Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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as he entered the the clearing the ground collapsed around him as rand appeared from the darkness"poor little colt whats ever the matter that nasty stallion didn't hurt your feelings did he" he asked maple looked up at him his face dirty and wet from crying "who give my soul back right now you meanie"


"Don't worry Maple!" Joy shouted as he barged into... a completely different meadow.

"What did I even think was going to happen, chasing a colt I couldn't see through a dark forest?" Joy owned up and faced the music. He was lost.

He was too determined for this to be a major setback, so he turned around and went back to look for Maple through way of the forest, yet again.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


(( >:/ :/ ^-^ ))

The scared little filly stood still in about the middle of her room, looking to every corner, still not sure if what she heard was real or just her imagination. Eventually she just sighed, thinking it was the later, and returned to her makeshift western town set up from boxes and inhabited by plushies and dolls. She lied on her tummy and smiled as she 'walked' her favorite toy, a plush bear named mister fuzzybutt, which played the role of the sheriff of the box town. The little blue filly got lost in her imagination again as her game continued.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"but im not the meanie am i *boops maple on the head causing a sort draining effect of emotion* i mean think about who got you into this situation in the first place" as rand said this a live image of joy shows up "but he would never let me get hurt would he?" he asked looking at rand. "i don't know kiddo but look he leaving he doesn't  care about you but i do. in fact come with me and you have adventures for ever and ill never leave you what do you say kid a deal"   he finished holding his hoof out


Joy panted. He was lost, he was out of breath, and he was worried. Dangit, Maple, where are you? he thought. He had hoped retracing some of his steps would have worked, but there weren't any distinct features to base his route off of. He was guessing where he needed to go, and he didn't even know the direction he was walking in.

He had slowed considerably, but he had not stopped. He pushed on blindly, hoping that he would stumble upon the correct path soon.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"here let me see what your friend thinks" rand points the the edge of the clear where a puff  of smoke appears a fake  joy standing there "there you are maple well i see you fond a better friend then me well if that's the case i guess ill go as well" the clone yells at maple not letting him speak   and is puffed off


Joystick continued to walk. Just when he started to lose hope, he heard voices coming a few trees over. Breaking into a jog, Joy broke into the clearing, sighting Maple...

"Maple, finally. Please, come back. I promise, we'll fix everything, but just not right now."

...And Rand. "Of course. What are you doing here? Playing some more of your 'innocent tricks'?" He was no longer careful of what he said around Rand, now with the knowledge of an easy way out present.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"innocent tricks did you hear that maple that was very nasty of him" rand made the most dramatic look of pain "oh look who it is mister high and mighty him self couldnt even save a colt could you, well you now what im not going with you rand seams to be a better friend then you" with those words maples good eye flashs green for a brief moment


"What? But he's the one that made you a colt!" Joy was tired. He was out of breath. Most of all, however, he was very inattentive at the moment.

"Maple, what are you talking about? Let's go back, come on."
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


" you heard the kid he wants to stay with me" rand said floating around "yeah maybe being a colt wasn't so bad after all" maple chimed in "in fact he was about to seal the deal to and come with  me"


"What? Maple, listen to yourself, come on. I thought you were all about getting back to normal. I mean, you called me dad, for the princesses' sake! You hugged me, Maple! You cried on my shoulder! I bought you ice cream! Please, Maple. Come back, please." Joy was understandably confused, and a little bit sad.

"What are you doing to him?" Joy turned to Rand. "Whatever it is, you'd better stop. Pretty soon." Joystick refused to believe that Maple was doing this of his own accord. He would make Rand break that spell, and he would save Maple. At least he hoped he would.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


 rand zoomed up to joy" how about no" the fast as he got there he appeared next to maple grasping his  outstretched hoof. as this happened a light started to trickle from maple into the necklace around rands neck slowly filling it up "oh joy how do you feel now, you couldn't even save a little colt"


"You're a sick pony, you know that?" Joy, obviously, was not taking a liking to Rand's action.

"Maple, please, snap out of it! What would your mare think if she saw you just give up like this?" Joy felt like he would regret using that one a lot later, but he had to try. He didn't have much more.

"Maybe I can't save him. But I want to let you know I have something up my sleeve too. I'm not proud of it, and I don't want to use it. Don't make me. I beg you." Joy wasn't sure if he had anything or not. He felt like he had something, but he had no clue what it would be. If the could-be-bluff worked, it worked, if not, he hoped Maple would come to with his recent comment.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"oh please stop it your making me laugh there's nothing you can do" as he said thus the necklace was glowing brighter and brighter


"Not even if I say please? I want the answer to my question, anyway.

Maple, your mare. What would she think of this? Of you, just giving up and lying down? Would she want you to give up, Maple?"
Joy continued to push that, hoping that something would break inside Maple. He didn't want to have to take that issue even further.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


as joy talked a spark flashed in maples eye rand turned "stop it you fool what are you doing"


"If she could see you right now, what would she say? I'd doubt she'd be proud, Maple. She might have been in this position, instead of me, if she were alive. Could you imagine that, Maple, telling your mare that this loon was a better friend than her? Could you imagine how she would feel? This fantastic mare, and you would have called her a bad friend. How would she have reacted to that?" Joystick gulped, already regretting his next comment.

"Maybe what happened was good, so she wouldn't have to see you right now. Tell me how she would feel to see this, to see you like this? Maybe you should be relieved. Because however she would take seeing you right now, it would not be good." He already regretted that comment, but he had to do something. He had caught the spark in Maple's eye and he needed to push him over the edge.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"hey stop that you done know what your doing if the process is broken " rand was about to finish when maple began to shake his head "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do this it's all my fault" he said sounding in pain


"Maple, you're alright! Thank the heavens, I was getting worried." While Joy regretted what he had done, he was happy it had gotten Maple back.

"And you. What's our, oh, so, dear problem that you caused now, 'friend'?" Joy laced the word "friend" with more venom than all the snakes in Equestria, tossing it at Rand like it was a rock.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


rand was getting nervous the string of light was still coming off of maple "you see if maple breaks he connect well it would be like setting off a magic  nuke which would turn everything in its radius into..well maples age"

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