Season 5 Discussion

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2015 Apr 05, 15:52:56 #60 Last Edit: 2015 Apr 05, 16:02:22 by Dawnstar
Spoiler: Huge Wall o' Spoilers • show
Season 5 is off to a good start in my opinion. I love how they're starting to expand the world we know a bit more beyond the borders of Ponyville and Canterlot. I've loved the limited amount of lore we've gotten for the rest of the world so far, and I'm hoping we see more with the newly expanded world map.

I'm also glad they reigned in Pinkie Pie's personality a little bit after how over-the-top they pushed it in season 4. This is the Pinkie Pie I remember climbing up from my least favorite to second favorite of the mane 6. Fluttershy also gained some points with how she actually took some initiative while still being her usual self. It's about time some of that character development started to stick.

On to the town. That place was really, really creepy at first. I also agree with Pinkie about how fake the smiles were. They were definitely forced smiles and as the episode progressed it was interesting to see the image of a "perfect little town" start to collapse. Starting with how nervous some of the ponies were around Starlight and going on to the three ponies saying they wanted their cutie marks back. It makes me wonder how much longer things would've held together on their own even if the mane 6 hadn't shown up. I honestly doubt Starlight's ambitions would've lasted long once the rest of Equestria took notice.

Then the story took an interestingly dark turn with them being locked in one of the houses and being forced to listen to propaganda after having their cutie marks taken. Just stop and think about that for a moment. Also, Pinkie apparently had the highest resistance to Starlight's spell with how much trouble it seemed to be having keeping her excitability in check. That and the sudden seriousness afterward was funny and touched a little bit on how smart she really is behind her bubbly exterior.

Now this is where I took notice at the change in how Fluttershy was handled. I actually expected her to buckle under the pressure from her friends to pretend to be converted. However, I was actually surprised to see Fluttershy realize how wrong things were in the village and actually agree on her own initiative. Of course I also saw the "point out the traitors to prove your loyalty" coming from a mile away. I have to say, Party Favor was probably my favorite of the townsponies that were introduced. It takes real guts to take the fall for your friends like he did. Plus those balloons were awesome.

Then Starlight's plans began to fall apart. They were already starting to crack at the seams, but a little push of individualism was apparently enough to bring about a collapse. I'd already figured she wasn't at all what she seemed at first. From the beginning she had set herself above the other ponies, from having a house standing on its own to her passive aggressive interactions around town. The reveal of her cutie mark merely confirmed it.

The final chase scene was fun to watch too. I liked how the mane 6 had to rely on the other ponies to save their cutie marks for them rather than them being able to do it themselves. In the end I think the episode had a nice theme to it where equality doesn't come from everyone being the same, but from being able to celebrate everyone's differences without setting yourself above everyone else for it.

Also, Starlight is definitely a contrast to Twilight sparkle. Aside from the similar names they do have the same goals and purpose, but very different ways of achieving those goals. Makes me wonder if we'll get true contrasts to the other 5 to contrast season 4's theme. where in season 4 they inspired their element of harmony in others while this time around they might instead meet others who are just as honest, loyal, kind, generous and joyful as they are, but have a sort of dark contrast to those elements instead. Sort of like a set of Dark Elements of Harmony.

Spoiler: Somewhat Shorter Summaries • show
Starlight Glimmer was an interesting villain and a nice contrast to Tirek's eventual reliance on his pure power rather than his initial cunning. Though I still have to wonder just how effective her plans would've been in the long-term. They started to unravel almost immediately after the mane 6 showed up and with how easily she started to panic I'm not sure how well they would've held together once the rest of Equestria took notice. I highly doubt the two sisters would've let her continue for long.

Also, I probably shouldn't say her plans when referring to Starlight Glimmer. She did say "our plans" at one point so I have a feeling there's another villain at work behind the scenes. And she did get away at the end of the episode so we'll definitely be seeing her again.

On that note: she's the first major antagonist to make it through a two-parter and actually escape in the end. Let that sink in a little.

Another interesting thing I want to touch on is how taking away a pony's talent apparently makes them equally bad at everything. No sense of aesthetics, no ability to cook even remotely well, etc. Also, when they were locked in the house I started to wonder just how strong ponies really are without their magic. I don't care how sturdy a wooden door is, if you hit it hard enough it'll give, and I would've expected the group's two strongest ponies to have enough non-magic, raw physical strength to bust the door down regardless of not having their talent. Yet they weren't able to. So how much of that strength is a part of their talents?

My curiosity only increased on this subject when they were chasing after Starlight into the mountains and the other ponies were able to easily overtake them, both on hoof and in the air so taking a pony's talent also considerably reduces their ability to run and fly. It really shows just how much ponies rely on their talents.

Though given the season's theme of Cutie Mark Magic I'm sure we'll get to see just how significant the effects of their natural magic really are.


Spoiler: show
That episode... was... interesting.

I LOVED it. Unique and it had a different way of resolving it. It wasn't really resolved either with the villain getting away. I'm sure this sets up for the season finale and the "Cutie Mark Magic" thing. Or that's what I'm assuming.

Either way, GREAT BEGINNING to the season and I can't wait to see more.

My worries were unfounded once again. At least for now.   :s

I enjoyed this beginning though.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2015 Apr 05, 15:52:56
Spoiler: Huge Wall o' Spoilers • show
Season 5 is off to a good start in my opinion. I love how they're starting to expand the world we know a bit more beyond the borders of Ponyville and Canterlot. I've loved the limited amount of lore we've gotten for the rest of the world so far, and I'm hoping we see more with the newly expanded world map.

I'm also glad they reigned in Pinkie Pie's personality a little bit after how over-the-top they pushed it in season 4. This is the Pinkie Pie I remember climbing up from my least favorite to second favorite of the mane 6. Fluttershy also gained some points with how she actually took some initiative while still being her usual self. It's about time some of that character development started to stick.

On to the town. That place was really, really creepy at first. I also agree with Pinkie about how fake the smiles were. They were definitely forced smiles and as the episode progressed it was interesting to see the image of a "perfect little town" start to collapse. Starting with how nervous some of the ponies were around Starlight and going on to the three ponies saying they wanted their cutie marks back. It makes me wonder how much longer things would've held together on their own even if the mane 6 hadn't shown up. I honestly doubt Starlight's ambitions would've lasted long once the rest of Equestria took notice.

Then the story took an interestingly dark turn with them being locked in one of the houses and being forced to listen to propaganda after having their cutie marks taken. Just stop and think about that for a moment. Also, Pinkie apparently had the highest resistance to Starlight's spell with how much trouble it seemed to be having keeping her excitability in check. That and the sudden seriousness afterward was funny and touched a little bit on how smart she really is behind her bubbly exterior.

Now this is where I took notice at the change in how Fluttershy was handled. I actually expected her to buckle under the pressure from her friends to pretend to be converted. However, I was actually surprised to see Fluttershy realize how wrong things were in the village and actually agree on her own initiative. Of course I also saw the "point out the traitors to prove your loyalty" coming from a mile away. I have to say, Party Favor was probably my favorite of the townsponies that were introduced. It takes real guts to take the fall for your friends like he did. Plus those balloons were awesome.

Then Starlight's plans began to fall apart. They were already starting to crack at the seams, but a little push of individualism was apparently enough to bring about a collapse. I'd already figured she wasn't at all what she seemed at first. From the beginning she had set herself above the other ponies, from having a house standing on its own to her passive aggressive interactions around town. The reveal of her cutie mark merely confirmed it.

The final chase scene was fun to watch too. I liked how the mane 6 had to rely on the other ponies to save their cutie marks for them rather than them being able to do it themselves. In the end I think the episode had a nice theme to it where equality doesn't come from everyone being the same, but from being able to celebrate everyone's differences without setting yourself above everyone else for it.

Also, Starlight is definitely a contrast to Twilight sparkle. Aside from the similar names they do have the same goals and purpose, but very different ways of achieving those goals. Makes me wonder if we'll get true contrasts to the other 5 to contrast season 4's theme. where in season 4 they inspired their element of harmony in others while this time around they might instead meet others who are just as honest, loyal, kind, generous and joyful as they are, but have a sort of dark contrast to those elements instead. Sort of like a set of Dark Elements of Harmony.

Spoiler: Somewhat Shorter Summaries • show
Starlight Glimmer was an interesting villain and a nice contrast to Tirek's eventual reliance on his pure power rather than his initial cunning. Though I still have to wonder just how effective her plans would've been in the long-term. They started to unravel almost immediately after the mane 6 showed up and with how easily she started to panic I'm not sure how well they would've held together once the rest of Equestria took notice. I highly doubt the two sisters would've let her continue for long.

Also, I probably shouldn't say her plans when referring to Starlight Glimmer. She did say "our plans" at one point so I have a feeling there's another villain at work behind the scenes. And she did get away at the end of the episode so we'll definitely be seeing her again.

On that note: she's the first major antagonist to make it through a two-parter and actually escape in the end. Let that sink in a little.

Another interesting thing I want to touch on is how taking away a pony's talent apparently makes them equally bad at everything. No sense of aesthetics, no ability to cook even remotely well, etc. Also, when they were locked in the house I started to wonder just how strong ponies really are without their magic. I don't care how sturdy a wooden door is, if you hit it hard enough it'll give, and I would've expected the group's two strongest ponies to have enough non-magic, raw physical strength to bust the door down regardless of not having their talent. Yet they weren't able to. So how much of that strength is a part of their talents?

My curiosity only increased on this subject when they were chasing after Starlight into the mountains and the other ponies were able to easily overtake them, both on hoof and in the air so taking a pony's talent also considerably reduces their ability to run and fly. It really shows just how much ponies rely on their talents.

Though given the season's theme of Cutie Mark Magic I'm sure we'll get to see just how significant the effects of their natural magic really are.

Spoiler: show
You gave me ideas for the other five of the Bad Six!
So, Dark Magic was Starlight Glimmer trying to bring friendship through dark means.

Dark Honesty - A brutally honest pony who insists that no one keep any secrets whatsoever. The lesson is that some people have their secrets, and that's okay.

Dark Laughter - A pony who makes jokes at others' expense. Personally, I hate this kind of humor, where someone's jokes only consist of saying mean things about others and making fun of them. Some people find these "comedians" hilarious and see nothing wrong with their style of jokes.

Dark Generosity - A pony who plays on the old tale of Robin Hood! Or a pony who convinces others to give away everything they have until they have nothing. There is such a thing as too much generosity.

I'm having a hard time thinking of what Dark Kindness and Dark Loyalty would do, though.
Maybe Dark Loyalty would be loyal to the wrong kinds of ponies? Or maybe Dark Loyalty has a whole bunch of ponies being fiercely loyal to the wrong kind of ponies. The lesson is that, just because you're friends, it doesn't mean you can't object to the bad things your friends do.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Apr 05, 18:58:27
Spoiler: show
You gave me ideas for the other five of the Bad Six!
So, Dark Magic was Starlight Glimmer trying to bring friendship through dark means.

Dark Honesty - A brutally honest pony who insists that no one keep any secrets whatsoever. The lesson is that some people have their secrets, and that's okay.

Dark Laughter - A pony who makes jokes at others' expense. Personally, I hate this kind of humor, where someone's jokes only consist of saying mean things about others and making fun of them. Some people find these "comedians" hilarious and see nothing wrong with their style of jokes.

Dark Generosity - A pony who plays on the old tale of Robin Hood! Or a pony who convinces others to give away everything they have until they have nothing. There is such a thing as too much generosity.

I'm having a hard time thinking of what Dark Kindness and Dark Loyalty would do, though.
Maybe Dark Loyalty would be loyal to the wrong kinds of ponies? Or maybe Dark Loyalty has a whole bunch of ponies being fiercely loyal to the wrong kind of ponies. The lesson is that, just because you're friends, it doesn't mean you can't object to the bad things your friends do.

Spoiler: show
Hm. Maybe dark elements wasn't the best choice of words without a little clarification. Something along the lines of a dark reflection of the mane six's virtues like a positive energy / negative energy sort of difference, or taking those virtues to an idealistic extreme.

Where Twilight is friendship and harmony through celebrating what makes everypony special and finding away to work through everypony's differences. Starlight was friendship and harmony by taking away what made everyone special even though it made everypony miserable.

Your idea for Honesty is a good possibility. An antagonist that takes honesty to such an extreme where even the most hurtful secrets are revealed would make for an interesting story, and show that too much Honesty can turn out to be a bad thing.

Your Laughter idea could work too, especially since Pinkie Pie already had an encounter with the "laugh at other's expense" type of laughter when Discord corrupted her. She actually said in that episode she didn't like that kind of laughter.

I'm not sure the Robin Hood style Generosity would work since that's more of a take from the greedy and give to the needy kind of story. However, the other one you mentioned would likely make for a really good story where the antagonist is literally driving communities into poverty by convincing them to giving up everything, even the things they need.

I agree Kindness is a bit of a tough one, and I can't really think of an idea off the top of my head, but there are such things as cruel kindnesses and stuff.

For Loyalty, I think it would be a case of the antagonist being able to inspire Loyalty in others much how Rainbow Dash inspires Loyalty, but them being a bad individual means that their supporters are either willingly doing bad things for them, or are compelled to support them out of Loyalty even against their own consciences.

All would basically be embodying the same elements of harmony as the mane six, and even being able to bring harmony just like the mane six, but doing so in a way that either passively or actively harms those they bring harmony to.


I liked the new episode. Of course it wasn't AMAZING but i did like it  ^-^  Although compared to the previous season premieres it was a bit bland.
I could also nag about how Party Favor was pretty much just another Pinkie/Cheese Sandwich. I liked Double Diamond, a pretty unique character with a unique talent. although the white against white color scheme was a bit odd. Normally when I see white ponies there off white in some way but he was just WHITE.
Now I can say I LOVE this one particular part in the episode. I just can't stop watching it!
Spoiler: show
I even made an edit! 


Just saw episode 3. There isn't a whole lot to say 'cause it's a pretty straight forward episode! Though it finally did address the elephant in the room so-to-speak haha...

I won't say nothin' spoilery, but that ending? Hit me right in the feels ;__;

Spoiler: show
That castle is still ugly but I appreciate more lighting!!

Not to be confused with Zukiuke

Chishio Kunrin

AHHH episode 3 was so sweeeeet!!

Spoiler: show
Though, I saw from a mile away that they were all gonna bring stuff that made them feel at home. But I didn't see them making that chandelier coming! That was so cool! And I thought, maybe they could decorate some of the various rooms with their stuff instead of cluttering one room with it, so each room could remind Twilight of each of her friends.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Spoiler: Episode • show
Yeah, I didn't see the chandelier coming either. I'm kind of wondering how they got the memories for the gemstones. Did they have pictures taken the whole time and just embed them, or use some kind of memory spell to actually pull images and enchant the gems?

Also, I'm sure they did the mayor a favor by digging out the tree stump. Somepony was bound to have to do so eventually. Can't have a burned-out home marring the town after all. Still, they must have worked real fast to dig that thing out because digging up tree roots isn't easy, especially a big one like that. Also, what about Twilight's lab? Considering it was underground and behind a wall I'm sure that place is relatively intact still.

Heh, I just realized I walked away from the episode with more questions than I started with.

I'll be honest though, when they said they were going to make Twilight feel more at home, especially with all the "books, books, books" at the end, I was expecting them to fill the place up with bookshelves and such to make it more like a big crystal library. I'm sure she would've loved that.

Spoiler: Not exactly related to the episode, but... • show
...I hope that singing voice of Rainbow's carries over to her song later this season, because wow.  :3

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2015 Apr 12, 10:07:11
Spoiler: Episode • show
Yeah, I didn't see the chandelier coming either. I'm kind of wondering how they got the memories for the gemstones. Did they have pictures taken the whole time and just embed them, or use some kind of memory spell to actually pull images and enchant the gems?

Also, I'm sure they did the mayor a favor by digging out the tree stump. Somepony was bound to have to do so eventually. Can't have a burned-out home marring the town after all. Still, they must have worked real fast to dig that thing out because digging up tree roots isn't easy, especially a big one like that. Also, what about Twilight's lab? Considering it was underground and behind a wall I'm sure that place is relatively intact still.

Heh, I just realized I walked away from the episode with more questions than I started with.

I'll be honest though, when they said they were going to make Twilight feel more at home, especially with all the "books, books, books" at the end, I was expecting them to fill the place up with bookshelves and such to make it more like a big crystal library. I'm sure she would've loved that.

Spoiler: Not exactly related to the episode, but... • show
...I hope that singing voice of Rainbow's carries over to her song later this season, because wow.  :3

Spoiler: show
Yeah, same, about the books! O: I was like "I see where this is going. :] You're gonna line the walls with bookshelves for her to start a library with."

I guess I kinda forgot that in EG2: Rainbow Rocks, Twilight had a huge stack of books delivered into her castle, so she already had a library in the castle. That, and didn't Rainbow Dash say, at the end of the episode, that she put Daring Do posters in Twilight's library?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Spoiler: show
So they managed to dig up the old library and made a chandelier out of it? I'd be a bit worried if that thing fell...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Jinxie Umbra

Spoiler: Episode 3 • show
Was not expecting that chandelier. But it was absolutely brilliant. All those memories contained within gems hanging off it? So beautiful! ^-^

Sunshine Smash

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2015 Apr 12, 10:07:11
Spoiler: Episode • show
Yeah, I didn't see the chandelier coming either. I'm kind of wondering how they got the memories for the gemstones. Did they have pictures taken the whole time and just embed them, or use some kind of memory spell to actually pull images and enchant the gems?

Also, I'm sure they did the mayor a favor by digging out the tree stump. Somepony was bound to have to do so eventually. Can't have a burned-out home marring the town after all. Still, they must have worked real fast to dig that thing out because digging up tree roots isn't easy, especially a big one like that. Also, what about Twilight's lab? Considering it was underground and behind a wall I'm sure that place is relatively intact still.

Heh, I just realized I walked away from the episode with more questions than I started with.

I'll be honest though, when they said they were going to make Twilight feel more at home, especially with all the "books, books, books" at the end, I was expecting them to fill the place up with bookshelves and such to make it more like a big crystal library. I'm sure she would've loved that.

Spoiler: Not exactly related to the episode, but... • show
...I hope that singing voice of Rainbow's carries over to her song later this season, because wow.  :3

Spoiler: show
I've heard people complain about it, but I honestly think it sounded really nice!

I'm also super hyped because I heard she's finally getting a solo song. I hope it comes soon, maybe in Tanks for the Memories.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


Here's my thoughts on Episode 3:

Spoiler: show
This one was pretty good. They at least tried to resolve the "controversy" (thought it wasn't a "controversy" to me...) that come out of the Season 4 finale for some people (myself obviously not being one of them).

I never had a problem with Twilight getting a castle. Her old home didn't deserve to be destroyed, but, villains are mean like that.  :l

Either way I liked this one as well. Whether or not it'll make the others who didn't enjoy what happened to Twilight's home getting destroyed and her getting a castle feel any better... well... that's up to those people I guess?

That's not the point though. The point is that I enjoyed this episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


2015 Apr 12, 18:23:52 #73 Last Edit: 2015 Apr 12, 18:28:01 by Dawnstar
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Apr 12, 11:08:27
Spoiler: show
Yeah, same, about the books! O: I was like "I see where this is going. :] You're gonna line the walls with bookshelves for her to start a library with."

I guess I kinda forgot that in EG2: Rainbow Rocks, Twilight had a huge stack of books delivered into her castle, so she already had a library in the castle. That, and didn't Rainbow Dash say, at the end of the episode, that she put Daring Do posters in Twilight's library?

Spoiler: show
Oh yeah, I forgot about that too. You see so little of it in the movie though so I guess it's ok that it got missed.

Granted some people don't exactly count the EQG universe as canon either.

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Apr 12, 13:28:54
Spoiler: show
So they managed to dig up the old library and made a chandelier out of it? I'd be a bit worried if that thing fell...

Spoiler: show
yeah, that was my thought too.

Quote from: Sunshine Smash on 2015 Apr 12, 17:13:36
Spoiler: show
I've heard people complain about it, but I honestly think it sounded really nice!

I'm also super hyped because I heard she's finally getting a solo song. I hope it comes soon, maybe in Tanks for the Memories.

Spoiler: show
Really? I'm kind of surprised. I've always thought she had a great singing voice even though there's always another singing with her.

Kind of why I'm looking forward to her having her own song, especially after how she sang in this episode. I have a feeling her upcoming song might actually knock Smile! out of first for my favorite show song. Tanks For The Memories does sound like a good episode for her to have a song in after reading that synopsis (I couldn't help but read that spoiler). Bonus points if she sings while letting her softer side show a little bit through that tough-girl attitude.


Spoiler: show
I CALLED IT!! I TOTALLY CALLED IT!! Princess Luna visited Apple Bloom in her dreams! As for how it built up with Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo in the dreamscape is what we may or may not have expected...!

As for Babs Seed, way to get her Cutie Mark, but then again, I think that may have been rushed or that it was her time coming... o.O


My thoughts on Episode 4:

Spoiler: show
I have to admit, I really liked this episode and what it was about.

I'd have to say that it's probably one of the few 'CMC' episodes that I really enjoyed watching. Right now, I'd say it's probably also my favorite 'CMC related' episode.

It's not even because of Luna. Luna certainly helped it, and so did the Vinyl Scratch and Octavia appearances, but the content of the episode was really good and a really good "lesson" or whatever you want to call it.

Yet another AMAZING episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Spoiler: show
Pretty straight forward episode I thought. The dream sequences were pretty obvious to me, but they were interesting anyway. They did bring up an interesting idea though about those ponies who don't get the cutie mark they were expecting or one they don't like.

I know I'm not the only person who thought the shadow was Starlight at first either, however improbable that would have actually been.

Also, I realize the actresses are growing up, but did anyone else notice how different the CMC sounded? I dunno, maybe it's because I had watched the Cutie Mark Chronicles from Season 1 the night before.

I do have to admit the whole nightmare thing's a bit foreign to me since I haven't had one myself in over a decade.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2015 Apr 19, 22:51:47
Spoiler: show
Pretty straight forward episode I thought. The dream sequences were pretty obvious to me, but they were interesting anyway. They did bring up an interesting idea though about those ponies who don't get the cutie mark they were expecting or one they don't like.

I know I'm not the only person who thought the shadow was Starlight at first either, however improbable that would have actually been.

Also, I realize the actresses are growing up, but did anyone else notice how different the CMC sounded? I dunno, maybe it's because I had watched the Cutie Mark Chronicles from Season 1 the night before.

I do have to admit the whole nightmare thing's a bit foreign to me since I haven't had one myself in over a decade.

Spoiler: show
Yeah, the nightmares especially got more obvious the more bizarre they got. Did anyone else notice, at one point, that Applejack had a bowl of purple punch on the table that had fish swimming in it? lol

I guess we can pass off their changing voices as the CMC themselves getting older. They need to start getting a little taller to match. I hope they're getting closer to getting their cutie marks.

Also, Babs Seed's cutie mark design is really cute. :3 The handle on the scissors is shaped like half an apple!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Jinxie Umbra

2015 Apr 22, 00:36:45 #78 Last Edit: 2015 Apr 24, 02:01:04 by KuddlyKalli
Spoiler: Season 5 Prediction • show
Spoiler: Major Spoiler, Possibly • show
G.M. Berrow's Celestia book may have dropped a subtle hint. I think we might meet a new alicorn this season. Possibly Princess Amore being restored? O:


Spoiler: My opinion on EP 5 • show
I really liked this episode, it was nice to see a different side of Rainbow, and how deeply she loves Tank. I also like her song, at first I thought "meh" but after listening to it some more times it got stuck in my head x3

The episode can be viewed here ( but will probably be taken down in a few moments.
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!

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