Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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"If I have to talk, I will, but I feel most people would recognize a buck like you." Joy stopped walking, looking around the beach.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Sheer Luck unconsciously let out a laugh; the idea if staying at a hotel at Manehattan  wasn't an option. She would never hear the end of it from her folks.
[Color=limegreen]Sheer Luck: Ah Ha Ha . . . Thanks but me folks would be 'urt if Oi didn't stay with 'em.
 . . . .
Me gal pal also owns a flower shop in Manehattan. Wee world we live in, huh? Maybe yer 'av 'eard of de place? De Mossy Valley?Well maybe not, dat one is pretty small.[/color]
The mare smiled warmly at Dream; she was glad to bump into a business pony like herself. She also started to think of her friend, Virulent Valley, and wonder if she knew his friend. But her thoughts were cut short by the stallion's question. A small frown formed; personally questions don't usually end well with her. But the question may not be as personal as she thinks. With a smirk she said,
Sheer Luck:
Personal? Usually Oi git a movie or dinner before a stallion starts questionin' me! Ah Ha Ha Ha! Ahhhhh, Oi guess I'll let yer ask one. . . Free 'av charge!
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Do you know what it's like to grow up with a family?"
Pleasant was looking at her again, but not in the same way as before.  Vague shapes and dim lights were all he could ever see.
That wasn't going to change just because he met someone, no matter how much he wanted to see who he was talking to.
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2015 Nov 24, 09:27:28 #36223 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 24, 09:30:36 by FakeSmile
[Color=limegreen][B]Sheer Luck: [/b]. . . . . . . .
Aye, Oi know it too well. . .[/color]
The mare said as she looked down into the waves. You could hear the head ache and pain of living with five other siblings as she spoke. The thought of her family caused her eyes to flicker for a few seconds. Sheer Luck then broke out of her trance and looked back at the stallion. A small frown formed, something seemed off with the stallion. In a curious tone she added,
[B]Sheer Luck: [/b]Why yer askin'?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Pleasant made a clicking noise and the smile nearly dropped again.
"Ain't it obvious, Lucky lady?"  He looked past her, towards the ocean. 
He still couldn't see anything.

"I don't know what it's like."

Pleasant's attention turned back toward her, apologetically.
"I was just curious."  Making a quick decision, he tested his hurt hoof.
It wasn't so bad by now, he could probably get moving again, but...
He wasn't sure if he wanted to anymore.
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[Color=limegreen]Sheer Luck: Oi would be lyin' if Oi said it wasn't dat great. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

You alright lad?[/color]
The gal was staring at the stallion now. His behavior has been a bit off since the beginning and she assumed the fellow is blind. She made eye contact with his milky eyes. . .  She felt like there was more to Dream than appears . . . But right now wasn't the best time to pry into his life. She hasn't even got the keys to her new building! Maybe once she gets settled in she'll pry. But for now, casual conversation is all she really wanted to do.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Pleasant Dreams shifted his saddlebag to a more comfortable position.
"I should probably get going.  It was nice hearing you, Lucky lady."
A thought hit him, and he laughed.  "You said you're a barber, right?  Maybe I should call you Shears instead!"
He closed his eyes again and swiveled his ears around, listening for where the ocean couldn't be heard.
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Rush of MLP

((I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter who he walked up to Game.))

Spook continued to watch the beachgoers until he spotted a creature that seemed a little out of place. He stared at the creature for a short bit until his mind had registered  what he was looking at: a rather large blue wolf.

Opting not to stare at the wolf, he turned his gaze back to the other ponies.

"If it's dangerous, either Rush or one of the others will handle it." He muttered under his breath.


Game, as he looked around the beach, noted a pony staring at him before they quickly change their view. Deciding it was as good a chance as any to start getting some food, waddled his way over to the once staring pony and prepared to be adorable.

Rush of MLP

Spook glanced back in the direction of the wolf, then panicked a little when he saw it walking towards him.

'Uh oh. What do I do? I am not prepared to deal with anything that could potentially attack me right now. This is bad.' His thoughts raced as he watched the wolf draw closer.


Game slowly waddled up to the beach going pony and sat down in front of them. Folding his ears back and going into a begging pose the wolf did his best puppy eyes and stared the pony.

Whining lightly, he did his best to be adorable hoping that having sand stuck to his fur and his general cuddliness will work in his favour.


The frown sunk deeper on Sheer's face to the respond from Dream. He was defiantly blind . . . . But the witty pun forced a smile on her face. As she let out a chuckle she said,
Sheer Luck:
Ahhhh, dats a good one! It been gran' 'earin' from yer too. Take care Dream!

The mare smiled at the stallion, even though she knew he couldn't tell. It was about time she head back too; she doesn't want to keep her friend waiting. But she'll wait for Dream to be a good distance away before heading off. The mare turned her attention back to the ocean. She wanted to enjoy a few more peaceful minutes of alone time.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


// great now Im stuck until Blue does something

"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Pleasant was enjoying himself, but he knew it was time to get going.
With a small murmur, he turned to leave.  He said one more thing being leaving the pier completely.
"I don't know if we'll see eachother again, but next time, you can call me Please.
That's what the others call me.
With that note of finality, his steps took him off the pier.  Soon, he was out of sight completely.
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Rush of MLP

As the wolf looked at him and whined, Spook raised an eyebrow.

"Um. What?" He said, sounding quite confused.


Game tilted his head at the pony before sniffing the air and licking his maw. Though overcome with the smell of the sea and sand he could still make out the scents of edibles.

(Game can't talk and I'm not sure if you have any bags/baskets with you.)


The mare made a mental note and waved off the stallion. . . Oh wait, he is blind! He won't be able to see her kind gesture! Sheer Luck should call out to him. . . But too much time has passed, it would be awkward to say anything now! Oh well, like the stallion said, they may not see each other again. . . No point on dwelling on this social hiccup. The mare did send a smile toward Dream's direction; mentally wishing him luck on his journey home.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Rush of MLP

((No. He doesn't have any baskets or anything like that with him.))

Spook stared at the wolf, still quite confused. He thought for a moment about why it would come up to him randomly. After several seconds, he spoke.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, unsure of if the wolf could understand him.


Game turned to face the pony before nodding vigorously, pretty much wanting to do anything for the food.

Rush of MLP

"Ok." Spook said, drawing out the word slightly.

He turned around and stepped back into the sandstone building. Seeing Raven was awake, he moved stealthily towards a corner of the room with several bags. He retrieved one of the bags and stepped back outside.

He set the bag down in front of the wolf. "All I have in food is some berries and herbs. I don't know if you'll like them or not, but you are welcome to these." He said, leaning down and opening the bag, allowing the contents to be seen.

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