So you're trapped on a mysterious island..... [Jump-In]

Started by Weatherboy1, 2014 Jan 31, 19:33:37

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The way to the pond was silent, apart from Tiliens heavy breathing. As they got to their destination she smiled and thanked Rain before lying down by the shoreline and drank from the pond. The water alone already renewed her energy and she stood up, searching with her eagle eyes for something to eat. "I wonder if the shelters survived."
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Teal Turken

I don't think much of the forest survived... Zappy says, looking around at all the fallen trees and destroyed environment.


I'm back


"You said it. It looks like a battlefield... This... brings back memories in fact..." Tilien let out a saddened sigh and spreaded her wings, she ignored the pain in her damaged wing. She tried to flap her wings one time to see if the damaged one is broken or not. To  her relief the bones were intact, which ment that in a day or so she will be able to fly again.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"That's good! It's always nice to be able to fly, and to be not in pain."
I'm back


Tilien was a little suprised that Rain knew exactly what and why she did that with her wings. "Ah, yup. Rainstorm, are you a doctor or something?" she asked and tilted her head.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"No. I just know that trick. I have wings too."

I'm back


"Oh, right. I thought that pegasi wings work differently than griffs. Guess i was wrong." Tilien said with a smile and looked over the damaged landscape. "We better fix at least one of the shelters before night falls." she suggested and walked to the destroyed wooden structure.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.



2014 Feb 17, 18:23:27 #229 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 17, 18:25:04 by LunarDusk
(( Ill just jump in.))

Lunar wakes up on the East side of the island staring at the burned environment covered in blisters."Ha, this environment, ravaged by  natural cause." Lunar shakes his head and turns to the volcano. "I don't recall this island being here." He shakes his cape and tries to test his magic on a nearby boulder at the foot. " magic seems to have downgraded." Lunar pushes on the boulder while still using his magic at full force making the boulder roll down the hill. "I guess i still need to recover."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Tilien looked to the sky and sighed. She walked to the lakeside shelter, which was in a very bad shape. The roof had a huge hole in it and the floor was covered by stones and broken branches, and there was one pretty big bolder in about the middle. "Anyone seen Electric? Rain, you go and look for some wood we can use to fix this place up, i'll clear out the debris." She started to pick up the bigger stones and branches to throw them out. By her estimates it will take at least three to move the big bolder.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Electric was hiding under a fallen tree with a bunny in her mane. Im right here guys! she said as she stood up and walked over to Tilien and smiled with the bunny in her mane.
Stay Happy!


I'm back


"Great, can you go and help rain with the wood? And later i will need help with the big rock." About an hour went by and Tilien had all the smaller debris, leaving only the huge bolder. She sits near the rick to get some rest and waits for Rain and Electric.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Electric has gather at least 20 wood, her broken worked good as a bark scraper. Ugh better bring this back to camp... she said as she hauled wood on her back. She trotted back to camp dropping the wood. Phew!
Stay Happy!


Lunar gazed across the pathway that he rolled the boulder down onto. "This could be undiscovered.." Lunar uses his magic on his cape to make him fly as if they were wings off the hill and over the ravaged fields struggling to keep altitude. "Ugh, don't lose it." Lunar looks down and sees the boulder by the lakeside shelter. "Someone's there..."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Stay Happy!


Hearing an unfamiliar voice Tilien walked out of the shelter and looked around, noticing a new pony. The pony seemed off somehow but she couldn't place her claw on why. She walked up to the new pony. "Yeah, hi. You stuck here too? We have a little group, the rest of them are gathering wood. Do you remember how you got here?" She asked in her usual distrustful tone.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


I will never forget, a mother age 32, got on the plane, and she had with her, little Jeffery, and I know his name because is mother said his name...all 3200 miles of the trip!


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