World of Darkness {Jump in!}

Started by Heartless Scarlet, 2014 Mar 01, 10:15:58

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Starlight quickly jumped into the balloon "C-Can we leave? Now?"

Act One

"Alright, everypony. Get on board. We are out of here as soon as I get all the equipment in the balloon. Let's go!
Grabbing each bit of gear she found, she flings them into the balloon basket.

Under the balloon, the shadows under the basket starts to stir...
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Quill helped move the gear into the balloon to speed things up. Then she quickly hopped into the balloon, waiting for the others.


(I'll just pretend Rune is in the balloon.)

Crimson untied the balloon and climbed in. He used his custom flame spell to make the balloon rise into the air.
Soon they were high above the clouds, and he was steering them all to Cloudsdale.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*


Rush of MLP

(*sigh* Dang Internet being on the fritz; I was unable to get back on until now.)

After regaining his senses, Rush steps out of the house in which he had fallen.

He looked up to see that the ponies he had been following had already taken off in a balloon.

He sighed and stared at the balloon as it lifted above the clouds.

"Lovely. So much for following them." He looked around. "Now what?"


Name: Melody Flight
A white Pegasus pony with a long light blue and purple mane. She was once a lively and fun to be with pony as well as a laid back but skilled musician who took residence in Cloudsdale before the fall of Equestria and now suffers from anxiety and paranoia. She has wide light purple to violet eyes with naturally small pupils and a pair of dusty headphones that she uses to drown out noise when she's scared.

Melody laid on a gray cloud near what used to be the Cloudsdale music shop. She was breathing fine, but was shockingly still. Her eyes were closed and she wore her signature headphones over her ears. Under her hoof was a shiny opalescent purple ocarina.

Act One

Looking back down from where the group came from, the green flick in her mane covered her sight for a moment. Blowing it away and looking back down, she noticed a stragler just staring up at them.
"Urgh... It had to be at least one..." Turning her head to the pilot she instructs him the following: "Keep this ballon at this height! I'm going to try something."

Building her magic up, she casts Control Core near herself, jumps off the balloon and is caught in the spell's pull. This allows her to move the core and levitate down to the pony.
"Hold onto me."
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.

Rush of MLP

Rush flinched. He had not expected one of them to see him from the air, much less come down and get him.

He looked at her for a brief moment, trying to decide whether to go with them, or simply vanish. A chill suddenly went up his spine and he thought to himself: 'Better than staying down here... alone.'

He reached out and took hold of the mare, attempting to brace himself for the vertigo that he was surely about to experience.

Act One

With the new guy taking hold of her, Pressure gets ready to return to the balloon.
"You'll feel a strange geeling from the spell's pull, but that's normal. Here goes."

Like giant hands cupping and holding their precious pet, the 2 ponies are lifted up carefully towards the sky.  The black dot heaves the creatures higher to catch up to the floating ship as it sails away.

Now comes the tricky bit. The orb cant get close to the balloon, or else it's pull will rip the fabric. So she'll need to do something drastic and well timed. With a quick burst of magic, the orb gained some speed. This pulled the ponies quicker towards the basket. As the spell and flyers get close to the goal, the spell stops. For the small moments, the 2 wingless ponies feel like a pegasus, slingshoted upwards. Their momentuum carrys them just above the landing basket and they peaked the climb. Falling down the 2 of them crash in and amoungst the otherds in a rough but on-target thud.

Shaking the stars swirling around her head, Pressure blows the light green fringe up and thinks "Never trying that again..."
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.

Rush of MLP

Rush did not expect the peak to come so early, therefore he was not prepared for the landing. He landed flat on his head.

A bit out of it, he stood up, seeing everything in threes. He blinked a few times and shook his head, hoping that would allow him to see properly. It did.

"Ugh... I am never going to trust a levitating unicorn ever again." He said under his breath, still feeling like he was weightless.

He then gave a nervous laugh, realizing that the group was larger than he thought it was.


((Going to jump out, you lot decide how to get rid of Starlight))

Act One

((Are we all okay to move on to landing at Cloudsdale? I have an idea for what's coming up next, if you lot are interested...))
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


((I'm interested in seeing what happens, so I don't mind if we skip ahead a bit but I dunno, someone else might want to stay in the balloon for a while.))

Rush of MLP

((I don't mind. Whatever y'all want to do.))


[I'm just gonna wait for you to get to Cloudsdale, since I'm asleep there.]

Act One

((Right, given people enough time to ponder any mid-air shenanigans.  ;) Sorry for the wait, work shifts have had me up against the wall with not much time to do much. I'll get on with the RP.))

It had been about a couple of hours in the air, gliding across the sky of Equestria. Oddly though, the ponies noticed that the higher into the sky they went, the shifting from the obscure dullness of the mid-toned world without a distinctive light or colour to the typical colourful sky that they're used to. With the sun  being only so high in the sky, the colours of a twilight array could be seen. It didn't change its tone, sinking either to blue or to red or even the night's black. Looking at the different sides of the clouds they passed, they were either greeted with a silver surface and golden tint, or a blinding brightness complimented by a silver lining.

"I can see it! Get ready to land this thing, cuz we're almost there."
She was able to get a few moments peace in the basket, trading stories of how everypony met each other or how they reacted to the "Darkening." Pressure had just set herself down to relax, when she saw the well known features of Cloudsdale entering as a miniature state in the background. She then turned to the group in what is quite a tightly packed balloon ride.
"Okay, when we get there, remember to brace yourself before we touch town... I don't know how well anyone of us can land it on a cloud, but let's at least try to keep ourselves safe in the basket. Also, no non-pegasi should step out until we get ourselves sorted. I'm not going to tell you how high we are or how long it'll take for one of you to plummet to the world below when you step through the cloud... We all clear?"
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Quill Ink peered over the edge of the balloon, wondering if they'd find any others in Cloudsdale. She also wondered if there were any of those monsters there. She hoped that it was safe there, or at least safer than back down on the ground.

Rush of MLP

2014 May 18, 19:45:14 #177 Last Edit: 2014 May 18, 20:22:12 by Rush of MLP
Rush sat in the same place on which he had landed upon entering the balloon. He hadn't said much, except in response to the others' queries, choosing instead to listen to the rest of the group's stories.

Watching over the side of the balloon, he saw the clouds becoming more compact, indicating that they would be touching down soon and that bracing himself soon might not be a bad idea, as the unicorn named Pressure Point had suggested not long before.

With one final glance over the side of the basket, he caught sight of what appeared to be a Pegasus resting upon a gray cloud.

He mumbled to himself, "Hey, check that out; there are still ponies up here, too."


As the balloon docked in the cloud city high above the dark fog that lay thick on the ground, Crimson Ace cast a cloud-walking spell on all of the non-pegasi. "There we go," He said, jumping onto the cloud to make sure it worked. "Everypony be careful now, I have no idea what might be lurking in Cloudsdale."
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*



Quill got out of the balloon and looked around her at the usually bright city. It was even dark above the clouds. The pegasus gave a small sigh and waited for the rest of the group to be ready to go.

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