Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

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2015 Nov 23, 14:58:38 #36200 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 23, 18:41:57 by FakeSmile
The mare was now looking up toward the sky; the waves were starting to make her feel sick. The ocean breeze ran through her mane as she continued to enjoy the peace and quiet. The sky painted with orange, yellow, and pink took some of the stress off her. Even though she was excited to relocate, the stress and head aches that not only came from the moving process, but her family put her in a rotten mood. But those feeling quickly melted away as soon as she saw her future shop. . . The mare let out a sigh, she could see this being a permanent solution to her problems. She slowly closed her eyes, allowing the wind to carry her troubles away and the sea to drown out any thoughts about the move. The mare's thoughts slowly drifted to the day dream realm. While her head was in the clouds, the mare started to sing the melody of an old song. Her smile grew wide as the soft notes of her song was carried away by the wind.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"You wanna find out? Because I know there's at least one dark magician on this beach, and I get terrified when I think of them. Believe me, you'd be soaring towards her in a second.

Now that that's out of the way, we need to find that guy. I'm getting my voice back. It's kinda uncomfortable. "
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Game slowly made his way onto the beach, having heard in passing about what a great place it was. Game, peering over the sand clearly saw that they where right. The golden sand and the blue sea melting into the sky seamlessly.

Game's first thoughts were to find some food to sate his appetite with. Taking his first steps onto the beach, he felt the softness of the sand under is paws as they moved beneath him, never feeling anything like from the endless amounts of grass and dirt. Continuing further out towards the sea he noticed a decent amount of ponies everywhere, going about their business and what was weird to him, no animals of any kind.

He felt the sand tickle the underside of his belly as his paws dug into the sound, the cool soft feeling against his fur making him purr lightly.

(Just joined, probably could have been here since the beginning but I am here now. :P So, is there set places/locations or groups? Game is also a chubby purring wolf, just incase anyone didn't know :3)


2015 Nov 23, 19:23:15 #36203 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 23, 19:35:54 by DawnsEmbrace
Now his ears pricked up as well.  Someone was singing, and he'd bet it was the one who smelled like hair.
The stallion kept his eyes half open, though it was a vain attempt.  All that came through were dim lights.
He could tell from the feel and sound of the flooring that he was walking on the pier.
Progress was slow, but the voice was getting closer.

He counted himself lucky that the stranger was singing, it made things much easier.
Her voice was very close now.  Curious, he took a quiet breath and the smell hit his receptors like a dusty tome thrown by an angry spouse.
"...So you're the one with the detergent hair and the lovely voice."
His voice began annoyed and ended happy.  Either way, he was smiling, eyes still half open and pointed pointlessly in her direction.
"I interrupted you.  Keep singing, don't mind me."  There was no sense of apology in his tone, but he sounded sincere at least.

[Well, it would take a while to explain everything, but I can try.
Obvious groups that I can think of are the two main families and their acquaintances.
First being, the Scale family.  Checkmate (male) is married to Greyscale (female).  They have two genetic children that they play every now and then, and one adopted daughter that Grizzly plays.
Rosie has a character that was also an adopted child of theirs, but through magic shenanigans she's much older now.
Rush's character (who's also named Rush) is connected romantically with hers, last I checked.

As for the second family, that would be the one I'm connected to.  Whitewash Malady (male) is married to Sweet Hoof (female).
Whitewash is my main character, and Sweet Hoof is Chibigrrl's.
They also have two children who haven't been terribly important quite yet.
Sweet has a sister of sorts who was also created through magic shenanigans whose name is Sottises, or Tise for short.  The one who brought her about is named Bygone Era, an old mage that I played until I retired him.
Now connected to Bygone and most of the second family is FakeSmile's OCs, Predestine and Lil Foli, both female.  Predestine is basically Lil Foli's mother.

Now lots of characters and RPers have come and go, but those are the most prominent that I can tie down to two main groups.
TL;DR, we've been doing this a very long time.
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Rush of MLP

Spook scanned the beach, watching all of the ponies that he could see from his spot in front of the sandstone building.


The mare was really feeling the tunes, till she was startled by an unfamiliar.  Her light bulb like eyes flashed an golden amber light as she let out an startled gasp. The mare placed a hoof over her mouth as her checks started to redden with embarrassment. She looked over her shoulder to see who was bothering her. To her surprise, it was the milky eye stallion. Her eyes slowly started to dim along with the redness on her checks. She had to take a few seconds to process what the stallion said. The mare was confused by the words mix with the stallion's tone; she couldn't tell if he was being guinea or sarcastic. Regardless of his tone, no one can deny the Golden Locks charm. The mare let out a hardy laugh as she exclaimed,
???: Ha Ha Ha! Only de sea an' pals git a free show from dis gran' mare. Strangers 'av ter pay! Sorry lad, dats business.
The mare smiled at the stallion before turning back toward the ocean.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Smart business, lady."  He blinked.
His mood seemed high, though the ache in his hoof was still present.
"My name is Pleasant Dreams.  I've always liked singing, let's me know a voice better.  It was nice to hear you."
His smile dropped for a moment, physical attributes he'd never properly learned to control betrayed his mood.
The smile was back quickly however.
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2015 Nov 23, 21:29:11 #36207 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 23, 21:34:37 by FakeSmile
The mare was unsure about the stranger; his tone and facial expression was throwing her off. But she had met stranger manes in her past, so she'll give the stallion the benefit of the doubt that he is being genuine. The mare decided she should stand up, instead of being rude and keeping her back to him. As she slowly got up from the edge of the pier she said,
???: Ahhhh, Oi couldn't carry a tune in a chromium bucket! But I'll give yer a few brownie points for de compliment.
The mare tried to adjust her mane to get it out of her face once she stood up. After a short battle against her mane, the mare smiled at the stallion. With confidants she declared,
???: My name is Sheer Luck, daughter of de Golden Locks family!
Sheer Luck: 'Tis a pleasure ter meet yer, Pleasant Dream. What brings yer ter de pier at dis 'our?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"well try not to throw me with out asking , well let's go see if we can find some pony to help us" maple began to walk off


Joystick followed Maple. "Who do you think could help us? I guess just ask around the beach? You can do the talking as well."
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"I needed some insight.  The ocean helps."
Pleasant's saddlebag felt heavier.  "What about you, Lucky lady?"
His head tilted a bit, ears now pointed better at Sheer Luck.
<br />


The mare let out a chuckle at the stallion's pun. Warmly she said,
Sheer Luck: 'Ad some free time on me 'ooves, so Oi decided ter spend dem at de pier.
A small frown formed as she glanced at the stallion's bag. She could tell just by looking at it it was heavy. In a concern tone she continued,
Sheer Luck: Yer look like you're jist about ter collapse! Why don't yer take a load off, lad?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Pleasant laughed out loud.  "What, this tiny thing?  I've been carrying it too long to let it off my back now."
The chuckle in his voice vanished, and the smile ran away from his face.
"Besides."  His indistinguishably vacant eyes swiveled to stare at his companion.
"What's inside is too important to simply let go of."

Pleasant lowered his head to face the ground, eyes still undetectably staring.
He slid a hoof down his face, wearily.  His braid was low enough to touch the ground.

When he looked back up, his eyes were closed, face covered in a familiar smile.
"Sorry about that, Lucky lady.  What were we saying?"  His voice held mirth once again.
<br />


After a little while, Raven awakes, yawning and stretching. Blinking to get back adjusted to reality, he looks around, remembering where he is. He gets up and looks around, curious about the building.


2015 Nov 23, 23:47:05 #36214 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 23, 23:48:37 by FakeSmile
Sheer Luck pursed her lips as she watch the stallion's behavior. Her eyes flickered an amber light as she wondered who she is conversing with. She sat in silence for a while, lost in her thoughts, till she remembered that the two were having a conversation. Snapping out of her thoughts she quickly said,
Sheer Luck: OiDon'tRemember.
. . . . . .
Yeah so, do ye live 'roud 'ere or ye passin' through like me?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Yes, actually.  Just looking for a friend, he should be somewhere around here."
Pleasant moved toward the piers edge, trying to reach the water with his hoof.
The pain was ebbing, but slowly.  "I'm actually from Manehattan.  I run a hotel there."
"Do you come from anywhere special?"  He seemed curious. 
Pleasant had no clue where someone with hair that smelled like that would come from.
<br />


Sheer Luck: Aye, in fact, I'm from Manehattan too. Me family an' Oi run a barber shop down dare, but I've 'ad me own shop for de past foive years.
The mare wasn't sure if she should share her location with the stranger, but anyone from Manehattan couldn't be bad.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Pleasant's mood picked up a bit.  "Really?  That's great!  It's always nice to hear someone coming from home.  If you ever need somewhere to stay there, you're more than welcome to drop by.
There's even a book store and a flower shop next door.
He laughed, thinking about his friends.  "Capri would like you.  She owns the flower place."

Pleasant lazily opened his eyes again.
"I have a bit of a personal question for you, Lucky lady."
His tone was joyful, but implied he'd be asking regardless of any objections.
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"really you think any pony will believe a colt about this stuff" he looked around glancing back at joy


Game made is way down to the sea, leaving a groove in the sand as he went. Eventually making it, he felt the gentle waves slowly caress his paws and legs. He felt like he could just fall to sleep right there, but he wouldn't knowing how 'fun' his wet fur and dried fur could be.

Looking around at the ponies, he was carefully choosing which ones to walk up to make sure he gets the best food.

(In a story on my FimFic Grey and Game actually dated :P So, kind of funny that she is married on here.
Not sure who to approach, don't want to get in the way/disrupt anything that is happening.)

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