My OC: Sharp Sight/Specx

Started by Specx, 2012 Dec 24, 03:35:29

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So my friend, who goes by Zenryo on here, has been nagging me to get this up. This is my ponysona, my main OC. May make more.

Name: Sharp Sight (Goes by Specx as a kinda nickname)
Race: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: Black zigg-zaggy "S" with a blue comet like tail coming from it. It mainly represents his high use of magic. This is more of my kinda emblem than a cutie mark.

Bio: Canterlot wasn't always the city for the wealthy and the high class. In fact, 1000 years ago, the city was nothing more than a small clutter of various buildings. It was the capital of Equestria, but it sure wasn't as impressive as it is now. It was here and when, Sharp Sight, lived with his lower middle class artisan family. He always had an interest in magic and how it worked and what he could do with it. He also loved and respected the Princesses a great deal. Knowing this, his parents decided to take him to a celebration of this festival. It was a celebration of the night princess, Luna. When Celestia presented Luna to the crowd, he was the only one who noticed how sad and depressed she looked. During the celebration however, many of the members of the crowd yelled out and criticized Luna and complained about the darkness of night. They began throwing things at her. The Royal Night Guard almost immediately set in to control the rowdy ponies. He turned to look at Luna and saw her crying. It really broke his little colt heart. He decided that day to become a member of the Royal Night Guard, so he could be by Luna's side and make her happy.
   Many years passed since then. He had gained his cutie mark, he joined the Royal Guard, trained his magic to a near mastery level, and even was accepted to try out for the Night Watch. After much training in the night and learning spells that would benefit him in the dark, he was selected to take part in the Royal Body Guard Test. After competing with two other ponies for the position, he actually got the honor of becoming Princess Luna's personal body guard. He did his absolute best to make Luna happy. He was always cheery with her and even stayed up through the long hours of the night with her, skipping his sleeping break .He became her best, if not only friend. Sharp Sight later lost his parents in a very harsh winter. Their roof had caved in after a blizzard and the entire house was destroyed. After this tragedy, he spent even more time with Luna. Hiding his grief to keep her happy. They eventually grew closer, as he saw her as his only family afterward.
   Even though he tried so hard, he ultimately failed. Luna became Nightmare Moon and lashed out on her sister. Celestia blamed him for her sister's banishment and exiled him away from Canterlot in a fit of rage. Sharp Sight searched all across Equestria for a way to reunite himself with the only family he felt he had. He finally decided to take the risk and used his stealth magic to breach into the secret Canterlot archives. Here he found volumes of Start Swirl the Bearded's own personal journals. He read through all of them, learning magic he didn't even know existed. When he was discovered he used one of the new spells he had learned to escape. This magic enabled him to turn into a bolt of lightning and moving at the speed of light. He streaked passed the guards and out an opened window, towards an empty field, miles away. Within mere seconds, he was alone, in a wide field. He now knew magic, powerful enough to reunite him with Luna. He found a dark cave and sealed the entrance. He sat for many hours, motionless, focusing, meditating. After 10 hours of nothing, he finally was able to use it: a spell that could rip a hole in time itself. He tore a hole that would carry him roughly 1000 years into the future where, hopefully, Luna would be. Without a second thought, he threw himself into the rift, discarding any links he still had with this time period.

   It was sometime after the return of the Crystal Empire that Sharp Sight appeared in present-day Equestria. He appeared in Ponyville, in a wisp of light and dust. Upon emerging from the portal, other ponies pointed and starred. Who was this strange unicorn who wore worn-out and crushed armor? He began to explore the small town, which he later learned was built on the same field he had retreated to when he fled Canterlot. As he walked through town he was greeted by a very bouncy pink pony. She laughed and smiled as she welcomed him and pointed out his crumpled look. As she hopped off, he couldn't help but smile at her. When he had finally reached the edge of Ponyville, he noticed a purple unicorn mare, followed by a purple dragon, were following him. She trotted up to him but before either of them could speak they heard screams. Giant boulders where tumbling down a hill, directly towards Ponyville. Without hesitation they both snapped into a stance and used their magic to repel each rock one by one. With the crisis averted, they turned to each other to speak.  "Hi! My name is Twilight Sparkle! Who're you?" She asked. Before he could explain himself, he blacked out and fell to the ground. He had exhausted his mana.
   He awoke in Twilight's library, accompanied by Twilight, and her friends. He explained who he was and what he was there for. The six all agreed to help him complete his task. He got a new mane cut, new pair of shades, and Rarity even made him a neat blue coat. He traveled to Canterlot and confronted Celestia, who was very surprised to see him. During a heated argument of who's fault it was for what had happened to Luna, Luna actually barged in. She had heard the shouting and wondered what was going on. Both Luna and Sharp Sight were overjoyed in seeing each other. With Luna present and happy, Celestia dropped any accusations of him causing what happened to Luna. Sharp Sight had succeeded in his mission, he had been reunited with her whom he saw as family.
   A few months after his arrival in the future, he was summoned by Celestia and Luna. He was told that he was to become the 2nd in command of the new Elite Equestrian Guard. The group was given the task to keep all of Equestria safe from harm. Foreign or native. At this time he also so met Zenryo, the appointed leader of the EEG. They would later go on to become good friends and leaders in combat.

Personality Being a knight from 1000 years ago, he is very chivalrous and polite. Spending most of his time with Luna, his social skills aren't the best. He tends to keep quiet when alone in public situations and he acts very calm and relaxed. But in reality, he can be very outgoing as long as he's got friends around him.

Physical Features He is a tall and skinny stallion. He wears a navy blue collared jacket and a pair of blue shades. His mane is black and blue while his coat is a light grey. He is only slightly above average physically and relies mostly upon his magic in combat. His strength is just slightly more of an average stallion and his stamina is mediocre at best.

Magical Abilities Where he lacks in strength, he makes up for in magic. He is very adept in his magical abilities. He mainly focuses on stealth related magic and enchanting/binding objects. Though he is running test on some time manipulation magic and is still trying to take full control of the Lightning Body-Bolt spell he learned from Star Swirl's notes.
He has one high level spell that he learned upon becoming Luna's body guard. He only uses it when in dire need. The spell Vida Nocturna, which grants him temporary bat wings and increases his physical power 5 times over. This spell eats mana so he can only hold the form for up to an hour. The longer the time spent using the spell however, the greater the back-lash afterwards. If used too long, he will actually pass out from exhaustion and need help from friends and allies to recover.

Relations to canon characters Twilight- Although he doesn't interact with her regularly, he respects Twilight a great deal. He believes that she will surpass him in magical prowess and may become the next Star Swirl.

Pinkie- He has a huge crush on her. As he used to spend most of his time trying to make Luna happy, he finds it refreshing to know somepony who makes him happy. He wishes he had good excuses to spend time with her.

Princess Luna- He views Luna as a sort of sister whom he wants to protect. After coming to the future and seeing how many new friends she has, he has learned to let go a little and spends more time for himself.

Princess Celestia- Though once she blamed him for Luna's downfall, she has forgiven him and they have established a steady friendship. She calls on him from time to time for missions from the EEG.

Presently Sharp Sight goes by Specx and has become the 2nd in command of the Elite Equestrian Guard. He's lived in the present for roughly a year Although he is welcome at the royal palace, he has a small cottage on the edge of Ponyville. He has a huge crush on Pinkie and is very bad at hiding it. He is currently  traveling Equestria, searching for ways to increase his pool and handling of mana.

Sorry for the long read.  >.< But please, I'd really like feed back! What do you guys think? :D

Gracie Sky

 :I I'm not even sure where to start on this one.

First off, he looks like somepony out of The Matrix, not that it's a bad thing. I can't say I'm fond of the progression of his story. Time Travelling is always a dangerous frontier to take a character through. As far as I'm aware, Twilight Sparkle managed to go back in time by 1 week for about 30 seconds before being teleported back only because she learned the technique from a scroll. Oh, conveniently this spell could only be cast once. You have an elite magician royal guard of Luna, who is very interested in making Luna happy, who knows stealth, learned how to travel at lightening speed, and figured out 1000 years worth of time travel in 10 hours... of meditating. I think you may have a pony who is too powerful for his own good.

And the way you just introduce him casually into the lives of the mane 6 is also a little unsettling for me. And I don't know if "mana" is canon quite yet. I'm not exactly sure what the unit of magic in Equestria is, so there's no need to change it for the time being.

I'll let you address these issues before I bring up anymore that may exist. Overall, though, I can see you've put a lot of work into the OC, which is admirable.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


quite honestly in my opinion i dont see much a problem with his oc obviously twilight isnt the only pony capable of time travel or there wouldnt be a spell for it to begin with, the fact that he was exhausted afterward and severly weakened means it wasnt op and also not something likely for him to be able to do again , furthermore the time he came to ponyville goes along with when the main six would be there so meeting them isnt exactly that impossible especially since if he passed out no pony would just leave him there, also if he used a time spell after the meditation he may have been able to use the spell without knowing the EXACT time and date hed be put in and just out of a whim of chance he ended up there in that time , so i dont think it is very much at all , also mana , energy etc. are just referals to magic stores it has many names and alot of people use mana as the word for it , because one doesnt run out of magic they run out of the means of which to cast it ...... but thats just my opinion


Thanks you both for your input. Gracie, I can see how you find my OC too powerful. I did forget to mention, he has not mastered that lightning spell. He was chased out before he could finish reading the journal. He can only use it to travel through Equestria, and not even accurately at that. Say he's in the Crystal Empire and he needs to get to Ponyville, he'd probably land somewhere in the Everfree forest. And in addition to not being very precise, he will be totally exhausted upon reaching his landing point. Not to mention that he then has to walk to his actual intended destination after landing. Now as for the time travel spell; he had to meditate for hours in order to charge enough power to use it. Honestly not a fun experience. Really not something he'd like to use multiple times. Now as for Twilight using what I believe to be a different spell, in my head she is a magical prodigy. Season 3 seems to be going far more into the magical study than past seasons. Twilight was able to use the age changing spell in Magic Dual. Even if it was for a few seconds. Consulting the "mana" thing; if there is no mana, or a force like it, how do unicorns use magic? Do they just have an unlimited amount of magic they can use. Giving Specx a mana pool that once expended, has to be given time to refill, making him a lot less powerful than you claim he is. I'll give you the time manipulation spells however. That is pushing the boundaries of his power a tad bit. And just as a last thing, I made him look the way he is because I love the Matrix. I'm rather into that style and dress slightly similar in real life, except, my hair is more poofy, not spikey. Still, thanks a lot for your input. I'd like to see a few more people's opinions before I make any drastic changes.

Gracie Sky

Just thought I'd point out that Twilight cannot use the Age Changing spell at all. Only Trixie with the Alicorn Amulet can, although Twilight can make it appear as though she can perform the spell.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


Oops, my mistake. I re-watched that part of the episode and saw that I was wrong. I thought Twilight had succeeded in changing Snips and Snails back to their original age, but only for a split second.


she did how ever revert that flower from open to a bud but for only a second before it reverted back

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