engrave the ones which are already here..." - luckily he managed not to make his voice tremble.

At once, both Alkaid and the ex-convict felt a terrible and powerful force shaking all the Realm of Knowledge. Crimson could feel no more than a strange and unpleasant sensation flowing through his body, but Alkaid also heard the angry voices of the Princesses. What the hay is happening to Creation? What in the world might cause such a fiery anger of the Sisters? I'd better be back in Creation to check it out... but then he had another idea.

He stared at an empty place of the room and materialized a circular pool of a water-like fluid. Then, trying not to care about the inner shake due to the Sisters' wrath, he linked his mind to Creation and made a stream of Knowledge flowing from the pool thither. After a few moments, the pool was imbued with his realm, and could now be used for monitoring any place of Creation where Alkaid had been so far.

Then the grey pony told Crimson: "What you're feeling now is the Sisters' godly power spreading upon Creation and reaching also all the Gods' Realms. Something bad must have befallen Creation, to provoke such a strong reaction from Them; come here, let's check out what's happening there. " then he looked into the pool and focused his attention on Zeth.

deviantART is magic
/!\ FIY: I sleep from 3 PM to 1 AM...curse you, time zones!

Night Pony

Night didn't pay much attention to the sisters. This time thanks to her scouts she know that it wasn't for her. In fact she knew everything that transpired.
"The insanity god is in it this time. He won't get another chance and we'll have some peace at last."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Majem finally managed to get himself to stand up again. The sisters surprised him and he was still shaking as he tried to explore the new Zeth. So far he hasn't responded, but if the sisters show up, there has to be far more important things going on. "I wonder if there are any other mortals."

Everything still seemed to be the same as when he was still a God, but that didn't slow him down. Majem continued his search for.. something, with his head held high and a heap of confidence. "I haven't seen any Gods. Hmm, probably at where that very important thing is happening. I wonder if there's a new God of Water. Oh, that's right, Night Shine should be able to see me." Majem thought to himself and looked at the trees around him. He spotted a branch that didn't have many leaves on it, perfect for observation. He assumed that a crow would be there and waved at it. "Hello! Tell Night Shine 'hi' for me, would you?" He said cheerfully, at nothing he could see.

Night Pony

A crow appeared on the branch. He cawed once before a bigger crow came and landed next to him. It was none other than Dust himself. He then looked at Majem.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Majem smiled to see the crow, and Dust appear. He chuckled as he bowed before them. "Hello Dust. Could you show me where this thing is happening? You know, the reason why the princesses appeared. It must be something important and I bet a lot of Gods are there."

Night Pony

Dust turned to the other crow and cawed after which it disappeared. Then he started to flying in a direction after which he stopped and waited for Majem.

In the soul realm the crow appeared and gave the latest report to Night.
"So Majem has returned? I bet his crow would be happy. Also Dust is doing whatever he wishes...nothing new there."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Majem sprinted trying to keep up with Dust, but he isn't a fast pony and had to slow his pace, panting from exhaustion. "Sorry. Not a God anymore." He said as he followed Dust.

Night Pony

Dust led Majem to the place where several gods have gathered. Once reached he quickly faded away from sight.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


"Thank you!" He said and waved the fading crow goodbye. Majem looked at the several Gods, but decided to keep a distance. "Wonder what happened." He thought to himself as he lied down and stared at them.

Morgan Sententia

((Forgive for my post aswell Night, been not feeling to well. :c))

"You don't know me....besides...even if you did take over my body, you'll face the consequences."

Morgan didn't move, she glared an evil eye at him. He doesn't know "the other" takes control whenever it want's in. Morgan's life has been complicated, she never tells a soul on why.

Morgan looked back at Starless. She could see the horror that he was in. Morgan remember her past...it.... was devastated.

".....But I'll help whatever i can..... Even if i despise your kind."

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